require 'fileutils' require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda' require 'mocha' require 'open-uri' require 'juicer' begin require 'turn' rescue LoadError => err puts "Protip: Install turn gem for better test reports. #{err.message}" end if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" require 'redgreen' if ENV['TM_DIRECTORY'].nil? end $data_dir = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "data") Juicer.send(:remove_const, :LOGGER) Juicer::LOGGER = # Prefixes paths with the data dir def path(path) File.join($data_dir, path) end # Allow for testing of private methods inside a block: # # MyClass.publicize_methods do # assert MyClass.some_private_method # end class Class def publicize_methods saved_private_instance_methods = self.private_instance_methods self.class_eval { public(*saved_private_instance_methods) } yield self.class_eval { private(*saved_private_instance_methods) } end end # # Intercept calls to open, and return local files # module Kernel private alias juicer_original_open open # :nodoc: def open(name, *rest, &block) if name =~ /http.+yuicompressor-(\d\.\d\.\d)\.zip$/ name = File.join($data_dir, "..", "bin", "yuicompressor-#{$1}.zip") elsif name =~ /http:\/\/yuilibrary\.com\/download/ name = File.join($data_dir, "../fixtures/yui-download.html") elsif name =~ /http.+yuicompressor/ name = File.join($data_dir, "..", "bin", "yuicompressor") elsif name =~ /http.+jslint/ name = File.join($data_dir, "..", "bin", "jslint.js") elsif name =~ /ftp.+rhino(.+)\.zip/ name = File.join($data_dir, "..", "bin", "rhino#{$1}.zip") end juicer_original_open(File.expand_path(name), *rest, &block) end module_function :open end module Juicer module Test # Alot of Juicer functionality are filesystem operations. This class sets up files # to work on class FileSetup attr_reader :file_count def initialize(dir = $data_dir) @dir = dir @file_count = 0 end # Recursively deletes the data directory def delete res = FileUtils.rm_rf(@dir) if File.exist?(@dir) end # Set up files for unit tests def create(force = false) return if File.exist?(@dir) && !force delete if File.exist?(@dir) mkdir @dir mkfile(@dir, 'a.css', "@import 'b.css';\n\n/* Dette er a.css */") mkfile(@dir, 'a.js', "/**\n * @depend b.js\n */\n\n/* Dette er a.js */") mkfile(@dir, 'b.css', "/* Dette er b.css */") mkfile(@dir, 'b.js', "/**\n * @depends a.js\n */\n\n/* Dette er b.css */") mkfile(@dir, 'a1.css', "@import\t'b1.css';\n@import 'c1.css';\nbody {\n width: 800px;\n}\n") mkfile(@dir, 'b1.css', "@import url('d1.css');\n\nhtml {\n background: red;\n}\n") mkfile(@dir, 'b2.css', "@import url(\"d1.css\");\n\nhtml {\n background: red;\n}\n") mkfile(@dir, 'c1.css', "h1 {\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n") mkfile(@dir, 'd1.css', "h2 {\n font-size: 10px;\n}\n") mkfile(@dir, 'ok.js', "function hey() {\n return \"Hey\";\n}\n") mkfile(@dir, 'not-ok.js', "var a = 34\nb = 78;\n") images = mkdir File.join(@dir, "images") mkfile(images, '1.png', "") css_dir = mkdir File.join(@dir, "css") mkfile(css_dir, '2.gif', "") css = <<-CSS body { background: url(../images/1.png); } h1 { background: url('../a1.css') 0 0 no-repeat; } h2 { background: url("2.gif") no-repeat; } p { background: url(2.gif) no-repeat; } CSS mkfile(css_dir, 'test.css', css) mkfile(css_dir, 'test2.css', "body { background: url(/images/1.png); }") mkfile(@dir, 'path_test.css', "@import 'css/test.css';\n\nbody {\n background: url(css/2.gif) no-repeat;\n}\n") css = <<-CSS body { background: url(/images/1.png); } h1 { background: url(/css/2.gif); background: url(/a1.css) 0 0 no-repeat; } h2 { background: url(/css/2.gif) no-repeat; } p { background: url(/a2.css); } CSS mkfile(@dir, 'path_test2.css', css) css = <<-CSS body { background: url(http://assets1/images/1.png); } h1 { background: url(http://assets2/css/2.gif); background: url(http://assets3/a1.css) 0 0 no-repeat; } h2 { background: url(http://assets2/css/2.gif) no-repeat; } CSS mkfile(css_dir, 'test3.css', css) mkfile(@dir, 'Changelog.txt', "2008.02.09 | stb-base 1.29\n\nFEATURE: Core | Bla bla bla bla bla\nFEATURE: UI: | Bla bla bla bla bla\n\n\n2008.02.09 | stb-base 1.29\n\nFEATURE: Core | Bla bla bla bla bla\nFEATURE: UI: | Bla bla bla bla bla\n") # my_app.js depends on the pkg directory mkfile(@dir, "my_app.js", "// @depend pkg\n var myApp = pkg.a;") # package directory contains pkg.js, module/moda.js, and module/modb.js # moda.js depends on ../pkg.js # modb.js depends on moda.js and ../pkg.js pkg_dir = mkdir File.join(@dir, "pkg") module_dir = mkdir File.join(pkg_dir, "module") mkfile(pkg_dir, "pkg.js", "var pkg = {};") mkfile(module_dir, "moda.js", "// @depend ../pkg.js\npkg.a = '';") mkfile(module_dir, "modb.js", "// @depend ../pkg.js\n// @depend moda.js\npkg.b = '';") end private # Create a file def mkfile(parent, name, content) file =, name), 'w+') { |f| f.puts content } @file_count += 1 end def mkdir(dir) FileUtils.mkdir(dir) @file_count += 1 dir end end end end