=== 0.2.0 / 2009-04-11
* Added Ronin::TargetedArch.
* Added Ronin::TargetedOS.
* Added Ronin::TargetedProduct.
* Added Ronin::Model::TargetsArch.
* Added Ronin::Model::TargetsOS.
* Refactored Ronin::Exploits:
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Target.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Targets::BufferOverflow.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Targets::FormatString.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Helpers::Binary.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Helpers::Padding.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Helpers::BufferOverflow.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Helpers::FormatString.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Local.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::Remote.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::RemoteTCP.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::RemoteUDP.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::FTP.
* Added Ronin::Exploits::HTTP.
* Renamed Ronin::Exploits::Impact to Ronin::Exploits::Allow.
* Removed the Ronin::Exploits::Requirement.
* Rewrote Ronin::Exploits::Exploit:
* Use the new Ronin::Cacheable module.
* Added a status property, which may be either :potential,
:proven, :weaponized, but will default to
* Added a disclosure property, which can be a combination of
:private, :in_wild, :vendor_aware
or :public.
* Added Exploit#helper, which will extend the Exploit object with the
Helper module with the similar name.
* Added the Exploit#build!, Exploit#verify!, Exploit#deploy!
methods, which will call the user-defined Exploit#build,
Exploit#verify, Exploit#deploy methods, respectively.
* Added Exploit#targeting.
* Added Exploit#behaviors.
* Added Exploit#targeted_archs, Exploit#targeted_oses,
* Added Exploit#select_target.
* Added the Exploit#target which will return the current selected
target, or the first target of the exploit.
* Added the Exploit#arch, Exploit#os and Exploit#product methods.
* Added the Exploit#verify_target!, Exploit#verify_arch!,
Exploit#verify_os! and Exploit#verify_product! methods.
* Added Exploit#encoded_payload.
* Added Exploit#encode_payload!.
* Have Exploit#verify_restricted! raise an exception listing all
restricted characters found in the given text.
* Renamed Exploit#allows to Exploit#allowing.
* Renamed Exploit#verify_restricted to Exploit#verify_restricted!.
* Renamed Exploit#exploit to Exploit#exploit!.
* Removed Exploit#payloads.
* Removed Exploit#vulnerable?.
* Refactored Ronin::Payloads:
* Added Ronin::Payloads::Helpers::FileSystem.
* Added Ronin::Payloads::Helpers::RPC.
* Added Ronin::Payloads::Helpers::Shell.
* Added Ronin::Payloads::Nops.
* Added Ronin::Payloads::Encoder.
* Added Ronin::Payloads::Encoders::XOR.
* Renamed Ronin::Payloads::Ability to Ronin::Payloads::Control.
* Rewrote Ronin::Payloads::Payload:
* Use the new Ronin::Cacheable module.
* Use Ronin::Model::TargetsArch.
* Use Ronin::Model::TargetsOS.
* Added Payload#helper, which will extend the Payload object with the
Helper module with the similar name.
* Added Payload#behaviors.
* Added Payload#build!, Payload#verify!, Payload#deploy!, which will
call the user-defined Payload#build, Payload#verify, Payload#deploy
methods, respectively.
* Rewrote Payload#to_s to return the name and version of the payload.
* Renamed Payload#controls to Payload#controlling.
* Removed encoders from the Payload class.
* Added specs.
=== 0.1.1 / 2009-01-22
* Removed old references to the ronin/vulnerability directory.
* Removed old references to the Ronin::Vulnerability namespace.
* Removed past usage of the :value option with parameters.
* Parametes now uses the :default option, for specifying the
default value of parameters.
* Added the missing Ronin::Exploits::PayloadSize exception.
* Reduce usage of first_or_create.
* Updated target methods.
=== 0.1.0 / 2008-01-08
* Initial release.
* Supports many basic exploit types:
* Ronin::Exploits::Exploit
* Ronin::Exploits::BinaryExploit
* Ronin::Exploits::BufferOverflow
* Ronin::Exploits::FormatString
* Ronin::Exploits::WebExploit
* Supports a few basic payload types:
* Ronin::Payloads::Payload
* Ronin::Payloads::BinaryPayload
* Ronin::Payloads::Shellcode
* Ronin::Payloads::WebPayload
* Provides the ability to associate Vulnerability Taxonomy information
with Exploits and Payloads.
* Provides a semi-intelligent XOR translator (Ronin::Translators::XOR).