Feature: Manage Glossary Content
  In order to manage content for a Glossary publication
  As an admin
  I want to create, edit, and delete terms and definitions

  Scenario: Add Content to a Publication
    Given I have no publications
    Given I have a publication named "Glossary of Technical Terms" with "Terms and Definitions" content
    When I visit "Glossary of Technical Terms"
    And I follow "Add Content"
    And I fill in "managed_content_headline" with "Foo"
    And I fill in "managed_content_content_editor" with "Something arbitrary."
    And I fill in "managed_content_desired_slug" with "something"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I should see "Publication Details"
    And I should see "Foo"

  Scenario: View a Publication's Content
    Given I have no publications
    Given I have a publication named "Glossary of Technical Terms" with "Terms and Definitions" content
    Given the publication "Glossary of Technical Terms" has the following contents
      | headline | content | slug |
      | Foo      | Stuff   | foo  |
    When I visit "Glossary of Technical Terms"
    Then I should see "Foo"

  Scenario: View Details for a Publication's Content
    Given I have no publications
    Given I have a publication named "Glossary of Technical Terms" with "Terms and Definitions" content
    Given the publication "Glossary of Technical Terms" has the following contents
      | headline | content | slug |
      | Foo      | Stuff   | foo  |
    When I visit "Glossary of Technical Terms"
    And I follow "View" within "[@class='crud_links']"
    Then I should see "Term Details"
    And I should see "Foo"

  Scenario: Edit Details for a Publication's Content
    Given I have no publications
    Given I have a publication named "Glossary of Technical Terms" with "Terms and Definitions" content
    Given the publication "Glossary of Technical Terms" has the following contents
      | headline | content | slug |
      | Foo      | Stuff   | foo  |
    When I visit "Glossary of Technical Terms"
    And I follow "Edit" within "[@class='crud_links']"
    And I fill in "managed_content_headline" with "Kung Foo"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I should see "Term Details"
    And I should see "Kung Foo"

  Scenario: Delete a Publication's Content
    Given I have no publications
    Given I have a publication named "Glossary of Technical Terms" with "Terms and Definitions" content
    Given the publication "Glossary of Technical Terms" has the following contents
      | headline | content | slug |
      | Foo      | Stuff   | foo  |
    When I visit "Glossary of Technical Terms"
    And I press "" within "[@class='crud_links']"
    Then I should not see "Foo"