# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2016 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. #++ require 'hexapdf/data_dir' module HexaPDF module Font module Encoding # Provides access to and mapping functionality for the Adobe Glyph List. # # The Adobe Glyph List is used for mapping glyph names to Unicode values. The mapping itself # is not a one-to-one mapping because some glyphs are mapped to the same Unicode sequence, # e.g. the glyph name for 'A' and the glyph name for 'small capital A'. # # Since a reverse mapping is needed for converting UTF-8 strings to glyph names when encoding # text, this (not unique) reverse mapping is also available. However, only the first occurence # of a particular Unicode string is reverse-mapped. # # See: # * https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/agl-aglfn # * https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/agl-specification class GlyphList # Creates and returns the single GlyphList instance. def self.new @instance ||= super end # See #name_to_unicode def self.name_to_unicode(name, zapf_dingbats: false) new.name_to_unicode(name, zapf_dingbats: zapf_dingbats) end # See #unicode_to_name def self.unicode_to_name(unicode, zapf_dingbats: false) new.unicode_to_name(unicode, zapf_dingbats: zapf_dingbats) end def initialize #:nodoc: load end # Maps the given name to a string by following the Adobe Glyph Specification. An empty # string is returned if the name has no correct mapping. # # If this method is invoked when dealing with the ZapfDingbats font, the +zapf_dingbats+ # option needs to be set to +true+. # # Assumes that the name is a Symbol and that it includes just one component (no # underscores)! def name_to_unicode(name, zapf_dingbats: false) if zapf_dingbats && @zapf_name_to_uni.key?(name) @zapf_name_to_uni[name] elsif @standard_name_to_uni.key?(name) @standard_name_to_uni[name] else name = name.to_s if name =~ /\Auni([0-9A-F]{4})\Z/ || name =~ /\Au([0-9A-f]{4,6})\Z/ '' << $1.hex else '' end end end # Maps the given Unicode codepoint/string to a name in the Adobe Glyph List, or to .notdef # if there is no mapping. # # If this method is invoked when dealing with the ZapfDingbats font, the +zapf_dingbats+ # option needs to be set to +true+. def unicode_to_name(unicode, zapf_dingbats: false) if zapf_dingbats @zapf_uni_to_name.fetch(unicode, :'.notdef') else @standard_uni_to_name.fetch(unicode, :'.notdef') end end private # Loads the needed Adobe Glyph List files. def load @standard_name_to_uni, @standard_uni_to_name = load_file(File.join(HexaPDF.data_dir, 'encoding', 'glyphlist.txt')) @zapf_name_to_uni, @zapf_uni_to_name = load_file(File.join(HexaPDF.data_dir, 'encoding', 'zapfdingbats.txt')) end # Loads an Adobe Glyph List from the specified file and returns the name-to-unicode and # unicode-to-name mappings. # # Regarding the mappings: # # * The name-to-unicode mapping maps a name (Symbol) to an UTF-8 string consisting of one or # more characters. # # * The unicode-to-name mapping is *not* unique! It only uses the first occurence of a # Unicode sequence. def load_file(file) name2uni = {} uni2name = {} File.open(file, 'rb') do |f| while (line = f.gets) next if line.start_with?('#'.freeze) index = line.index(';'.freeze) name = line[0, index].to_sym codes = line[index + 1, 50].split(" ".freeze).map(&:hex).pack('U*'.freeze) name2uni[name] = codes uni2name[codes] = name unless uni2name.key?(codes) end end [name2uni.freeze, uni2name.freeze] end end end end end