require 'chef/knife' module KnifeSpork class SporkOmni < Chef::Knife deps do require 'knife-spork/runner' begin require 'berkshelf' rescue LoadError; end end banner 'knife spork omni COOKBOOK (options)' option :cookbook_path, :short => '-o PATH:PATH', :long => '--cookbook-path PATH:PATH', :description => 'A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in', :proc => lambda { |o| o.split(':') } option :depends, :short => '-D', :long => '--include-dependencies', :description => 'Also upload cookbook dependencies during the upload step' option :bump_level, :short => '-l', :long => '--bump-level [major|minor|patch]', :description => 'Version level to bump the cookbook (defaults to patch)', :default => nil option :omni_environment, :short => '-e', :long => '--environment ENVIRONMENT', :description => 'Environment to promote the cookbook to', :default => nil option :remote, :long => '--remote', :description => 'Make omni finish with promote --remote instead of a local promote', :default => nil if defined?(::Berkshelf) option :berksfile, :short => '-b', :long => '--berksfile BERKSFILE', :description => 'Path to a Berksfile to operate from', :default => File.join(Dir.pwd, ::Berkshelf::DEFAULT_FILENAME) end def run self.class.send(:include, KnifeSpork::Runner) self.config = Chef::Config.merge!(config) if name_args.empty? ui.fatal 'You must specify a cookbook name!' show_usage exit(1) end cookbook = name_args.first run_plugins(:before_omni) omni(cookbook) run_plugins(:after_omni) end private def bump(cookbook) ui.msg "OMNI: Bumping #{cookbook}" bump = bump.name_args = [cookbook,config[:bump_level]] end def upload(cookbook) ui.msg "OMNI: Uploading #{cookbook}" upload = upload.name_args = [cookbook] upload.config[:cookbook_path] = config[:cookbook_path] upload.config[:depends] = config[:depends] end def promote(cookbook) ui.msg "OMNI: Promoting #{cookbook}" promote = if config[:omni_environment] promote.name_args = [config[:omni_environment],cookbook] else promote.name_args = [cookbook] end promote.config[:remote] = config[:remote] if defined?(::Berkshelf) promote.config[:berksfile] = config[:berksfile] end end def omni(cookbook) bump(cookbook) ui.msg "" upload(cookbook) ui.msg "" promote(cookbook) end end end