// Copyright (c) 2005 spinelz.org (http://script.spinelz.org/) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. TabBox = Class.create(); TabBox.className = { tabBox: 'tabBox_tabBox', panelContainer: 'tabBox_panelContainer', tabContainer: 'tabBox_tabContainer', tabBar: 'tabBox_tabBar', tab: 'tabBox_tab', tabLeftInactive: 'tabBox_tabLeftInactive', tabLeftActive: 'tabBox_tabLeftActive', tabMiddleInactive: 'tabBox_tabMiddleInactive', tabMiddleActive: 'tabBox_tabMiddleActive', tabRightInactive: 'tabBox_tabRightInactive', tabRightActive: 'tabBox_tabRightActive', tabTitle: 'tabBox_tabTitle', closeButton: 'tabBox_closeButton' } TabBox.prototype = { initialize: function(element) { var options = Object.extend({ selected: 1, cssPrefix: 'custom_', beforeSelect: function() { return true }, afterSelect: Prototype.emptyFunction, afterSelectOnce: Prototype.emptyFunction, onRemove: function() { return true }, sortable: false, closeButton: false, afterSort: Prototype.emptyFunction, onSort: Prototype.emptyFunction, lazyLoadUrl: [], onLazyLoad: Prototype.emptyFunction, afterLazyLoad: Prototype.emptyFunction, lazyLoadFailure: Prototype.emptyFunction, failureLimitOver: Prototype.emptyFunction, failureLimit: 5, tabRow: null, titleLength: null }, arguments[1] || {}); this.options = options; this.element = $(element); Element.setStyle(this.element, {visibility: 'hidden'}); Element.hide(this.element); this.selected = (this.options.selected > 0) ? this.options.selected - 1 : 0 ; this.css = CssUtil.getInstance(this.options.cssPrefix, TabBox.className); this.classNames = this.css.allJoinClassNames(); this.css.addClassNames(this.element, 'tabBox'); this.start(); Element.setStyle(this.element, {visibility: 'visible'}); Element.show(this.element); if (this.options.lazyLoadUrl.length > 0) this.lazyLoad(0); }, start: function() { this.tabs = []; this.panelList = []; this.tabId = this.element.id + '_tab'; this.tabLeftId = this.tabId + '_left'; this.tabMiddleId = this.tabId + '_middle'; this.tabRightId = this.tabId + '_right'; this.tabContainerId = this.element.id + '_tabContainer'; this.panelId = this.element.id + '_panel'; this.panelContainerId = this.element.id + '_panelContainer'; this.tabTitleId = this.element.id + '_tabTitle'; this.ids = []; this.holder = []; this.build(); this.tabs = this.tabs.collect(function(tab) { return $(tab) }); this.panelList = this.panelList.collect(function(panel) { return $(panel) }); this.tabContainer = $(this.tabContainerId); this.panelContainer = $(this.panelContainerId); this.selectTab(); this.setEvent(); this.appendElements(); if (this.options.sortable) this.setDrag(); }, setDrag: function() { Sortable.create(this.tabContainerId, { tag: 'div', overlap: 'horizontal', constraint: 'horizontal', onChange: this.options.onSort, onUpdate: this.options.afterSort, starteffect: Prototype.emptyFunction, endeffect: Prototype.emptyFunction }); }, setEvent: function() { this.ids.each(function(idSet) { Event.observe(idSet.tab, 'click', this.selectTab.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(idSet.tab, 'mouseover', this.onMouseOver.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(idSet.tab, 'mouseout', this.onMouseOut.bindAsEventListener(this)); if (this.options.closeButton) { Event.observe(idSet.button, 'click', this.onRemove.bindAsEventListener(this)); } }.bind(this)); }, appendElements: function() { this.holder.each(function(set) { $(this.tabTitleId + set.number).appendChild(set.tab); this.panelList[set.number].appendChild(set.content); }.bind(this)); }, build: function() { var tabContainer = "
"; var panelContainer = "
"; var tabSetCount = 0; $A(this.element.childNodes).each(function(node) { if (Element.isElementNode(node)) { var tabSet = this.buildTabSet(node, tabSetCount); tabContainer += tabSet.tab; panelContainer += tabSet.panel; tabSetCount++; } }.bind(this)); tabContainer += "
"; panelContainer += "
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" + panelContainer; }, buildTabSet: function(element, i) { var nodes = Element.getChildNodesWithoutWhitespace(element); this.holdElements(nodes[0], nodes[1], i); return { tab: this.buildTab(nodes[0], i, Element.attributeHTML(element, 'onclick')), panel: this.buildPanel(nodes[1], i) }; }, buildTab: function(tab, i, events) { var tabId = this.tabId + i; var ids = {tab: tabId}; this.ids.push(ids); this.tabs[i] = tabId; var button = ""; if (this.options.closeButton) { var buttonId = this.element.id.appendSuffix('closeButton_' + i); ids.button = buttonId; button = "
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" + "
" + "
" + '
' + "
" + button + "
" + "
" + "
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if (!e) { this.setTabActive(this.tabs[this.selected]); Element.show(this.panelList[this.selected]); return; } var currentPanel = this.getCurrentPanel(); var currentTab = this.getCurrentTab(); var targetElement = null; if (e.nodeType) { targetElement = e; } else { targetElement = Event.element(e); } var targetIndex = this.getTargetIndex(targetElement); if (targetIndex == this.selected) { return; } var targetPanel = this.panelList[targetIndex]; var targetTab = this.tabs[targetIndex]; if (currentTab) this.setTabInactive(currentTab); this.setTabActive(targetTab); if (currentPanel) Element.toggle(currentPanel); Element.toggle(targetPanel); this.selected = targetIndex; this.options.afterSelect(targetPanel, currentPanel); if (!targetPanel.selected) { this._callAfterSelectOnce(targetPanel); targetPanel.selected = true; } }, setTabActive: function(tab) { var tabChildren = tab.childNodes; this.css.refreshClassNames(tabChildren[0], 'tabLeftActive'); this.css.refreshClassNames(tabChildren[1], 'tabMiddleActive'); this.css.refreshClassNames(tabChildren[2], 'tabRightActive'); }, setTabInactive: function(tab) { var tabChildren = tab.childNodes; this.css.refreshClassNames(tabChildren[0], 'tabLeftInactive'); this.css.refreshClassNames(tabChildren[1], 'tabMiddleInactive'); this.css.refreshClassNames(tabChildren[2], 'tabRightInactive'); }, getTargetIndex: function(element) { while(element) { if (element.id && element.id.indexOf(this.tabId, 0) >= 0) { var index = element.id.substring(this.tabId.length); if (!isNaN(index)) { return index; } } element = element.parentNode; } }, onRemove: function(event) { Event.stop(event); var element = Event.element(event); var index = this.getTargetIndex(element); var tab = this.tabs[index]; if (this.options.onRemove(tab)) { this.remove(tab); } }, remove: function(tab) { if (tab) { var index = this.getTargetIndex(tab); var nextActiveTab = this.getNextTab(); if (!nextActiveTab) nextActiveTab = this.getPreviousTab(); Element.remove(tab); Element.remove(this.panelList[index]); this.tabs[index] = null; this.panelList[index] = null; if (index == this.selected) { if (nextActiveTab) { this.selectTab(nextActiveTab); } } } }, addByElement: function(element) { this.holder = []; this.ids = []; this.contents = []; var tabSet = this.buildTabSet($(element), this.tabs.length); this.tabContainer.appendChild(tabSet.tab.toElement()); this.panelContainer.appendChild(tabSet.panel.toElement()); this.tabs[this.tabs.length - 1] = $(this.tabs.last()); this.panelList[this.panelList.length - 1] = $(this.panelList.last()); this.setEvent(); this.appendElements(); if (this.options.sortable) this.setDrag(); }, add: function(title, content) { var contents = []; var node = Builder.node('div'); node.innerHTML = title; contents.push(node); node = Builder.node('div'); node.innerHTML = content; contents.push(node); this.addByElement(Builder.node('div', contents)); }, lazyLoad: function(index) { this.errorCount = 0; this.loadedList = []; this.load(index); }, load: function(index) { var container = this.panelList[index]; var url = this.options.lazyLoadUrl[index]; var self = this; if (container && url) { new Ajax.Updater( {success: container}, url, { onSuccess: function() { self.setLoaded(index); self.options.onLazyLoad(container, self); self.load(++index); if (self.isFinishLazyLoad()) self.options.afterLazyLoad(self); }, onFailure: function() { self.errorCount++; self.options.lazyLoadFailure(container, self); if (self.errorCount <= self.options.failureLimit) { self.load(index); } else { self.options.failureLimitOver(self); } }, asynchronous: true, evalScripts: true } ); } }, isFinishLazyLoad: function() { return this.loadedList.length == this.panelList.length; }, setLoaded: function(i) { this.loadedList.push(i); }, onMouseOver: function(event) { var targetElement = Event.element(event); var targetIndex = this.getTargetIndex(targetElement); if (targetIndex != this.selected) { var targetTab = this.tabs[targetIndex]; this.setTabActive(targetTab); } }, onMouseOut: function(event) { var targetElement = Event.element(event); var targetIndex = this.getTargetIndex(targetElement); if (targetIndex != this.selected) { var targetTab = this.tabs[targetIndex]; this.setTabInactive(targetTab); } }, hasNextTab: function() { return this.getNextTab() ? true : false; }, hasPreviousTab: function() { return this.getPreviousTab() ? true : false; }, getNextTab: function() { return Element.next(this.getCurrentTab()); }, getPreviousTab: function() { return Element.previous(this.getCurrentTab()); }, selectNextTab: function() { this.selectTab(this.getNextTab()); }, selectPreviousTab: function() { this.selectTab(this.getPreviousTab()); }, tabCount: function() { return this.tabs.inject(0, function(i, t) { return t ? ++i : i; }) }, getCurrentPanel: function() { return this.panelList[this.selected]; }, getCurrentTab: function() { return this.tabs[this.selected]; }, _callAfterSelectOnce: function(targetPanel) { var func = this.options.afterSelectOnce; if (!func) return; if (func.constructor != Function) { if (func.constructor == Array) { func = func[this.panelList.indexOf(targetPanel)]; } else { func = func[this.panelList.indexOf(targetPanel).succ()]; } } if (func) func(targetPanel); } }