This enumeration defines the color spaces that are supported by the gdk-pixbuf library. Currently only RGB is supported. Indicates a red/green/blue additive color space. This enumeration describes the different interpolation modes that can be used with the scaling functions. @GDK_INTERP_NEAREST is the fastest scaling method, but has horrible quality when scaling down. @GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR is the best choice if you aren't sure what to choose, it has a good speed/quality balance. <note> Cubic filtering is missing from the list; hyperbolic interpolation is just as fast and results in higher quality. </note> Nearest neighbor sampling; this is the fastest and lowest quality mode. Quality is normally unacceptable when scaling down, but may be OK when scaling up. This is an accurate simulation of the PostScript image operator without any interpolation enabled. Each pixel is rendered as a tiny parallelogram of solid color, the edges of which are implemented with antialiasing. It resembles nearest neighbor for enlargement, and bilinear for reduction. Best quality/speed balance; use this mode by default. Bilinear interpolation. For enlargement, it is equivalent to point-sampling the ideal bilinear-interpolated image. For reduction, it is equivalent to laying down small tiles and integrating over the coverage area. This is the slowest and highest quality reconstruction function. It is derived from the hyperbolic filters in Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping", and is formally defined as the hyperbolic-filter sampling the ideal hyperbolic-filter interpolated image (the filter is designed to be idempotent for 1:1 pixel mapping). Magic number for #GdkPixdata structures. Major version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "0" in "0.8.2" for example. Micro version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "2" in "0.8.2" for example. Minor version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "8" in "0.8.2" for example. Contains the full version of the gdk-pixbuf header as a string. This is the version being compiled against; contrast with #gdk_pixbuf_version. The length of a #GdkPixdata structure without the @pixel_data pointer. This is the main structure in the gdk-pixbuf library. It is used to represent images. It contains information about the image's pixel data, its color space, bits per sample, width and height, and the rowstride (the number of bytes between the start of one row and the start of the next). Creates a new #GdkPixbuf structure and allocates a buffer for it. The buffer has an optimal rowstride. Note that the buffer is not cleared; you will have to fill it completely yourself. A newly-created #GdkPixbuf with a reference count of 1, or %NULL if not enough memory could be allocated for the image buffer. Color space for image Whether the image should have transparency information Number of bits per color sample Width of image in pixels, must be > 0 Height of image in pixels, must be > 0 Creates a new #GdkPixbuf out of in-memory image data. Currently only RGB images with 8 bits per sample are supported. A newly-created #GdkPixbuf structure with a reference count of 1. Image data in 8-bit/sample packed format Colorspace for the image data Whether the data has an opacity channel Number of bits per sample Width of the image in pixels, must be > 0 Height of the image in pixels, must be > 0 Distance in bytes between row starts Function used to free the data when the pixbuf's reference count drops to zero, or %NULL if the data should not be freed Closure data to pass to the destroy notification function Create a #GdkPixbuf from a flat representation that is suitable for storing as inline data in a program. This is useful if you want to ship a program with images, but don't want to depend on any external files. gdk-pixbuf ships with a program called [gdk-pixbuf-csource][gdk-pixbuf-csource], which allows for conversion of #GdkPixbufs into such a inline representation. In almost all cases, you should pass the `--raw` option to `gdk-pixbuf-csource`. A sample invocation would be: |[ gdk-pixbuf-csource --raw --name=myimage_inline myimage.png ]| For the typical case where the inline pixbuf is read-only static data, you don't need to copy the pixel data unless you intend to write to it, so you can pass %FALSE for @copy_pixels. (If you pass `--rle` to `gdk-pixbuf-csource`, a copy will be made even if @copy_pixels is %FALSE, so using this option is generally a bad idea.) If you create a pixbuf from const inline data compiled into your program, it's probably safe to ignore errors and disable length checks, since things will always succeed: |[ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1, myimage_inline, FALSE, NULL); ]| For non-const inline data, you could get out of memory. For untrusted inline data located at runtime, you could have corrupt inline data in addition. A newly-created #GdkPixbuf structure with a reference, count of 1, or %NULL if an error occurred. Length in bytes of the @data argument or -1 to disable length checks Byte data containing a serialized #GdkPixdata structure Whether to copy the pixel data, or use direct pointers @data for the resulting pixbuf Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an resource. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. A newly-created pixbuf, or %NULL if any of several error conditions occurred: the file could not be opened, the image format is not supported, there was not enough memory to allocate the image buffer, the stream contained invalid data, or the operation was cancelled. the path of the resource file Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an resource. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. The image will be scaled to fit in the requested size, optionally preserving the image's aspect ratio. When preserving the aspect ratio, a @width of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given height, and a @height of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given width. When not preserving aspect ratio, a @width or @height of -1 means to not scale the image at all in that dimension. The stream is not closed. A newly-created pixbuf, or %NULL if any of several error conditions occurred: the file could not be opened, the image format is not supported, there was not enough memory to allocate the image buffer, the stream contained invalid data, or the operation was cancelled. the path of the resource file The width the image should have or -1 to not constrain the width The height the image should have or -1 to not constrain the height %TRUE to preserve the image's aspect ratio Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. The @cancellable can be used to abort the operation from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned. Other possible errors are in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR and %G_IO_ERROR domains. The stream is not closed. A newly-created pixbuf, or %NULL if any of several error conditions occurred: the file could not be opened, the image format is not supported, there was not enough memory to allocate the image buffer, the stream contained invalid data, or the operation was cancelled. a #GInputStream to load the pixbuf from optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. The @cancellable can be used to abort the operation from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned. Other possible errors are in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR and %G_IO_ERROR domains. The image will be scaled to fit in the requested size, optionally preserving the image's aspect ratio. When preserving the aspect ratio, a @width of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given height, and a @height of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given width. If both @width and @height are given, this function will behave as if the smaller of the two values is passed as -1. When not preserving aspect ratio, a @width or @height of -1 means to not scale the image at all in that dimension. The stream is not closed. A newly-created pixbuf, or %NULL if any of several error conditions occurred: the file could not be opened, the image format is not supported, there was not enough memory to allocate the image buffer, the stream contained invalid data, or the operation was cancelled. a #GInputStream to load the pixbuf from The width the image should have or -1 to not constrain the width The height the image should have or -1 to not constrain the height %TRUE to preserve the image's aspect ratio optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf creation operation started with gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_async(). a #GdkPixbuf or %NULL on error. Free the returned object with g_object_unref(). a #GAsyncResult Creates a new pixbuf by parsing XPM data in memory. This data is commonly the result of including an XPM file into a program's C source. A newly-created pixbuf with a reference count of 1. Pointer to inline XPM data. Converts a #GdkPixdata to a #GdkPixbuf. If @copy_pixels is %TRUE or if the pixel data is run-length-encoded, the pixel data is copied into newly-allocated memory; otherwise it is reused. a new #GdkPixbuf. a #GdkPixdata to convert into a #GdkPixbuf. whether to copy raw pixel data; run-length encoded pixel data is always copied. Parses an image file far enough to determine its format and size. A #GdkPixbufFormat describing the image format of the file or %NULL if the image format wasn't recognized. The return value is owned by #GdkPixbuf and should not be freed. The name of the file to identify. Return location for the width of the image, or %NULL Return location for the height of the image, or %NULL Obtains the available information about the image formats supported by GdkPixbuf. A list of #GdkPixbufFormats describing the supported image formats. The list should be freed when it is no longer needed, but the structures themselves are owned by #GdkPixbuf and should not be freed. Creates a new pixbuf by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream. For more details see gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream(), which is the synchronous version of this function. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called in the main thread. You can then call gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #GInputStream from which to load the pixbuf optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the the pixbuf is loaded the data to pass to the callback function Creates a new pixbuf by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream. For more details see gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_at_scale(), which is the synchronous version of this function. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called in the main thread. You can then call gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #GInputStream from which to load the pixbuf the width the image should have or -1 to not constrain the width the height the image should have or -1 to not constrain the height %TRUE to preserve the image's aspect ratio optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the the pixbuf is loaded the data to pass to the callback function Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf save operation started with gdk_pixbuf_save_to_stream_async(). %TRUE if the pixbuf was saved successfully, %FALSE if an error was set. a #GAsyncResult Takes an existing pixbuf and adds an alpha channel to it. If the existing pixbuf already had an alpha channel, the channel values are copied from the original; otherwise, the alpha channel is initialized to 255 (full opacity). If @substitute_color is %TRUE, then the color specified by (@r, @g, @b) will be assigned zero opacity. That is, if you pass (255, 255, 255) for the substitute color, all white pixels will become fully transparent. A newly-created pixbuf with a reference count of 1. A #GdkPixbuf. Whether to set a color to zero opacity. If this is %FALSE, then the (@r, @g, @b) arguments will be ignored. Red value to substitute. Green value to substitute. Blue value to substitute. Takes an existing pixbuf and checks for the presence of an associated "orientation" option, which may be provided by the jpeg loader (which reads the exif orientation tag) or the tiff loader (which reads the tiff orientation tag, and compensates it for the partial transforms performed by libtiff). If an orientation option/tag is present, the appropriate transform will be performed so that the pixbuf is oriented correctly. A newly-created pixbuf, or a reference to the input pixbuf (with an increased reference count). A #GdkPixbuf. Creates a transformation of the source image @src by scaling by @scale_x and @scale_y then translating by @offset_x and @offset_y. This gives an image in the coordinates of the destination pixbuf. The rectangle (@dest_x, @dest_y, @dest_width, @dest_height) is then composited onto the corresponding rectangle of the original destination image. When the destination rectangle contains parts not in the source image, the data at the edges of the source image is replicated to infinity. ![](composite.png) a #GdkPixbuf the #GdkPixbuf into which to render the results the left coordinate for region to render the top coordinate for region to render the width of the region to render the height of the region to render the offset in the X direction (currently rounded to an integer) the offset in the Y direction (currently rounded to an integer) the scale factor in the X direction the scale factor in the Y direction the interpolation type for the transformation. overall alpha for source image (0..255) Creates a transformation of the source image @src by scaling by @scale_x and @scale_y then translating by @offset_x and @offset_y, then composites the rectangle (@dest_x ,@dest_y, @dest_width, @dest_height) of the resulting image with a checkboard of the colors @color1 and @color2 and renders it onto the destination image. See gdk_pixbuf_composite_color_simple() for a simpler variant of this function suitable for many tasks. a #GdkPixbuf the #GdkPixbuf into which to render the results the left coordinate for region to render the top coordinate for region to render the width of the region to render the height of the region to render the offset in the X direction (currently rounded to an integer) the offset in the Y direction (currently rounded to an integer) the scale factor in the X direction the scale factor in the Y direction the interpolation type for the transformation. overall alpha for source image (0..255) the X offset for the checkboard (origin of checkboard is at -@check_x, -@check_y) the Y offset for the checkboard the size of checks in the checkboard (must be a power of two) the color of check at upper left the color of the other check Creates a new #GdkPixbuf by scaling @src to @dest_width x @dest_height and compositing the result with a checkboard of colors @color1 and @color2. the new #GdkPixbuf, or %NULL if not enough memory could be allocated for it. a #GdkPixbuf the width of destination image the height of destination image the interpolation type for the transformation. overall alpha for source image (0..255) the size of checks in the checkboard (must be a power of two) the color of check at upper left the color of the other check Creates a new #GdkPixbuf with a copy of the information in the specified @pixbuf. A newly-created pixbuf with a reference count of 1, or %NULL if not enough memory could be allocated. A pixbuf. Copies a rectangular area from @src_pixbuf to @dest_pixbuf. Conversion of pixbuf formats is done automatically. If the source rectangle overlaps the destination rectangle on the same pixbuf, it will be overwritten during the copy operation. Therefore, you can not use this function to scroll a pixbuf. Source pixbuf. Source X coordinate within @src_pixbuf. Source Y coordinate within @src_pixbuf. Width of the area to copy. Height of the area to copy. Destination pixbuf. X coordinate within @dest_pixbuf. Y coordinate within @dest_pixbuf. Clears a pixbuf to the given RGBA value, converting the RGBA value into the pixbuf's pixel format. The alpha will be ignored if the pixbuf doesn't have an alpha channel. a #GdkPixbuf RGBA pixel to clear to (0xffffffff is opaque white, 0x00000000 transparent black) Flips a pixbuf horizontally or vertically and returns the result in a new pixbuf. the new #GdkPixbuf, or %NULL if not enough memory could be allocated for it. a #GdkPixbuf %TRUE to flip horizontally, %FALSE to flip vertically Queries the number of bits per color sample in a pixbuf. Number of bits per color sample. A pixbuf. Returns the length of the pixel data, in bytes. The length of the pixel data. A pixbuf Queries the color space of a pixbuf. Color space. A pixbuf. Queries whether a pixbuf has an alpha channel (opacity information). %TRUE if it has an alpha channel, %FALSE otherwise. A pixbuf. Queries the height of a pixbuf. Height in pixels. A pixbuf. Queries the number of channels of a pixbuf. Number of channels. A pixbuf. Looks up @key in the list of options that may have been attached to the @pixbuf when it was loaded, or that may have been attached by another function using gdk_pixbuf_set_option(). For instance, the ANI loader provides "Title" and "Artist" options. The ICO, XBM, and XPM loaders provide "x_hot" and "y_hot" hot-spot options for cursor definitions. The PNG loader provides the tEXt ancillary chunk key/value pairs as options. Since 2.12, the TIFF and JPEG loaders return an "orientation" option string that corresponds to the embedded TIFF/Exif orientation tag (if present). the value associated with @key. This is a nul-terminated string that should not be freed or %NULL if @key was not found. a #GdkPixbuf a nul-terminated string. Queries a pointer to the pixel data of a pixbuf. A pointer to the pixbuf's pixel data. Please see the section on [image data](image-data) for information about how the pixel data is stored in memory. A pixbuf. Queries a pointer to the pixel data of a pixbuf. A pointer to the pixbuf's pixel data. Please see the section on [image data](image-data) for information about how the pixel data is stored in memory. A pixbuf. The length of the binary data. Queries the rowstride of a pixbuf, which is the number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row. Distance between row starts. A pixbuf. Queries the width of a pixbuf. Width in pixels. A pixbuf. Creates a new pixbuf which represents a sub-region of @src_pixbuf. The new pixbuf shares its pixels with the original pixbuf, so writing to one affects both. The new pixbuf holds a reference to @src_pixbuf, so @src_pixbuf will not be finalized until the new pixbuf is finalized. a new pixbuf a #GdkPixbuf X coord in @src_pixbuf Y coord in @src_pixbuf width of region in @src_pixbuf height of region in @src_pixbuf Adds a reference to a pixbuf. Use g_object_ref(). The same as the @pixbuf argument. A pixbuf. Rotates a pixbuf by a multiple of 90 degrees, and returns the result in a new pixbuf. the new #GdkPixbuf, or %NULL if not enough memory could be allocated for it. a #GdkPixbuf the angle to rotate by Modifies saturation and optionally pixelates @src, placing the result in @dest. @src and @dest may be the same pixbuf with no ill effects. If @saturation is 1.0 then saturation is not changed. If it's less than 1.0, saturation is reduced (the image turns toward grayscale); if greater than 1.0, saturation is increased (the image gets more vivid colors). If @pixelate is %TRUE, then pixels are faded in a checkerboard pattern to create a pixelated image. @src and @dest must have the same image format, size, and rowstride. source image place to write modified version of @src saturation factor whether to pixelate Saves pixbuf to a new buffer in format @type, which is currently "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "ico" or "bmp". This is a convenience function that uses gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback() to do the real work. Note that the buffer is not nul-terminated and may contain embedded nuls. If @error is set, %FALSE will be returned and @buffer will be set to %NULL. Possible errors include those in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR domain. See gdk_pixbuf_save() for more details. whether an error was set a #GdkPixbuf. location to receive a pointer to the new buffer. location to receive the size of the new buffer. name of file format. return location for error, or %NULL list of key-value save options Saves pixbuf to a new buffer in format @type, which is currently "jpeg", "tiff", "png", "ico" or "bmp". See gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer() for more details. whether an error was set a #GdkPixbuf. location to receive a pointer to the new buffer. location to receive the size of the new buffer. name of file format. name of options to set, %NULL-terminated values for named options Saves pixbuf in format @type by feeding the produced data to a callback. Can be used when you want to store the image to something other than a file, such as an in-memory buffer or a socket. If @error is set, %FALSE will be returned. Possible errors include those in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR domain and whatever the save function generates. See gdk_pixbuf_save() for more details. whether an error was set a #GdkPixbuf. a function that is called to save each block of data that the save routine generates. user data to pass to the save function. name of file format. return location for error, or %NULL list of key-value save options Saves pixbuf to a callback in format @type, which is currently "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "ico" or "bmp". If @error is set, %FALSE will be returned. See gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback () for more details. whether an error was set a #GdkPixbuf. a function that is called to save each block of data that the save routine generates. user data to pass to the save function. name of file format. name of options to set, %NULL-terminated values for named options Saves @pixbuf to an output stream. Supported file formats are currently "jpeg", "tiff", "png", "ico" or "bmp". See gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer() for more details. The @cancellable can be used to abort the operation from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned. Other possible errors are in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR and %G_IO_ERROR domains. The stream is not closed. %TRUE if the pixbuf was saved successfully, %FALSE if an error was set. a #GdkPixbuf a #GOutputStream to save the pixbuf to name of file format optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore return location for error, or %NULL list of key-value save options Saves @pixbuf to an output stream asynchronously. For more details see gdk_pixbuf_save_to_stream(), which is the synchronous version of this function. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called in the main thread. You can then call gdk_pixbuf_save_to_stream_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #GdkPixbuf a #GOutputStream to which to save the pixbuf name of file format optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the the pixbuf is loaded the data to pass to the callback function list of key-value save options Creates a transformation of the source image @src by scaling by @scale_x and @scale_y then translating by @offset_x and @offset_y, then renders the rectangle (@dest_x, @dest_y, @dest_width, @dest_height) of the resulting image onto the destination image replacing the previous contents. Try to use gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple() first, this function is the industrial-strength power tool you can fall back to if gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple() isn't powerful enough. If the source rectangle overlaps the destination rectangle on the same pixbuf, it will be overwritten during the scaling which results in rendering artifacts. a #GdkPixbuf the #GdkPixbuf into which to render the results the left coordinate for region to render the top coordinate for region to render the width of the region to render the height of the region to render the offset in the X direction (currently rounded to an integer) the offset in the Y direction (currently rounded to an integer) the scale factor in the X direction the scale factor in the Y direction the interpolation type for the transformation. Create a new #GdkPixbuf containing a copy of @src scaled to @dest_width x @dest_height. Leaves @src unaffected. @interp_type should be #GDK_INTERP_NEAREST if you want maximum speed (but when scaling down #GDK_INTERP_NEAREST is usually unusably ugly). The default @interp_type should be #GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR which offers reasonable quality and speed. You can scale a sub-portion of @src by creating a sub-pixbuf pointing into @src; see gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf(). For more complicated scaling/compositing see gdk_pixbuf_scale() and gdk_pixbuf_composite(). the new #GdkPixbuf, or %NULL if not enough memory could be allocated for it. a #GdkPixbuf the width of destination image the height of destination image the interpolation type for the transformation. Removes a reference from a pixbuf. Use g_object_unref(). A pixbuf. The number of bits per sample. Currently only 8 bit per sample are supported. The number of samples per pixel. Currently, only 3 or 4 samples per pixel are supported. The number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row. This number must (obviously) be at least as large as the width of the pixbuf. These values can be passed to gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable_alpha() to control how the alpha channel of an image should be handled. This function can create a bilevel clipping mask (black and white) and use it while painting the image. In the future, when the X Window System gets an alpha channel extension, it will be possible to do full alpha compositing onto arbitrary drawables. For now both cases fall back to a bilevel clipping mask. A bilevel clipping mask (black and white) will be created and used to draw the image. Pixels below 0.5 opacity will be considered fully transparent, and all others will be considered fully opaque. For now falls back to #GDK_PIXBUF_ALPHA_BILEVEL. In the future it will do full alpha compositing. An opaque struct representing an animation. Creates a new pixbuf animation by loading an image from an resource. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. A newly-created animation, or %NULL if any of several error conditions occurred: the file could not be opened, the image format is not supported, there was not enough memory to allocate the image buffer, the stream contained invalid data, or the operation was cancelled. the path of the resource file Creates a new animation by loading it from an input stream. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. The @cancellable can be used to abort the operation from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned. Other possible errors are in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR and %G_IO_ERROR domains. The stream is not closed. A newly-created pixbuf, or %NULL if any of several error conditions occurred: the file could not be opened, the image format is not supported, there was not enough memory to allocate the image buffer, the stream contained invalid data, or the operation was cancelled. a #GInputStream to load the pixbuf from optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf animation creation operation started with gdk_pixbuf_animation_new_from_stream_async(). a #GdkPixbufAnimation or %NULL on error. Free the returned object with g_object_unref(). a #GAsyncResult Creates a new animation by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream. For more details see gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream(), which is the synchronous version of this function. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called in the main thread. You can then call gdk_pixbuf_animation_new_from_stream_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #GInputStream from which to load the animation optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the the pixbuf is loaded the data to pass to the callback function Queries the height of the bounding box of a pixbuf animation. Height of the bounding box of the animation. An animation. Get an iterator for displaying an animation. The iterator provides the frames that should be displayed at a given time. It should be freed after use with g_object_unref(). @start_time would normally come from g_get_current_time(), and marks the beginning of animation playback. After creating an iterator, you should immediately display the pixbuf returned by gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_pixbuf(). Then, you should install a timeout (with g_timeout_add()) or by some other mechanism ensure that you'll update the image after gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_delay_time() milliseconds. Each time the image is updated, you should reinstall the timeout with the new, possibly-changed delay time. As a shortcut, if @start_time is %NULL, the result of g_get_current_time() will be used automatically. To update the image (i.e. possibly change the result of gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_pixbuf() to a new frame of the animation), call gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_advance(). If you're using #GdkPixbufLoader, in addition to updating the image after the delay time, you should also update it whenever you receive the area_updated signal and gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_on_currently_loading_frame() returns %TRUE. In this case, the frame currently being fed into the loader has received new data, so needs to be refreshed. The delay time for a frame may also be modified after an area_updated signal, for example if the delay time for a frame is encoded in the data after the frame itself. So your timeout should be reinstalled after any area_updated signal. A delay time of -1 is possible, indicating "infinite." an iterator to move over the animation a #GdkPixbufAnimation time when the animation starts playing If an animation is really just a plain image (has only one frame), this function returns that image. If the animation is an animation, this function returns a reasonable thing to display as a static unanimated image, which might be the first frame, or something more sophisticated. If an animation hasn't loaded any frames yet, this function will return %NULL. unanimated image representing the animation a #GdkPixbufAnimation Queries the width of the bounding box of a pixbuf animation. Width of the bounding box of the animation. An animation. If you load a file with gdk_pixbuf_animation_new_from_file() and it turns out to be a plain, unanimated image, then this function will return %TRUE. Use gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_static_image() to retrieve the image. %TRUE if the "animation" was really just an image a #GdkPixbufAnimation Adds a reference to an animation. Use g_object_ref(). The same as the @animation argument. An animation. Removes a reference from an animation. Use g_object_unref(). An animation. An opaque struct representing an iterator which points to a certain position in an animation. Possibly advances an animation to a new frame. Chooses the frame based on the start time passed to gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_iter(). @current_time would normally come from g_get_current_time(), and must be greater than or equal to the time passed to gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_iter(), and must increase or remain unchanged each time gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_pixbuf() is called. That is, you can't go backward in time; animations only play forward. As a shortcut, pass %NULL for the current time and g_get_current_time() will be invoked on your behalf. So you only need to explicitly pass @current_time if you're doing something odd like playing the animation at double speed. If this function returns %FALSE, there's no need to update the animation display, assuming the display had been rendered prior to advancing; if %TRUE, you need to call gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_pixbuf() and update the display with the new pixbuf. %TRUE if the image may need updating a #GdkPixbufAnimationIter current time Gets the number of milliseconds the current pixbuf should be displayed, or -1 if the current pixbuf should be displayed forever. g_timeout_add() conveniently takes a timeout in milliseconds, so you can use a timeout to schedule the next update. delay time in milliseconds (thousandths of a second) an animation iterator Gets the current pixbuf which should be displayed; the pixbuf might not be the same size as the animation itself (gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_width(), gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_height()). This pixbuf should be displayed for gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_delay_time() milliseconds. The caller of this function does not own a reference to the returned pixbuf; the returned pixbuf will become invalid when the iterator advances to the next frame, which may happen anytime you call gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_advance(). Copy the pixbuf to keep it (don't just add a reference), as it may get recycled as you advance the iterator. the pixbuf to be displayed an animation iterator Used to determine how to respond to the area_updated signal on #GdkPixbufLoader when loading an animation. area_updated is emitted for an area of the frame currently streaming in to the loader. So if you're on the currently loading frame, you need to redraw the screen for the updated area. %TRUE if the frame we're on is partially loaded, or the last frame a #GdkPixbufAnimationIter A function of this type is responsible for freeing the pixel array of a pixbuf. The gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data() function lets you pass in a pre-allocated pixel array so that a pixbuf can be created from it; in this case you will need to pass in a function of #GdkPixbufDestroyNotify so that the pixel data can be freed when the pixbuf is finalized. The pixel array of the pixbuf that is being finalized. User closure data. An error code in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR domain. Many gdk-pixbuf operations can cause errors in this domain, or in the #G_FILE_ERROR domain. An image file was broken somehow. Not enough memory. A bad option was passed to a pixbuf save module. Unknown image type. Don't know how to perform the given operation on the type of image at hand. Generic failure code, something went wrong. Creates a copy of @format the newly allocated copy of a #GdkPixbufFormat. Use gdk_pixbuf_format_free() to free the resources when done a #GdkPixbufFormat Frees the resources allocated when copying a #GdkPixbufFormat using gdk_pixbuf_format_copy() a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns a description of the format. a description of the format. a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns the filename extensions typically used for files in the given format. a %NULL-terminated array of filename extensions which must be freed with g_strfreev() when it is no longer needed. a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns information about the license of the image loader for the format. The returned string should be a shorthand for a wellknown license, e.g. "LGPL", "GPL", "QPL", "GPL/QPL", or "other" to indicate some other license. This string should be freed with g_free() when it's no longer needed. a string describing the license of @format. a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns the mime types supported by the format. a %NULL-terminated array of mime types which must be freed with g_strfreev() when it is no longer needed. a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns the name of the format. the name of the format. a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns whether this image format is disabled. See gdk_pixbuf_format_set_disabled(). whether this image format is disabled. a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns whether this image format is scalable. If a file is in a scalable format, it is preferable to load it at the desired size, rather than loading it at the default size and scaling the resulting pixbuf to the desired size. whether this image format is scalable. a #GdkPixbufFormat Returns whether pixbufs can be saved in the given format. whether pixbufs can be saved in the given format. a #GdkPixbufFormat Disables or enables an image format. If a format is disabled, gdk-pixbuf won't use the image loader for this format to load images. Applications can use this to avoid using image loaders with an inappropriate license, see gdk_pixbuf_format_get_license(). a #GdkPixbufFormat %TRUE to disable the format @format The GdkPixbufLoader struct contains only private fields. Creates a new pixbuf loader object. A newly-created pixbuf loader. Creates a new pixbuf loader object that always attempts to parse image data as if it were an image of mime type @mime_type, instead of identifying the type automatically. Useful if you want an error if the image isn't the expected mime type, for loading image formats that can't be reliably identified by looking at the data, or if the user manually forces a specific mime type. The list of supported mime types depends on what image loaders are installed, but typically "image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/tiff" and "image/x-xpixmap" are among the supported mime types. To obtain the full list of supported mime types, call gdk_pixbuf_format_get_mime_types() on each of the #GdkPixbufFormat structs returned by gdk_pixbuf_get_formats(). A newly-created pixbuf loader. the mime type to be loaded Creates a new pixbuf loader object that always attempts to parse image data as if it were an image of type @image_type, instead of identifying the type automatically. Useful if you want an error if the image isn't the expected type, for loading image formats that can't be reliably identified by looking at the data, or if the user manually forces a specific type. The list of supported image formats depends on what image loaders are installed, but typically "png", "jpeg", "gif", "tiff" and "xpm" are among the supported formats. To obtain the full list of supported image formats, call gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name() on each of the #GdkPixbufFormat structs returned by gdk_pixbuf_get_formats(). A newly-created pixbuf loader. name of the image format to be loaded with the image Informs a pixbuf loader that no further writes with gdk_pixbuf_loader_write() will occur, so that it can free its internal loading structures. Also, tries to parse any data that hasn't yet been parsed; if the remaining data is partial or corrupt, an error will be returned. If %FALSE is returned, @error will be set to an error from the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR or #G_FILE_ERROR domains. If you're just cancelling a load rather than expecting it to be finished, passing %NULL for @error to ignore it is reasonable. Remember that this does not unref the loader, so if you plan not to use it anymore, please g_object_unref() it. %TRUE if all image data written so far was successfully passed out via the update_area signal A pixbuf loader. Queries the #GdkPixbufAnimation that a pixbuf loader is currently creating. In general it only makes sense to call this function after the "area-prepared" signal has been emitted by the loader. If the loader doesn't have enough bytes yet (hasn't emitted the "area-prepared" signal) this function will return %NULL. The #GdkPixbufAnimation that the loader is loading, or %NULL if not enough data has been read to determine the information. A pixbuf loader Obtains the available information about the format of the currently loading image file. A #GdkPixbufFormat or %NULL. The return value is owned by GdkPixbuf and should not be freed. A pixbuf loader. Queries the #GdkPixbuf that a pixbuf loader is currently creating. In general it only makes sense to call this function after the "area-prepared" signal has been emitted by the loader; this means that enough data has been read to know the size of the image that will be allocated. If the loader has not received enough data via gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(), then this function returns %NULL. The returned pixbuf will be the same in all future calls to the loader, so simply calling g_object_ref() should be sufficient to continue using it. Additionally, if the loader is an animation, it will return the "static image" of the animation (see gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_static_image()). The #GdkPixbuf that the loader is creating, or %NULL if not enough data has been read to determine how to create the image buffer. A pixbuf loader. Causes the image to be scaled while it is loaded. The desired image size can be determined relative to the original size of the image by calling gdk_pixbuf_loader_set_size() from a signal handler for the ::size-prepared signal. Attempts to set the desired image size are ignored after the emission of the ::size-prepared signal. A pixbuf loader. The desired width of the image being loaded. The desired height of the image being loaded. This will cause a pixbuf loader to parse the next @count bytes of an image. It will return %TRUE if the data was loaded successfully, and %FALSE if an error occurred. In the latter case, the loader will be closed, and will not accept further writes. If %FALSE is returned, @error will be set to an error from the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR or #G_FILE_ERROR domains. %TRUE if the write was successful, or %FALSE if the loader cannot parse the buffer. A pixbuf loader. Pointer to image data. Length of the @buf buffer in bytes. This will cause a pixbuf loader to parse a buffer inside a #GBytes for an image. It will return %TRUE if the data was loaded successfully, and %FALSE if an error occurred. In the latter case, the loader will be closed, and will not accept further writes. If %FALSE is returned, @error will be set to an error from the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR or #G_FILE_ERROR domains. See also: gdk_pixbuf_loader_write() %TRUE if the write was successful, or %FALSE if the loader cannot parse the buffer. A pixbuf loader. The image data as a #GBytes This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has allocated the pixbuf in the desired size. After this signal is emitted, applications can call gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf() to fetch the partially-loaded pixbuf. This signal is emitted when a significant area of the image being loaded has been updated. Normally it means that a complete scanline has been read in, but it could be a different area as well. Applications can use this signal to know when to repaint areas of an image that is being loaded. X offset of upper-left corner of the updated area. Y offset of upper-left corner of the updated area. Width of updated area. Height of updated area. This signal is emitted when gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() is called. It can be used by different parts of an application to receive notification when an image loader is closed by the code that drives it. This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has been fed the initial amount of data that is required to figure out the size of the image that it will create. Applications can call gdk_pixbuf_loader_set_size() in response to this signal to set the desired size to which the image should be scaled. the original width of the image the original height of the image The possible rotations which can be passed to gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple(). To make them easier to use, their numerical values are the actual degrees. No rotation. Rotate by 90 degrees. Rotate by 180 degrees. Rotate by 270 degrees. Specifies the type of the function passed to gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback(). It is called once for each block of bytes that is "written" by gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback(). If successful it should return %TRUE. If an error occurs it should set @error and return %FALSE, in which case gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback() will fail with the same error. %TRUE if successful, %FALSE (with @error set) if failed. bytes to be written. number of bytes in @buf. A location to return an error. user data passed to gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback(). An opaque struct representing a simple animation. Creates a new, empty animation. a newly allocated #GdkPixbufSimpleAnim the width of the animation the height of the animation the speed of the animation, in frames per second Adds a new frame to @animation. The @pixbuf must have the dimensions specified when the animation was constructed. a #GdkPixbufSimpleAnim the pixbuf to add Gets whether @animation should loop indefinitely when it reaches the end. %TRUE if the animation loops forever, %FALSE otherwise a #GdkPixbufSimpleAnim Sets whether @animation should loop indefinitely when it reaches the end. a #GdkPixbufSimpleAnim whether to loop the animation Whether the animation should loop when it reaches the end. A #GdkPixdata contains pixbuf information in a form suitable for serialization and streaming. magic number. A valid #GdkPixdata structure must have #GDK_PIXBUF_MAGIC_NUMBER here. less than 1 to disable length checks, otherwise #GDK_PIXDATA_HEADER_LENGTH + length of @pixel_data. information about colorspace, sample width and encoding, in a #GdkPixdataType. Distance in bytes between rows. Width of the image in pixels. Height of the image in pixels. @width x @height pixels, encoded according to @pixdata_type and @rowstride. Deserializes (reconstruct) a #GdkPixdata structure from a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the #GdkPixdata fields in network byte order, plus the @pixel_data bytes the structure points to. The @pixdata contents are reconstructed byte by byte and are checked for validity. This function may fail with %GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE or %GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TYPE. Upon successful deserialization %TRUE is returned, %FALSE otherwise. a #GdkPixdata structure to be filled in. length of the stream used for deserialization. stream of bytes containing a serialized #GdkPixdata structure. Converts a #GdkPixbuf to a #GdkPixdata. If @use_rle is %TRUE, the pixel data is run-length encoded into newly-allocated memory and a pointer to that memory is returned. If @use_rle is %TRUE, a pointer to the newly-allocated memory for the run-length encoded pixel data, otherwise %NULL. a #GdkPixdata to fill. the data to fill @pixdata with. whether to use run-length encoding for the pixel data. Serializes a #GdkPixdata structure into a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the #GdkPixdata fields in network byte order, plus the @pixel_data bytes the structure points to. A newly-allocated string containing the serialized #GdkPixdata structure. a valid #GdkPixdata structure to serialize. location to store the resulting stream length in. Generates C source code suitable for compiling images directly into programs. gdk-pixbuf ships with a program called [gdk-pixbuf-csource][gdk-pixbuf-csource], which offers a command line interface to this function. a newly-allocated string containing the C source form of @pixdata. a #GdkPixdata to convert to C source. used for naming generated data structures or macros. a #GdkPixdataDumpType determining the kind of C source to be generated. An enumeration which is used by gdk_pixdata_to_csource() to determine the form of C source to be generated. The three values @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_PIXDATA_STREAM, @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_PIXDATA_STRUCT and @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_MACROS are mutually exclusive, as are @GDK_PIXBUF_DUMP_GTYPES and @GDK_PIXBUF_DUMP_CTYPES. The remaining elements are optional flags that can be freely added. Generate pixbuf data stream (a single string containing a serialized #GdkPixdata structure in network byte order). Generate #GdkPixdata structure (needs the #GdkPixdata structure definition from gdk-pixdata.h). Generate <function>*_ROWSTRIDE</function>, <function>*_WIDTH</function>, <function>*_HEIGHT</function>, <function>*_BYTES_PER_PIXEL</function> and <function>*_RLE_PIXEL_DATA</function> or <function>*_PIXEL_DATA</function> macro definitions for the image. Generate GLib data types instead of standard C data types. Generate standard C data types instead of GLib data types. Generate static symbols. Generate const symbols. Provide a <function>*_RUN_LENGTH_DECODE(image_buf, rle_data, size, bpp)</function> macro definition to decode run-length encoded image data. An enumeration containing three sets of flags for a #GdkPixdata struct: one for the used colorspace, one for the width of the samples and one for the encoding of the pixel data. each pixel has red, green and blue samples. each pixel has red, green and blue samples and an alpha value. mask for the colortype flags of the enum. each sample has 8 bits. mask for the sample width flags of the enum. the pixel data is in raw form. the pixel data is run-length encoded. Runs may be up to 127 bytes long; their length is stored in a single byte preceding the pixel data for the run. If a run is constant, its length byte has the high bit set and the pixel data consists of a single pixel which must be repeated. mask for the encoding flags of the enum.