require 'earth/fuel/data_miner' AutomobileTypeFuelYearAge.class_eval do data_miner do import "total travel distribution of gasoline passenger cars from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-93.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Passenger cars gasoline 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Passenger cars' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'gasoline' store 'year', :static => '2008' store 'age', :field_name => 'Vehicle Age' store 'total_travel_percent', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDGV'].to_f / 100 } end import "total travel distribution of gasoline light-duty trucks from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-93.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Light-duty trucks gasoline 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Light-duty trucks' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'gasoline' store 'year', :static => '2008' store 'age', :field_name => 'Vehicle Age' store 'total_travel_percent', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDGT'].to_f / 100 } end import "total travel distribution of diesel passenger cars from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-93.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Passenger cars diesel 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Passenger cars' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'diesel' store 'year', :static => '2008' store 'age', :field_name => 'Vehicle Age' store 'total_travel_percent', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDDV'].to_f / 100 } end import "total travel distribution of diesel light-duty trucks from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-93.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Light-duty trucks diesel 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'type_name', :static => 'Light-duty trucks' store 'fuel_common_name', :static => 'diesel' store 'year', :static => '2008' store 'age', :field_name => 'Vehicle Age' store 'total_travel_percent', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDDT'].to_f / 100 } end import "average annual distance for gasoline passenger cars from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-92.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Passenger cars gasoline 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'annual_distance', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDGV'].to_s.sub(',', '') }, :units => :miles end import "average annual distance for gasoline light-duty trucks from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-92.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Light-duty trucks gasoline 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'annual_distance', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDGT'].to_s.sub(',', '') }, :units => :miles end import "average annual distance for diesel passenger cars from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-92.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Passenger cars diesel 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'annual_distance', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDDV'].to_s.sub(',', '') }, :units => :miles end import "average annual distance for diesel light-duty trucks from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory", :url => '', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-92.csv', :skip => 1, :select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } do key 'name', :synthesize => proc { |row| "Light-duty trucks diesel 2008 age #{row['Vehicle Age']}" } store 'annual_distance', :synthesize => proc { |row| row['LDDT'].to_s.sub(',', '') }, :units => :miles end process "Convert annual distance from miles to kilometres" do conversion_factor = where(:annual_distance_units => 'miles').update_all(%{ annual_distance = 1.0 * annual_distance * #{conversion_factor}, annual_distance_units = 'kilometres' }) end process "Ensure AutomobileTypeFuelYear is populated" do AutomobileTypeFuelYear.run_data_miner! end process "Calculate number of vehicles from total travel percent and AutomobileTypeFuelYear" do total_travel = %{ SELECT t1.total_travel FROM #{AutomobileTypeFuelYear.quoted_table_name} AS t1 WHERE t1.type_name = #{quoted_table_name}.type_name AND t1.fuel_common_name = #{quoted_table_name}.fuel_common_name AND t1.year = #{quoted_table_name}.year } where("annual_distance > 0").update_all "vehicles = 1.0 * total_travel_percent * (#{total_travel}) / annual_distance" end end end