# encoding: utf-8 $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..") require 'test_helper' class LookupTest < GeocoderTestCase def test_responds_to_name_method Geocoder::Lookup.all_services.each do |l| lookup = Geocoder::Lookup.get(l) assert lookup.respond_to?(:name), "Lookup #{l} does not respond to #name method." end end def test_search_returns_empty_array_when_no_results Geocoder::Lookup.all_services_except_test.each do |l| lookup = Geocoder::Lookup.get(l) set_api_key!(l) assert_equal [], lookup.send(:results, Geocoder::Query.new("no results")), "Lookup #{l} does not return empty array when no results." end end def test_query_url_contains_values_in_params_hash Geocoder::Lookup.all_services_except_test.each do |l| next if l == :freegeoip || l == :maxmind_local # does not use query string set_api_key!(l) url = Geocoder::Lookup.get(l).query_url(Geocoder::Query.new( "test", :params => {:one_in_the_hand => "two in the bush"} )) # should be "+"s for all lookups except Yahoo assert_match(/one_in_the_hand=two(%20|\+)in(%20|\+)the(%20|\+)bush/, url, "Lookup #{l} does not appear to support arbitrary params in URL") end end { :esri => :l, :bing => :key, :geocoder_ca => :auth, :google => :language, :google_premier => :language, :mapquest => :key, :maxmind => :l, :nominatim => :"accept-language", :yahoo => :locale, :yandex => :plng }.each do |l,p| define_method "test_passing_param_to_#{l}_query_overrides_configuration_value" do set_api_key!(l) url = Geocoder::Lookup.get(l).query_url(Geocoder::Query.new( "test", :params => {p => "xxxx"} )) assert_match(/#{p}=xxxx/, url, "Param passed to #{l} lookup does not override configuration value") end end def test_raises_exception_on_invalid_key Geocoder.configure(:always_raise => [Geocoder::InvalidApiKey]) #Geocoder::Lookup.all_services_except_test.each do |l| [:bing, :yahoo, :yandex, :maxmind, :baidu, :baidu_ip].each do |l| lookup = Geocoder::Lookup.get(l) assert_raises Geocoder::InvalidApiKey do lookup.send(:results, Geocoder::Query.new("invalid key")) end end end def test_returns_empty_array_on_invalid_key silence_warnings do #Geocoder::Lookup.all_services_except_test.each do |l| [:bing, :yahoo, :yandex, :maxmind, :cloudmade, :baidu, :baidu_ip].each do |l| Geocoder.configure(:lookup => l) set_api_key!(l) assert_equal [], Geocoder.search("invalid key") end end end def test_does_not_choke_on_nil_address Geocoder::Lookup.all_services.each do |l| Geocoder.configure(:lookup => l) assert_nothing_raised { Place.new("Place", nil).geocode } end end def test_hash_to_query g = Geocoder::Lookup::Google.new assert_equal "a=1&b=2", g.send(:hash_to_query, {:a => 1, :b => 2}) end def test_baidu_api_key Geocoder.configure(:api_key => "MY_KEY") g = Geocoder::Lookup::BaiduIp.new assert_match "ak=MY_KEY", g.query_url(Geocoder::Query.new("")) end def test_baidu_ip_api_key Geocoder.configure(:api_key => "MY_KEY") g = Geocoder::Lookup::Baidu.new assert_match "ak=MY_KEY", g.query_url(Geocoder::Query.new("Madison Square Garden, New York, NY 10001, United States")) end def test_google_api_key Geocoder.configure(:api_key => "MY_KEY") g = Geocoder::Lookup::Google.new assert_match "key=MY_KEY", g.query_url(Geocoder::Query.new("Madison Square Garden, New York, NY 10001, United States")) end def test_geocoder_ca_showpostal Geocoder.configure(:api_key => "MY_KEY") g = Geocoder::Lookup::GeocoderCa.new assert_match "showpostal=1", g.query_url(Geocoder::Query.new("Madison Square Garden, New York, NY 10001, United States")) end def test_raises_configuration_error_on_missing_key [:bing, :baidu].each do |l| assert_raises Geocoder::ConfigurationError do Geocoder.configure(:lookup => l, :api_key => nil) Geocoder.search("Madison Square Garden, New York, NY 10001, United States") end end end def test_handle assert_equal :google, Geocoder::Lookup::Google.new.handle assert_equal :geocoder_ca, Geocoder::Lookup::GeocoderCa.new.handle end end