# encoding: UTF-8 module SportDb class GameReader include LogUtils::Logging ## make models available by default with namespace # e.g. lets you use Usage instead of Model::Usage include Models ## value helpers e.g. is_year?, is_taglist? etc. include TextUtils::ValueHelper include FixtureHelpers def self.from_zip( zip_file, entry_path, more_attribs={} ) logger = LogKernel::Logger.root reader = EventReader.from_zip( zip_file, entry_path ) reader.read() event = reader.event ## was fetch_event( name ) fixtures = reader.fixtures ## was fetch_event_fixtures( name ) if fixtures.empty? ## logger.warn "no fixtures found for event - >#{name}<; assume fixture name is the same as event" ## change extension from .yml to .txt fixtures_with_path = [ entry_path.sub('.yml','.txt') ] else ## add path to fixtures (use path from event e.g) # - bl + at-austria!/2012_13/bl -> at-austria!/2012_13/bl # - bl_ii + at-austria!/2012_13/bl -> at-austria!/2012_13/bl_ii dir = File.dirname( entry_path ) # use dir for fixtures fixtures_with_path = fixtures.map do |fx| fx_new = "#{dir}/#{fx}.txt" # add path upfront logger.debug "fx: #{fx_new} | >#{fx}< + >#{dir}<" fx_new end end ## fix-fix-fix: change file extension to ?? text_ary = [] fixtures_with_path.each do |fixture_path| entry = zip_file.find_entry( fixture_path ) text = entry.get_input_stream().read() text = text.force_encoding( Encoding::UTF_8 ) text_ary << text end self.from_string( event, text_ary, more_attribs ) end def self.from_file( path, more_attribs={} ) logger = LogKernel::Logger.root ### NOTE: fix-fix-fix - pass in event path!!!!!!! (not fixture path!!!!) ## - ## note: assume/enfore utf-8 encoding (with or without BOM - byte order mark) ## - ## - see textutils/utils.rb ## - text = File.read_utf8( path ) reader = EventReader.from_file( path ) reader.read() event = reader.event ## was fetch_event( name ) fixtures = reader.fixtures ## was fetch_event_fixtures( name ) if fixtures.empty? ## logger.warn "no fixtures found for event - >#{name}<; assume fixture name is the same as event" ## change extension from .yml to .txt fixtures_with_path = [ path.sub('.yml','.txt') ] else ## add path to fixtures (use path from event e.g) # - bl + at-austria!/2012_13/bl -> at-austria!/2012_13/bl # - bl_ii + at-austria!/2012_13/bl -> at-austria!/2012_13/bl_ii dir = File.dirname( path ) # use dir for fixtures fixtures_with_path = fixtures.map do |fx| fx_new = "#{dir}/#{fx}.txt" # add path upfront logger.debug "fx: #{fx_new} | >#{fx}< + >#{dir}<" fx_new end end ## fix-fix-fix: change file extension to ?? text_ary = [] fixtures_with_path.each do |fixture_path| text_ary << File.read_utf8( fixture_path ) end self.from_string( event, text_ary, more_attribs ) end def self.from_string( event, text_or_text_ary, more_attribs={} ) ### fix - fix -fix: ## change event to event_or_event_key !!!!! - allow event_key as string passed in GameReader.new( event, text_or_text_ary, more_attribs ) end def initialize( event, text_or_text_ary, more_attribs={} ) ### fix - fix -fix: ## change event to event_or_event_key !!!!! - allow event_key as string passed in ## todo/fix: how to add opts={} ??? @event = event @text_or_text_ary = text_or_text_ary @more_attribs = more_attribs end def read() if @text_or_text_ary.is_a?( String ) text_ary = [@text_or_text_ary] else text_ary = @text_or_text_ary end ## reset cached values ## for auto-number rounds etc. @last_round_pos = nil text_ary.each do |text| ## assume en for now? why? why not? ## fix (cache) store lang in event table (e.g. auto-add and auto-update)!!! SportDb.lang.lang = SportDb.lang.classify( text ) reader = LineReader.from_string( text ) read_fixtures_worker( @event.key, reader ) end ## fix add prop ?? ### Prop.create!( key: "db.#{fixture_name_to_prop_key(name)}.version", value: "file.txt.#{File.mtime(path).strftime('%Y.%m.%d')}" ) end def read_fixtures_worker( event_key, reader ) ## NB: assume active activerecord connection ## reset cached values @patch_round_ids_dates = [] @patch_round_ids_pos = [] @round = nil ## fix: change/rename to @last_round !!! @group = nil ## fix: change/rename to @last_group !!! @last_date = nil @last_team1 = nil # used for goals (to match players via squads) @last_team2 = nil @last_game = nil ##### # fix: move to read and share event/known_teams # for all 1-n fixture files (no need to configure every time!!) @event = Event.find_by_key!( event_key ) logger.debug "Event #{@event.key} >#{@event.title}<" ### fix: use build_title_table_for ??? why? why not?? @known_teams = @event.known_teams_table @known_grounds = TextUtils.build_title_table_for( @event.grounds ) parse_fixtures( reader ) end # method load_fixtures def parse_group_header( line ) logger.debug "parsing group header line: >#{line}<" # note: group header resets (last) round (allows, for example): # e.g. # Group Playoffs/Replays -- round header # team1 team2 -- match # Group B: -- group header # team1 team2 - match (will get new auto-matchday! not last round) @round = nil ## fix: change/rename to @last_round !!! title, pos = find_group_title_and_pos!( line ) logger.debug " title: >#{title}<" logger.debug " pos: >#{pos}<" logger.debug " line: >#{line}<" # set group for games @group = Group.find_by_event_id_and_pos!( @event.id, pos ) end def parse_group_def( line ) logger.debug "parsing group def line: >#{line}<" match_teams!( line ) team_keys = find_teams!( line ) title, pos = find_group_title_and_pos!( line ) logger.debug " line: >#{line}<" group_attribs = { title: title } group = Group.find_by_event_id_and_pos( @event.id, pos ) if group.present? logger.debug "update group #{group.id}:" else logger.debug "create group:" group = Group.new group_attribs = group_attribs.merge( { event_id: @event.id, pos: pos }) end logger.debug group_attribs.to_json group.update_attributes!( group_attribs ) group.teams.clear # remove old teams ## add new teams team_keys.each do |team_key| team = Team.find_by_key!( team_key ) logger.debug " adding team #{team.title} (#{team.code})" group.teams << team end end def parse_round_def( line ) logger.debug "parsing round def line: >#{line}<" ### todo/fix/check: move cut off optional comment in reader for all lines? why? why not? cut_off_end_of_line_comment!( line ) # cut off optional comment starting w/ # start_at = find_date!( line, start_at: @event.start_at ) end_at = find_date!( line, start_at: @event.start_at ) # note: if end_at missing -- assume start_at is (==) end_at end_at = start_at if end_at.nil? # note: - NOT needed; start_at and end_at are saved as date only (NOT datetime) # set hours,minutes,secs to beginning and end of day (do NOT use default 12.00) # e.g. use 00.00 and 23.59 # start_at = start_at.beginning_of_day # end_at = end_at.end_of_day # note: make sure start_at/end_at is date only (e.g. use start_at.to_date) # sqlite3 saves datetime in date field as datetime, for example (will break date compares later!) start_at = start_at.to_date end_at = end_at.to_date pos = find_round_pos!( line ) title = find_round_def_title!( line ) # NB: use extracted round title for knockout check knockout_flag = is_knockout_round?( title ) logger.debug " start_at: #{start_at}" logger.debug " end_at: #{end_at}" logger.debug " pos: #{pos}" logger.debug " title: >#{title}<" logger.debug " knockout_flag: #{knockout_flag}" logger.debug " line: >#{line}<" ####################################### # fix: add auto flag is false !!!! round_attribs = { title: title, knockout: knockout_flag, start_at: start_at, end_at: end_at } round = Round.find_by_event_id_and_pos( @event.id, pos ) if round.present? logger.debug "update round #{round.id}:" else logger.debug "create round:" round = Round.new round_attribs = round_attribs.merge( { event_id: @event.id, pos: pos }) end logger.debug round_attribs.to_json round.update_attributes!( round_attribs ) end def parse_round_header( line ) logger.debug "parsing round header line: >#{line}<" ### todo/fix/check: move cut off optional comment in reader for all lines? why? why not? cut_off_end_of_line_comment!( line ) # cut off optional comment starting w/ # # NB: cut off optional title2 starting w/ // first title2 = find_round_header_title2!( line ) # todo/fix: check if it is possible title2 w/ group? # add an example here group_title, group_pos = find_group_title_and_pos!( line ) ## todo/check/fix: # make sure Round of 16 will not return pos 16 -- how? possible? # add unit test too to verify pos = find_round_pos!( line ) ## check if pos available; if not auto-number/calculate if pos.nil? if @patch_round_ids_pos.empty? pos = (@last_round_pos||0)+1 logger.debug( " no round pos found; auto-number round - use (#{pos})" ) else # note: if any rounds w/o pos already seen (add for auto-numbering at the end) # will get auto-numbered sorted by start_at date pos = 999001+@patch_round_ids_pos.length # e.g. 999<count> - 999001,999002,etc. logger.debug( " no round pos found; auto-number round w/ patch (backtrack) at the end" ) end end # store pos for auto-number next round if missing # - note: only if greater/bigger than last; use max # - note: last_round_pos might be nil - thus set to 0 if pos > 999000 # note: do NOT update last_round_pos for to-be-patched rounds else @last_round_pos = [pos,@last_round_pos||0].max end title = find_round_header_title!( line ) ## NB: use extracted round title for knockout check knockout_flag = is_knockout_round?( title ) if group_pos.present? @group = Group.find_by_event_id_and_pos!( @event.id, group_pos ) else @group = nil # reset group to no group end logger.debug " line: >#{line}<" ## NB: dummy/placeholder start_at, end_at date ## replace/patch after adding all games for round round_attribs = { title: title, title2: title2, knockout: knockout_flag } if pos > 999000 # no pos (e.g. will get autonumbered later) - try match by title for now # e.g. lets us use title 'Group Replays', for example, multiple times @round = Round.find_by_event_id_and_title( @event.id, title ) else @round = Round.find_by_event_id_and_pos( @event.id, pos ) end if @round.present? logger.debug "update round #{@round.id}:" else logger.debug "create round:" @round = Round.new round_attribs = round_attribs.merge( { event_id: @event.id, pos: pos, start_at: Date.parse('1911-11-11'), end_at: Date.parse('1911-11-11') }) end logger.debug round_attribs.to_json @round.update_attributes!( round_attribs ) @patch_round_ids_pos << @round.id if pos > 999000 ### store list of round ids for patching start_at/end_at at the end @patch_round_ids_dates << @round.id # todo/fix/check: check if round has definition (do NOT patch if definition (not auto-added) present) end def try_parse_game( line ) # note: clone line; for possible test do NOT modify in place for now # note: returns true if parsed, false if no match parse_game( line.dup ) end def parse_game( line ) logger.debug "parsing game (fixture) line: >#{line}<" match_teams!( line ) team1_key = find_team1!( line ) team2_key = find_team2!( line ) ## note: if we do NOT find two teams; return false - no match found if team1_key.nil? || team2_key.nil? logger.debug " no game match (two teams required) found for line: >#{line}<" return false end pos = find_game_pos!( line ) if is_postponed?( line ) postponed = true date_v2 = find_date!( line, start_at: @event.start_at ) date = find_date!( line, start_at: @event.start_at ) else postponed = false date_v2 = nil date = find_date!( line, start_at: @event.start_at ) end ### # check if date found? # NB: ruby falsey is nil & false only (not 0 or empty array etc.) if date ### check: use date_v2 if present? why? why not? @last_date = date # keep a reference for later use else date = @last_date # no date found; (re)use last seen date end scores = find_scores!( line ) #### # note: # only map ground if we got any grounds (setup/configured in event) if @event.grounds.count > 0 ## todo/check: use @known_grounds for check?? why? why not?? ## use in @known_grounds = TextUtils.build_title_table_for( @event.grounds ) ## # fix: mark mapped title w/ type (ground-) or such!! - too avoid fallthrough match # e.g. three teams match - but only two get mapped, third team gets match for ground # e.g Somalia v Djibouti @ Djibouti map_ground!( line ) ground_key = find_ground!( line ) ground = ground_key.nil? ? nil : Ground.find_by_key!( ground_key ) else # no grounds configured; always nil ground = nil end logger.debug " line: >#{line}<" ### todo: cache team lookups in hash? team1 = Team.find_by_key!( team1_key ) team2 = Team.find_by_key!( team2_key ) @last_team1 = team1 # store for later use for goals etc. @last_team2 = team2 if @round.nil? ## no round header found; calculate round from date ### ## todo/fix: add some unit tests for round look up # fix: use date_v2 if present!! (old/original date; otherwise use date) # # fix: check - what to do with hours e.g. start_at use 00:00 and for end_at use 23.59 ?? # -- for now - remove hours (e.g. use end_of_day and beginnig_of_day) ## # note: start_at and end_at are dates ONLY (note datetime) # - do NOT pass in hours etc. in query # again use --> date.end_of_day, date.beginning_of_day # new: not working: date.to_date, date.to_date # will not find round if start_at same as date !! (in theory hours do not matter) ### # hack: # special case for sqlite3 (date compare not working reliable; use casts) # fix: move to adapter_name to activerecord_utils as sqlite? or similar? if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase.starts_with?( 'sqlite' ) logger.debug( " [sqlite] using sqlite-specific query for date compare for rounds finder" ) round = Round.where( 'event_id = ? AND ( julianday(start_at) <= julianday(?)'+ 'AND julianday(end_at) >= julianday(?))', @event.id, date.to_date, date.to_date).first else # all other dbs (postgresql, mysql, etc.) round = Round.where( 'event_id = ? AND (start_at <= ? AND end_at >= ?)', @event.id, date.to_date, date.to_date).first end pp round if round.nil? logger.warn( " !!!! no round match found for date #{date}" ) pp Round.all ################################### # -- try auto-adding matchday round = Round.new round_attribs = { event_id: @event.id, title: "Matchday #{date.to_date}", pos: 999001+@patch_round_ids_pos.length, # e.g. 999<count> - 999001,999002,etc. start_at: date.to_date, end_at: date.to_date } logger.info( " auto-add round >Matchday #{date.to_date}<" ) logger.debug round_attribs.to_json round.update_attributes!( round_attribs ) @patch_round_ids_pos << round.id # todo/check - add just id or "full" record as now - why? why not? end # store pos for auto-number next round if missing # - note: only if greater/bigger than last; use max # - note: last_round_pos might be nil - thus set to 0 if round.pos > 999000 # note: do NOT update last_round_pos for to-be-patched rounds else @last_round_pos = [round.pos,@last_round_pos||0].max end ## note: will crash (round.pos) if round is nil logger.debug( " using round #{round.pos} >#{round.title}< start_at: #{round.start_at}, end_at: #{round.end_at}" ) else ## use round from last round header round = @round end ### check if games exists ## with this teams in this round if yes only update game = Game.find_by_round_id_and_team1_id_and_team2_id( round.id, team1.id, team2.id ) game_attribs = { score1: scores[0], score2: scores[1], score1et: scores[2], score2et: scores[3], score1p: scores[4], score2p: scores[5], play_at: date, play_at_v2: date_v2, postponed: postponed, knockout: round.knockout, ## note: for now always use knockout flag from round - why? why not?? ground_id: ground.present? ? ground.id : nil, group_id: @group.present? ? @group.id : nil } game_attribs[ :pos ] = pos if pos.present? #### # note: only update if any changes (or create if new record) if game.present? && game.check_for_changes( game_attribs ) == false logger.debug " skip update game #{game.id}; no changes found" else if game.present? logger.debug "update game #{game.id}:" else logger.debug "create game:" game = Game.new more_game_attribs = { round_id: round.id, team1_id: team1.id, team2_id: team2.id } ## NB: use round.games.count for pos ## lets us add games out of order if later needed more_game_attribs[ :pos ] = round.games.count+1 if pos.nil? game_attribs = game_attribs.merge( more_game_attribs ) end logger.debug game_attribs.to_json game.update_attributes!( game_attribs ) end @last_game = game # store for later reference (e.g. used for goals etc.) return true # game match found end # method parse_game def try_parse_date_header( line ) # note: clone line; for possible test do NOT modify in place for now # note: returns true if parsed, false if no match parse_date_header( line.dup ) end def parse_date_header( line ) # note: returns true if parsed, false if no match # line with NO teams plus include date e.g. # [Fri Jun/17] or # Jun/17 or # Jun/17: etc. match_teams!( line ) team1_key = find_team1!( line ) team2_key = find_team2!( line ) date = find_date!( line, start_at: @event.start_at ) if date && team1_key.nil? && team2_key.nil? logger.debug( "date header line found: >#{line}<") logger.debug( " date: #{date}") @last_date = date # keep a reference for later use return true else return false end end def parse_goals( line ) logger.debug "parsing goals (fixture) line: >#{line}<" goals = GoalsFinder.new.find!( line ) ## check if squads/rosters present for player mappings # squad1_count = Roster.where( event_id: @event.id, team_id: @last_team1 ).count if squad1_count > 0 squad1 = Roster.where( event_id: @event.id, team_id: @last_team1 ) else squad1 = [] end squad2_count = Roster.where( event_id: @event.id, team_id: @last_team2 ).count if squad2_count > 0 squad2 = Roster.where( event_id: @event.id, team_id: @last_team2 ) else squad2 = [] end ##### # todo/fix: try lookup by squads first!!! # issue warning if player not included in squad!! ########## # try mapping player names to player ## note: first delete all goals for match (and recreate new ones # no need to figure out update/merge strategy) @last_game.goals.delete_all goals.each do |goal| player_name = goal.name player = Person.where( name: player_name ).first if player logger.info " player match (name eq) - using player key #{player.key}" else # try like match (player name might only include part of name e.g. Messi) # try three variants # try %Messi # try Messi% # try %Messi% -- check if there's an easier way w/ "one" where clause? player = Person.where( 'name LIKE ? OR name LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?', "%#{player_name}", "#{player_name}%", "%#{player_name}%" ).first if player logger.info " player match (name like) - using player key #{player.key}" else # try synonyms player = Person.where( 'synonyms LIKE ? OR synonyms LIKE ? OR synonyms LIKE ?', "%#{player_name}", "#{player_name}%", "%#{player_name}%" ).first if player logger.info " player match (synonyms like) - using player key #{player.key}" else # auto-create player (player not found) logger.info " player NOT found >#{player_name}< - auto-create" ## fix: add auto flag (for auto-created persons/players) ## fix: move title_to_key logic to person model etc. player_key = TextUtils.title_to_key( player_name ) player_attribs = { key: player_key, title: player_name } logger.info " using attribs: #{player_attribs.inspect}" player = Person.create!( player_attribs ) end end end goal_attribs = { game_id: @last_game.id, team_id: goal.team == 1 ? @last_team1.id : @last_team2.id, person_id: player.id, minute: goal.minute, offset: goal.offset, penalty: goal.penalty, owngoal: goal.owngoal, score1: goal.score1, score2: goal.score2 } logger.info " adding goal using attribs: #{goal_attribs.inspect}" Goal.create!( goal_attribs ) end # each goals end # method parse_goals =begin ###### add to person and use!!! def self.create_or_update_from_values( values, more_attribs={} ) ## key & title required attribs, more_values = find_key_n_title( values ) attribs = attribs.merge( more_attribs ) ## check for optional values Person.create_or_update_from_attribs( attribs, more_values ) end =end def parse_fixtures( reader ) reader.each_line do |line| if is_goals?( line ) parse_goals( line ) elsif is_round_def?( line ) ## todo/fix: add round definition (w begin n end date) ## todo: do not patch rounds with definition (already assume begin/end date is good) ## -- how to deal with matches that get rescheduled/postponed? parse_round_def( line ) elsif is_round?( line ) parse_round_header( line ) elsif is_group_def?( line ) ## NB: group goes after round (round may contain group marker too) ### todo: add pipe (|) marker (required) parse_group_def( line ) elsif is_group?( line ) ## -- lets you set group e.g. Group A etc. parse_group_header( line ) elsif try_parse_game( line ) # do nothing here elsif try_parse_date_header( line ) # do nothing here else logger.info "skipping line (no match found): >#{line}<" end end # lines.each ########################### # backtrack and patch round pos and round dates (start_at/end_at) # note: patch dates must go first! (otherwise sort_by_date will not work for round pos) unless @patch_round_ids_dates.empty? ### # fix: do NOT patch if auto flag is set to false !!! # e.g. rounds got added w/ round def (not w/ round header) # note: use uniq - to allow multiple round headers (possible?) Round.find( @patch_round_ids_dates.uniq ).each do |r| logger.debug "patch round start_at/end_at date for #{r.title}:" ## note: ## will add "scope" pos first e.g # ## SELECT "games".* FROM "games" WHERE "games"."round_id" = ? # ORDER BY pos, play_at asc [["round_id", 7]] # thus will NOT order by play_at but by pos first!!! # => # need to unscope pos!!! or use unordered_games - games_by_play_at_date etc.?? # thus use reorder()!!! - not just order('play_at asc') games = r.games.reorder( 'play_at asc' ).all ## skip rounds w/ no games ## todo/check/fix: what's the best way for checking assoc w/ 0 recs? next if games.size == 0 # note: make sure start_at/end_at is date only (e.g. use play_at.to_date) # sqlite3 saves datetime in date field as datetime, for example (will break date compares later!) round_attribs = { start_at: games[0].play_at.to_date, # use games.first ? end_at: games[-1].play_at.to_date # use games.last ? why? why not? } logger.debug round_attribs.to_json r.update_attributes!( round_attribs ) end end unless @patch_round_ids_pos.empty? # step 0: check for offset (last_round_pos) if @last_round_pos offset = @last_round_pos logger.info " +++ patch round pos - use offset; start w/ #{offset}" else offset = 0 logger.debug " patch round pos - no offset; start w/ 0" end # step 1: sort by date # step 2: update pos # note: use uniq - to allow multiple round headers (possible?) Round.order( 'start_at asc').find( @patch_round_ids_pos.uniq ).each_with_index do |r,idx| # note: starts counting w/ zero(0) logger.debug "[#{idx+1}] patch round pos >#{offset+idx+1}< for #{r.title}:" round_attribs = { pos: offset+idx+1 } # update title if Matchday XXXX e.g. use Matchday 1 etc. if r.title.starts_with?('Matchday') round_attribs[:title] = "Matchday #{offset+idx+1}" end logger.debug round_attribs.to_json r.update_attributes!( round_attribs ) # update last_round_pos offset too @last_round_pos = [offset+idx+1,@last_round_pos||0].max end end end # method parse_fixtures end # class GameReader end # module SportDb