const dss = require('dss') const _ = require('lodash') const async = require('async') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const dssHelper = require('../modules/dss-helper') const fileHelper = require('../modules/file') const parser = require('../modules/html-parser') const humanize = require('underscore.string/humanize') const underscored = require('underscore.string/underscored') const slugify = require('underscore.string/slugify') const matter = require('gray-matter') const StyleStats = require('stylestats') const marked = require('marked') const semver = require('semver') const exec = require('child_process').exec const simpleGit = require('simple-git')(path.resolve('.')) module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.registerMultiTask('styleguide', 'Parse DSS comment blocks', function () { var promise = this.async() var files = this.files var outputFilePath = var styleguidePath = var contentPath = path.join(styleguidePath, 'content') var templatePath = path.join(styleguidePath, 'templates') var cssStatsFile = var tagStartVersion = var tagPlaceholder = var options = this.options({ template: 'styleguide.tpl', contentTemplate: 'simple.tpl', parsers: { variable: dssHelper.variableDssParser(), partial: function (i, line, block) { return line }, page: function (i, line, block) { return line }, description: dssHelper.descriptionDssParser, javascript: dssHelper.javascriptParser } }) async.waterfall([ init, parseDSS, groupDSS, generateStaticContent, generateStyleguide, generateStats, writeFile ], completeTask) function completeTask () { promise() } function init (callback) { dssHelper.addParsers(options.parsers) callback(null) } function parseDSS (callback) { var styleguide = [] var srcFiles = files[0].src srcFiles.forEach(function (file) { dss.parse(, { file: file }, function (parsed) { // Continue only if file contains DSS annotation if (parsed.blocks.length) { // Add comment block to styleguide (block) { block['path'] = file block['file'] = path.basename(file) block['link'] = underscored(slugify(block['name'])); // Normalize @state and @variable to array ['state', 'variable'].forEach(function (prop) { if (block.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof block[prop].slice !== 'function') { block[prop] = [block[prop]] } }) if (block.markup) { block.markup.escaped = dssHelper.removeModifiersFromMarkup(block.markup.escaped) } if (block.hasOwnProperty('state')) { (state) { state.markup = { example: dssHelper.addStateToExample(block.markup.example, state.escaped) } }) } }) styleguide.push(parsed.blocks) } }) }) callback(null, styleguide) } function groupDSS (styleguide, callback) { var sections = _.chain(styleguide).flatten().groupBy('page') .map(function (value, key) { const structure = key.split('/') const section = slugify(structure[0]) const page = structure[1] return { name: page, page: slugify(page) + '.html', template: _getTemplate(options.template), section: slugify(section), blocks: value } }) // As it's iterating over files, we don't want files that aren't documented to come through .filter(function (object) { return object.section !== 'undefined' }).compact().value() callback(null, sections) } function generateStaticContent (sections, callback) { var pages = grunt.file.expand(contentPath + '/**/*') .filter(function (dir) { var stats = fs.lstatSync(dir) return !stats.isDirectory() }) .map(function (file) { const data = const html = parser.removeSubNav(data.content) const extension = path.extname(file) const subNavData = parser.extractSubNav(data.content) const section = path.dirname(file).replace((new RegExp(contentPath + '/?', 'g')), '') const filename = path.basename(file, extension) return { name: || humanize(filename), page: filename + '.html', template: _getTemplate( || options.contentTemplate), section, content: (fileHelper.isMarkdown(extension) ? marked(html) : html), subNav: subNavData } }) var data = _sortyByIndex(pages).concat(sections) callback(null, _sortyByIndex(data)) } function generateStyleguide (sections, callback) { var model = { pages: sections, navigation: _getSection(sections), project: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json') } callback(null, model) } function generateStats (model, callback) { var cssParser var omitEntries var statsPage var cachedStatsFile cachedStatsFile = 'tmp/.stats-cache' statsPage = { name: 'Stats', page: 'stats.html', section: 'pattern-library', content: {report: []}, template: 'styleguide/templates/stats.tpl' } // Get the latest tag, if the tag is different from the cached one // fetch new data. exec('git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`', function (error, stdout, sterr) { if (error) { console.log(error) } var latestTag = semver.clean(stdout) var data try { data = grunt.file.readJSON(cachedStatsFile) var latestVersion = data[0].version if (data[0] && data[0].version && semver.eq(latestVersion, latestTag)) { = data next() } else { fetchNewStatsData() } } catch (err) { // File does't exist or wrong format. fetchNewStatsData() } } ) function fetchNewStatsData () { async.waterfall([ getTags, getStylesListing, getStats ], next) } function getTags (callback) { simpleGit.tags(function (err, tags) { if (err) { console.log(err) } callback(null, tags) }) } function getStylesListing (tags, callback) { var styleListing = (tag) { var cleanTag = semver.clean(tag) if (cleanTag != null &&, tagStartVersion)) { return { version: cleanTag, path: cssStatsFile.replace(tagPlaceholder, cleanTag) } } }) callback(null, _.compact(styleListing)) } function getStats (styleListing, callback) { omitEntries = [ 'dataUriSize', 'ratioOfDataUriSize', 'lowestCohesion', 'lowestCohesionSelector', 'uniqueFontSize', 'uniqueFontFamily', 'propertiesCount', 'published', 'paths', 'mostIdentifierSelector', 'totalUniqueFontSizes', 'mostIdentifier', 'totalUniqueFontFamilies', 'totalUniqueColors', 'unqualifiedAttributeSelectors', 'floatProperties', 'uniqueColor' ], function (entry, cb) { cssParser = new StyleStats(entry.path, {}) cssParser.parse(function (err, styleStatsData) { if (err) { console.log(err) } var generalReport = _.omit(styleStatsData, omitEntries) if (Object.keys(generalReport).length) { generalReport.version = entry.version } cb() }) }, function () { // Sort array var sortedReport = (a, b) { return semver.rcompare(a.version, b.version) }) = sortedReport fileHelper.writeFile(JSON.stringify(sortedReport), cachedStatsFile, 'Cached stats') callback() } ) } function next () { model.pages.push(statsPage) callback(null, model) } } function _getSection (sections) { return _.chain(sections).map(function (data) { return slugify(data.section) }).compact().uniq().value() } function _sortyByIndex (sections) { return sections.sort(function (a, b) { return ( === 'index.html' ? -1 : 1) }) } function _getTemplate (name) { return path.join(templatePath, name) } function writeFile (model, callback) { fileHelper.writeFile(JSON.stringify(model), outputFilePath, 'Styleguide') callback(null, 'done') } }) }