# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Méthode possible ici ? def init_translations_ennder #Ajout des fichiers de traductions communs I18n.load_path.unshift File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'locales', 'en.yml')) I18n.load_path.unshift File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'locales', 'fr.yml')) # if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 #JBA 2011-03-29, sera caduque avec Rails 3 ? #pour que to_s prenne en compte les formats localisés # Date.send :include, ConversionsWithI18nToS # Time.send :include, ConversionsWithI18nToS ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone.send :include, ConversionsWithI18nToS ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper.send :include, ConversionsWithI18nLabel # end end if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 then #Rails 2 Rails.configuration.after_initialize do _info = "GEM translations_ennder V#{TranslationsEnnder.version}, translations_ennder/rails.rb, Railx V2.x.y" puts "Rails.configuration.after_initialize, RAILS_ROOT=[#{RAILS_ROOT}], RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV}" if RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.nil? _logger = Logger.new( File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "log", "#{RAILS_ENV}.log") ) else _logger = RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER end _logger.info _info init_translations_ennder end else #Rails 3 # Rails n'est pas encore initalisé dans ce cas puts "GEM translations_ennder V#{TranslationsEnnder.version}, translations_ennder/rails.rb, Railx V3.x.y" init_translations_ennder end module ActionController class Base # Instance methods here def set_locale _param_locale = params[:locale] if (!_param_locale.blank?) and _param_locale.match /^(en|fr)$/ #Vient du paramètre de requête I18n.locale = _param_locale elsif session[:locale].blank? and (! request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].blank?) #Vient des entêtes de la requête _http_lang_tab = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].scan(/^[a-z]{2}/) if (! _http_lang_tab.empty?) and (! _http_lang_tab.first.blank? ) if _http_lang_tab.first.match /^(en|fr)$/ I18n.locale = _http_lang_tab.first else set_locale_session_or_fr end else set_locale_session_or_fr end else set_locale_session_or_fr end # logger.debug "GEM translations_ennder, locale=[#{session[:locale]}]" if session[:locale] != I18n.locale logger.debug "GEM translations_ennder, set_locale [#{session[:locale]}]=>[#{I18n.locale}]" session[:locale] = I18n.locale end end def set_locale_session_or_fr #Vient de la session, ou pas fourni I18n.locale = session[:locale] || :fr end end end