define("dojox/charting/widget/Chart", ["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array","dojo/dom-attr","dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/query", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "../Chart", "dojox/lang/utils", "dojox/lang/functional","dojox/lang/functional/lambda"], function(kernel, lang, arr, domAttr, declare, query, _WidgetBase, Chart, du, df, dfl){ var collectParams, collectAxisParams, collectPlotParams, collectActionParams, collectDataParams, notNull = function(o){ return o; }, dc = lang.getObject("dojox.charting"); collectParams = function(node, type, kw){ var dp = eval("(" + type + ".prototype.defaultParams)"); var x, attr; for(x in dp){ if(x in kw){ continue; } attr = node.getAttribute(x); kw[x] = du.coerceType(dp[x], attr == null || typeof attr == "undefined" ? dp[x] : attr); } var op = eval("(" + type + ".prototype.optionalParams)"); for(x in op){ if(x in kw){ continue; } attr = node.getAttribute(x); if(attr != null){ kw[x] = du.coerceType(op[x], attr); } } }; collectAxisParams = function(node){ var name = node.getAttribute("name"), type = node.getAttribute("type"); if(!name){ return null; } var o = {name: name, kwArgs: {}}, kw = o.kwArgs; if(type){ if(dc.axis2d[type]){ type = kernel._scopeName + "x.charting.axis2d." + type; } var axis = eval("(" + type + ")"); if(axis){ kw.type = axis; } }else{ type = kernel._scopeName + "x.charting.axis2d.Default"; } collectParams(node, type, kw); // compatibility conversions if(kw.font || kw.fontColor){ if(!kw.tick){ kw.tick = {}; } if(kw.font){ kw.tick.font = kw.font; } if(kw.fontColor){ kw.tick.fontColor = kw.fontColor; } } return o; }; collectPlotParams = function(node){ // var name = d.attr(node, "name"), type = d.attr(node, "type"); var name = node.getAttribute("name"), type = node.getAttribute("type"); if(!name){ return null; } var o = {name: name, kwArgs: {}}, kw = o.kwArgs; if(type){ if(dc.plot2d && dc.plot2d[type]){ type = kernel._scopeName + "x.charting.plot2d." + type; } var plot = eval("(" + type + ")"); if(plot){ kw.type = plot; } }else{ type = kernel._scopeName + "x.charting.plot2d.Default"; } collectParams(node, type, kw); return o; }; collectActionParams = function(node){ // var plot = d.attr(node, "plot"), type = d.attr(node, "type"); var plot = node.getAttribute("plot"), type = node.getAttribute("type"); if(!plot){ plot = "default"; } var o = {plot: plot, kwArgs: {}}, kw = o.kwArgs; if(type){ if(dc.action2d[type]){ type = kernel._scopeName + "x.charting.action2d." + type; } var action = eval("(" + type + ")"); if(!action){ return null; } o.action = action; }else{ return null; } collectParams(node, type, kw); return o; }; collectDataParams = function(node){ var ga = lang.partial(domAttr.get, node); var name = ga("name"); if(!name){ return null; } var o = { name: name, kwArgs: {} }, kw = o.kwArgs, t; t = ga("plot"); if(t != null){ kw.plot = t; } t = ga("marker"); if(t != null){ kw.marker = t; } t = ga("stroke"); if(t != null){ kw.stroke = eval("(" + t + ")"); } t = ga("outline"); if(t != null){ kw.outline = eval("(" + t + ")"); } t = ga("shadow"); if(t != null){ kw.shadow = eval("(" + t + ")"); } t = ga("fill"); if(t != null){ kw.fill = eval("(" + t + ")"); } t = ga("font"); if(t != null){ kw.font = t; } t = ga("fontColor"); if(t != null){ kw.fontColor = eval("(" + t + ")"); } t = ga("legend"); if(t != null){ kw.legend = t; } t = ga("data"); if(t != null){ o.type = "data"; = t ?','), Number) : []; return o; } t = ga("array"); if(t != null){ o.type = "data"; = eval("(" + t + ")"); return o; } t = ga("store"); if(t != null){ o.type = "store"; = eval("(" + t + ")"); t = ga("field"); o.field = t != null ? t : "value"; t = ga("query"); if(!!t){ kw.query = t; } t = ga("queryOptions"); if(!!t){ kw.queryOptions = eval("(" + t + ")"); } t = ga("start"); if(!!t){ kw.start = Number(t); } t = ga("count"); if(!!t){ kw.count = Number(t); } t = ga("sort"); if(!!t){ kw.sort = eval("("+t+")"); } t = ga("valueFn"); if(!!t){ kw.valueFn = dfl.lambda(t); } return o; } return null; }; return declare("dojox.charting.widget.Chart", _WidgetBase, { // summary: // A chart widget. This is leveraging dojox/charting/Chart as a Dijit widget. // parameters for the markup // theme: dojox/charting/SimpleTheme? // An optional theme to use for styling the chart. theme: null, // margins: Object? // The margins around the chart. Default is { l:10, t:10, r:10, b:10 }. margins: null, // chart area, define them as undefined to: // allow the parser to take them into account // but make sure they have no defined value to not override theme // stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke? // The outline of the chart (stroke in vector graphics terms). stroke: undefined, // fill: dojox.gfx.Fill? // The color for the chart. fill: undefined, // methods buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); n = this.domNode; // collect chart parameters var axes = query("> .axis", n).map(collectAxisParams).filter(notNull), plots = query("> .plot", n).map(collectPlotParams).filter(notNull), actions = query("> .action", n).map(collectActionParams).filter(notNull), series = query("> .series", n).map(collectDataParams).filter(notNull); // build the chart n.innerHTML = ""; var c = this.chart = new Chart(n, { margins: this.margins, stroke: this.stroke, fill: this.fill, textDir: this.textDir }); // add collected parameters if(this.theme){ c.setTheme(this.theme); } axes.forEach(function(axis){ c.addAxis(, axis.kwArgs); }); plots.forEach(function(plot){ c.addPlot(, plot.kwArgs); }); this.actions ={ return new action.action(c, action.plot, action.kwArgs); }); var render = df.foldl(series, function(render, series){ if(series.type == "data"){ c.addSeries(,, series.kwArgs); render = true; }else{ c.addSeries(, [0], series.kwArgs); var kw = {}; du.updateWithPattern( kw, series.kwArgs, { "query": "", "queryOptions": null, "start": 0, "count": 1 //, // "sort": [] }, true ); if(series.kwArgs.sort){ // sort is a complex object type and doesn't survive coercian kw.sort = lang.clone(series.kwArgs.sort); } lang.mixin(kw, { onComplete: function(data){ var values; if("valueFn" in series.kwArgs){ var fn = series.kwArgs.valueFn; values =, function(x){ return fn(, series.field, 0)); }); }else{ values =, function(x){ return, series.field, 0); }); } c.addSeries(, values, series.kwArgs).render(); } });; } return render; }, false); if(render){ c.render(); } }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // properly destroy the widget this.chart.destroy(); this.inherited(arguments); }, resize: function(box){ // summary: // Resize the widget. // description: // Resize the domNode and the widget surface to the dimensions of a box of the following form: // `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }` // If no box is provided, resize the surface to the marginBox of the domNode. // box: // If passed, denotes the new size of the widget. this.chart.resize(box); } }); });