require 'marcel' require 'rubyXL' require 'rubyXL/convenience_methods/cell' require 'rubyXL/convenience_methods/worksheet' require 'zip' module BerkeleyLibrary module Util module XLSX # Convenience wrapper RubyXL::Workbook class Spreadsheet # .xlsx format, a.k.a. "Office Open XML Workbook" spreadsheet MIME_TYPE_OOXML_WB = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'.freeze # path to Excel worksheet file in zipped OOXML archive RE_EXCEL_WORKSHEET_ZIP_ENTRY = %r{^xl/worksheets/[^/.]+\.xml$} DEFAULT_WORKSHEET_NAME = 'Sheet1'.freeze attr_reader :workbook, :xlsx_path delegate :stream, to: :workbook def initialize(xlsx_path = nil) @workbook = xlsx_path ? ensure_xlsx_workbook!(xlsx_path) : @xlsx_path = xlsx_path end def save_as(new_xlsx_path) workbook.write(new_xlsx_path) @xlsx_path = new_xlsx_path end def worksheet @worksheet ||= workbook.worksheets[0] end def header_row @header_row ||= (hr = worksheet[0]) ? hr : worksheet.add_row end def find_column_index_by_header(header) find_column_index(header_row, header) end def find_column_index_by_header!(header) c_index = find_column_index_by_header(header) return c_index if c_index raise ArgumentError, "#{header.inspect} column not found" end def find_column_index(row, *args) case args.size when 0 (0...row.size).find { |c_index| yield row[c_index] } when 1 find_column_index(row) { |cell| cell&.value == args[0] } else raise ArgumentError, "Wrong number of arguments (given #{args.size}, expected 0..1" end end def each_value(c_index, include_header: true) return to_enum(:each_value, c_index, include_header:) unless block_given? start_index = include_header ? 0 : 1 (start_index...row_count).each do |r_index| yield value_at(r_index, c_index) end end def cell_at(r_index, c_index) return unless (row = worksheet[r_index]) row[c_index] end def value_at(r_index, c_index) return unless (cell = cell_at(r_index, c_index)) cell.value end def set_value_at(r_index, c_index, value) if (cell = cell_at(r_index, c_index)) cell.change_contents(value) else worksheet.add_cell(r_index, c_index, value) end end def rows sheet_data.rows end def row_count sheet_data.size end def column_count(r_index = nil) if r_index return (row = worksheet[r_index]) ? row.size : 0 end rows.inject(0) do |cc_max, r| r ? [r.size, cc_max].max : cc_max end end def ensure_column!(header) c_index_existing = find_column_index_by_header(header) return c_index_existing if c_index_existing column_count.tap { |cc| worksheet.insert_cell(0, cc, header) } end private def sheet_data worksheet.sheet_data end def ensure_xlsx_workbook!(xlsx_path) # RubyXL will try to parse an Excel 95 or 97 file (which are still) # zip-based) but then choke when it tries to read the worksheet, so # we explicitly check the MIME type here check_mime_type!(xlsx_path) RubyXL::Parser.parse(xlsx_path) end def check_mime_type!(xlsx_path) xlsx_pathname = mime_type = Marcel::MimeType.for(xlsx_pathname) # TODO: test w/application/ return if Marcel::Magic.child?(mime_type, MIME_TYPE_OOXML_WB) # Marcel fails to recognize some OOXML files, probably due to unexpected entry order # and/or large entries pushing the signature it's looking for too deep into the file return ensure_xlsx!(xlsx_path) if Marcel::Magic.child?(mime_type, 'application/zip') raise ArgumentError, "Expected Excel Workbook (.xlsx), got #{mime_type}: #{xlsx_path}" end def ensure_xlsx!(zipfile_path) return if { |zf| zf.any? { |e| =~ RE_EXCEL_WORKSHEET_ZIP_ENTRY } } raise ArgumentError, "No Excel worksheets found in ZIP archive #{zipfile_path}" end end end end end