require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Hayabusa" do it "should be able to start a sample-server" do require "rubygems" require "sqlite3" if RUBY_ENGINE != "jruby" require "json" begin require "#{File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/../../knjrbfw/lib/knjrbfw.rb" rescue LoadError require "knjrbfw" end require "#{File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/../lib/hayabusa.rb" begin require "#{File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/../../http2/lib/http2.rb" rescue LoadError require "http2" end db_path = "#{Knj::Os.tmpdir}/hayabusa_rspec.sqlite3" File.unlink(db_path) if File.exists?(db_path) db = :type => "sqlite3", :path => db_path, :return_keys => "symbols" ) $appserver = :debug => false, :title => "SpecTest", :port => 1515, :doc_root => "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../pages", :locales_gettext_funcs => true, :locale_default => "da_DK", :db => db, :threadding => { :priority => -3 } ) $appserver.config[:handlers] << { :regex => /^\/Kasper$/, :callback => proc{|data| data[:httpsession].page_path = nil eruby = data[:httpsession].eruby eruby.connect(:on_error) do |e| _hb.handle_error(e) end eruby.import("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../pages/spec.rhtml") } } $appserver.vars[:test] = "kasper" $appserver.define_magic_var(:_testvar1, "Kasper") $appserver.define_magic_var(:_testvar2, "Johansen") $appserver.start raise "Expected thread-pool-priority to be '-3' but it wasnt: '#{$appserver.threadpool.args[:priority]}'." if $appserver.threadpool.args[:priority] != -3 http = => "localhost", :port => 80, :encoding_gzip => false, :debug => false) rescue nil $testmodes = [{ :name => :standalone, :path_pre => "", :http => => "localhost", :port => 1515, :debug => false) }] if http $testmodes += [{ :name => :cgi, :path_pre => "hayabusa_cgi_test/", :http => http },{ :name => :fcgi, :path_pre => "hayabusa_fcgi_test/", :http => http }] end end it "should be able to get multiple pictures" do require "base64" require "RMagick" # Symlink 'image.rhtml' first. img_from_path = "#{Knj.knjrbfw_path}/webscripts/image.rhtml" img_to_path = "#{File.realpath("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../pages")}/image.rhtml" raise "Invalid from path: '#{img_from_path}'." unless File.exists?(img_from_path) File.unlink(img_to_path) if File.symlink?(img_to_path) File.symlink(img_from_path, img_to_path) begin http = $testmodes.first[:http] res = http.get("image.rhtml?path64=#{Base64.encode64("image.png").to_s.strip}&rounded_corners=8&width=550") res.contenttype.should eql("image/png") res.header?("content-length").should eql(true) $testmodes.each do |tdata| 3.times do path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../pages/testpic.jpeg" res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}testpic.jpeg") res.body.bytesize.should eql(File.size(path)) res.body.bytes.to_a.should eql( #puts "Getting forced image through #{tdata[:name]}" res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}image.rhtml?force=true&path64=#{Base64.encode64("testpic.jpeg").to_s.strip}") #puts "Getting normal image through #{tdata[:name]}" res1 = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}image.rhtml?path64=#{Base64.encode64("image.png").to_s.strip}&rounded_corners=8&width=550") res1.contenttype.should eql("image/png") #puts "Getting exit-script through #{tdata[:name]}" res_exit = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_exit.rhtml") res_exit.body.should eql("ExitOutput\n") #puts "Getting normal image through #{tdata[:name]}" res2 = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}image.rhtml?path64=#{Base64.encode64("image.png").to_s.strip}&rounded_corners=8&width=550") res2.contenttype.should eql("image/png") res1.body.bytesize.should eql(res2.body.bytesize) end end ensure File.unlink(img_to_path) if File.exists?(img_to_path) end end #it "should be able to handle custom urls" do # $testmodes.each do |tdata| # res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}Kasper") # raise "Expected data to be 'Test' in mode '#{tdata[:name]}' but it wasnt: '#{res.body}'." if res.body != "Test" # end #end it "should be able to upload files" do $testmodes.each do |tdata| fpaths = { "fpath1" => "#{File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/../pages/spec_thread_joins.rhtml", "fpath2" => "#{File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/test_upload.xlsx" } res = tdata[:http].post_multipart(:url => "#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_vars_post_fileupload.rhtml", :post => { "testfile1" => { :filename => "spec_thread_joins.rhtml", :fpath => fpaths["fpath1"] }, "testfile2" => { :filename => "test_upload.xlsx", :fpath => fpaths["fpath2"] } }) 1.upto(2) do |count| data = Marshal.load(res.body) if count != 2 if data["testfile#{count}"]["val"] !=["fpath#{count}"])"/tmp/hayabusa_spec_testfile#{count}_1", "w") do |fp| fp.puts("Class: #{data["testfile#{count}"]}") fp.write(data["testfile#{count}"]) end"/tmp/hayabusa_spec_testfile#{count}_2", "w") do |fp| fp.write(["fpath#{count}"])) end raise "Expected uploaded data for mode '#{tdata[:name]}' to be the same but it wasnt:\n\"#{data["testfile#{count}"]}\"\n\n\"#{["fpath#{count}"])}\"" end end raise "Expected 'testfile' class to be 'Hayabusa::Http_session::Post_multipart::File_upload' in mode '#{tdata[:name]}' but it wasnt: '#{data["testfile#{count}"]["class"]}'." if data["testfile#{count}"]["class"] != "Hayabusa::Http_session::Post_multipart::File_upload" end end end it "should be able to handle a GET-request." do $testmodes.each do |tdata| res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec.rhtml") raise "Unexpected HTML: '#{res.body}'." if res.body.to_s != "Test" #Check that URL-decoding are being done. res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec.rhtml?choice=check_get_parse&value=#{Knj::Web.urlenc("gfx/nopic.png")}") raise "Unexpected HTML: '#{res.body}'." if res.body.to_s != "gfx/nopic.png" end end it "should be able to handle a HEAD-request." do #Http2 doesnt support head? #res = $http.head("spec.rhtml") #raise "HEAD-request returned content - it shouldnt?" if res.body.to_s.length > 0 end it "should be able to handle a POST-request." do $testmodes.each do |tdata| res = tdata[:http].post(:url => "#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec.rhtml", :post => { "postdata" => "Test post" }) raise "POST-request did not return expected data: '#{res.body}' for '#{tdata[:name]}'." if res.body.to_s.strip != "Test post" res = tdata[:http].post(:url => "#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec.rhtml?choice=dopostconvert", :post => { "postdata" => "Test post", "array" => ["a", "b", "d"] }) data = JSON.parse(res.body) raise "Expected posted data restored but it wasnt: '#{data}'." if data["array"]["0"] != "a" or data["array"]["1"] != "b" or data["array"]["2"] != "d" end end it "should be able to join the server so other tests can be made manually." do begin Timeout.timeout(1) do $appserver.join raise "Appserver didnt join." end rescue Timeout::Error #ignore. end end it "should be able to use the header-methods." do $testmodes.each do |tdata| res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec.rhtml") raise "Normal header data could not be detected." if res.header("testheader") != "NormalHeader" raise "Raw header data could not be detected." if res.header("testraw") != "RawHeader" end end it "should be able to set and get multiple cookies at the same time." do $testmodes.each do |tdata| res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec.rhtml?choice=test_cookie") raise res.body if res.body.to_s.length > 0 res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec.rhtml?choice=get_cookies") parsed = JSON.parse(res.body) raise "Unexpected value for 'TestCookie': '#{parsed["TestCookie"]}'." if parsed["TestCookie"] != "TestValue" raise "Unexpected value for 'TestCookie2': '#{parsed["TestCookie2"]}'." if parsed["TestCookie2"] != "TestValue2" raise "Unexpected value for 'TestCookie3': '#{parsed["TestCookie3"]}'." if parsed["TestCookie3"] != "TestValue 3 " end end it "should be able to run the rspec_threadded_content test correctly." do $testmodes.each do |tdata| res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_threadded_content.rhtml") raise "Expected body to be '12345678910' for mode '#{tdata[:name]}' but it wasnt: '#{res.body.to_s}'." if res.body.to_s != "12345678910" end end it "should be able to add a timeout." do $break_timeout = false timeout = $appserver.timeout(:time => 1) do $break_timeout = true end Timeout.timeout(2) do loop do break if $break_timeout sleep 0.1 end end end it "should be able to stop a timeout." do $timeout_runned = false timeout = $appserver.timeout(:time => 1) do $timeout_runned = true end sleep 0.5 timeout.stop begin Timeout.timeout(1.5) do loop do raise "The timeout ran even though stop was called?" if $timeout_runned sleep 0.1 end end rescue Timeout::Error #the timeout didnt run - and it shouldnt so dont do anything. end end it "should be able to join threads tarted from _hb.thread." do $testmodes.each do |tdata| res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_thread_joins.rhtml") raise res.body if res.body.to_s != "12345" end end it "should be able to properly parse special characters in post-requests." do $testmodes.each do |tdata| res = tdata[:http].post(:url => "#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_vars_post.rhtml", :post => { "test" => "123+456%789%20" }) data = JSON.parse(res.body) raise res.body if data["test"] != "123+456%789%20" end end it "should be able to do logging" do class ::TestModels class Person < Knj::Datarow end end"db" => $appserver.db, "schema" => { "tables" => { "Person" => { "columns" => [ {"name" => "id", "type" => "int", "autoincr" => true, "primarykey" => true}, {"name" => "name", "type" => "varchar"} ] } } }) ob = :db => $appserver.db, :datarow => true, :require => false, :module => ::TestModels ) person = ob.add(:Person, :name => "Kasper") $appserver.log("This is a test", person) logs = $appserver.ob.list(:Log, "object_lookup" => person).to_a raise "Expected count to be 1 but got: #{logs.length}" if logs.length != 1 $appserver.logs_delete(person) logs = $appserver.ob.list(:Log, "object_lookup" => person).to_a raise "Expected count to be 0 but got: #{logs.length}" if logs.length != 0 end it "should handle multi-threadding well" do ts = [] es = [] #Execute multiple threads to test FCGI-proxy and thread-safety. 1.upto(5) do $testmodes.each do |tdata| ts << do begin res = tdata[:http].post(:url => "#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_vars_post.rhtml", :post => { "test_special_chars" => "1%23+-456", "var" => { 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 3 => { "kasper" => 5, "arr" => ["a", "b", "c"] } } }) begin data = JSON.parse(res.body) rescue JSON::GeneratorError raise "Could not parse JSON from result: '#{res.body}'." end begin raise "Expected hash to be a certain way: '#{data}'." if data["var"]["0"] != "1" or data["var"]["1"] != "2" or data["var"]["3"]["kasper"] != "5" or data["var"]["3"]["arr"]["0"] != "a" or data["var"]["3"]["arr"]["1"] != "b" rescue => e raise "Error when parsing result: '#{data}'." end raise "Expected 'test_special_chars' to be '1%23+-456' but it wasnt: '#{data["test_special_chars"]}'." if data["test_special_chars"] != "1%23+-456" res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_threadded_content.rhtml") raise "Expected body to be '12345678910' but it was: '#{res.body}'." if res.body != "12345678910" res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_vars_get.rhtml?var[]=1&var[]=2&var[]=3&var[3][kasper]=5") data = JSON.parse(res.body) raise "Expected hash to be a certain way: '#{data}'." if data["var"]["0"] != "1" or data["var"]["1"] != "2" or data["var"]["3"]["kasper"] != "5" res = tdata[:http].get("#{tdata[:path_pre]}spec_vars_header.rhtml") raise "Expected header 'testheader' to be 'TestValue' but it wasnt: '#{res.header("testheader")}'." if res.header("testheader") != "TestValue" rescue => e es << e puts e.inspect puts e.backtrace end end end ts.each do |t| t.join end es.each do |e| raise e end end end it "should be able to stop." do $appserver.stop end end