# solidus\_frontend Frontend contains controllers and views implementing a storefront and cart for Solidus. ## 🚧 Warning This gem is deprecated and no longer part of the Solidus recommended stack. For new Solidus apps, we recommend that you use [SolidusStarterFrontend](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus_starter_frontend) instead. This repository will only accept bug fixes and security patches for the branches that match supported versions of Solidus: | Branch | End of Life | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | [v3.4](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus_frontend/tree/v3.4) | 2024-10-21 | | [v3.3](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus_frontend/tree/v3.3) | 2024-07-24 | | [v3.2](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus_frontend/tree/v3.2) | 2024-02-18 | ## Override views In order to customize a view you should copy the file into your host app. Using Deface is not recommended as it provides lots of headaches while debugging and degrades your shops performance. Solidus provides a generator to help with copying the right view into your host app. Simply call the generator to copy all views into your host app. ```bash $ bundle exec rails g solidus:views:override ``` If you only want to copy certain views into your host app, you can provide the `--only` argument: ```bash $ bundle exec rails g solidus:views:override --only products/show ``` The argument to `--only` can also be a substring of the name of the view from the `app/views/spree` folder: ```bash $ bundle exec rails g solidus:views:override --only product ``` This will copy all views whose directory or filename contains the string "product". ### Handle upgrades After upgrading Solidus to a new version run the generator again and follow on screen instructions. ## Developing Solidus Frontend * Clone the Git repo ```bash git clone git://github.com/solidusio/solidus_frontend.git cd solidus ``` ### Without Docker * Install the gem dependencies ```bash bin/setup ``` _Note_: If you're using PostgreSQL or MySQL, you'll need to install those gems through the DB environment variable. ```bash # PostgreSQL export DB=postgresql bin/setup # MySQL export DB=mysql bin/setup ``` ### With Docker ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` Wait for all the gems to be installed (progress can be checked through `docker-compose logs -f app`). You can provide the ruby version you want your image to use: ```bash docker-compose build --build-arg RUBY_VERSION=2.6 app docker-compose up -d ``` The rails version can be customized at runtime through `RAILS_VERSION` environment variable: ```bash RAILS_VERSION='~> 5.0' docker-compose up -d ``` Running tests: ```bash # sqlite docker-compose exec app bundle exec rspec # postgres docker-compose exec app env DB=postgres bundle exec rspec # mysql docker-compose exec app env DB=mysql bundle exec rspec ``` Accessing the databases: ```bash # sqlite docker-compose exec app sqlite3 /path/to/db # postgres docker-compose exec app env PGPASSWORD=password psql -U root -h postgres # mysql docker-compose exec app mysql -u root -h mysql -ppassword ``` In order to be able to access the [sandbox application](#sandbox), just make sure to provide the appropriate `--binding` option to `rails server`. By default, port `3000` is exposed, but you can change it through `SANDBOX_PORT` environment variable: ```bash SANDBOX_PORT=4000 docker-compose up -d docker-compose exec app bin/sandbox docker-compose exec app bin/rails server --binding --port 4000 ``` ### Sandbox Solidus is meant to be run within the context of Rails application. You can easily create a sandbox application inside of your cloned source directory for testing purposes. This sandbox includes solidus\_auth\_devise and generates with seed and sample data already loaded. * Create the sandbox application ```bash bin/sandbox ``` You can create a sandbox with PostgreSQL or MySQL by setting the DB environment variable. ```bash # PostgreSQL export DB=postgresql bin/sandbox # MySQL export DB=mysql bin/sandbox ``` If you need to create a Rails 5.2 application for your sandbox, for example if you are still using Ruby 2.4 which is not supported by Rails 6, you can use the `RAILS_VERSION` environment variable. ```bash export RAILS_VERSION='~> 5.2.0' bin/setup bin/sandbox ``` * Start the server (`bin/rails` will forward any argument to the sandbox) ```bash bin/rails server ``` ### Tests Solidus uses [RSpec](http://rspec.info) for tests. Refer to its documentation for more information about the testing library. #### CircleCI We use CircleCI to run the tests for Solidus as well as all incoming pull requests. All pull requests must pass to be merged. You can see the build statuses at [https://circleci.com/gh/solidusio/solidus_frontend](https://circleci.com/gh/solidusio/solidus_frontend). #### Run all tests [ChromeDriver](https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/home) is required to run the frontend suites. Run the tests ```bash bundle exec rspec ``` By default, `rspec` runs the tests for SQLite 3. If you would like to run specs against another database you may specify the database in the command: ```bash env DB=postgresql bundle exec rspec ``` #### Code coverage reports If you want to run the [SimpleCov](https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov) code coverage report: ```bash COVERAGE=true bundle exec rspec ``` ### Releasing new versions Please refer to the dedicated [page](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/wiki/How-to-release-extensions) on Solidus wiki.