Puppet::Type.newtype(:db_opatch) do desc 'This is the Oracle Patch process called OPatch' newproperty(:ensure) do desc 'Whether a patch should be applied.' newvalue(:present, :event => :opatch_installed) do provider.present end newvalue(:absent, :event => :opatch_absent) do provider.absent end aliasvalue(:installed, :present) aliasvalue(:purged, :absent) def retrieve provider.status end def sync event = super() if property = @resource.property(:enable) val = property.retrieve property.sync unless property.safe_insync?(val) end event end end newparam(:name) do desc <<-EOT The name of the OPatch. EOT isnamevar end newproperty(:test_boolean) do #newvalue :true newvalue :false defaultto true end newparam(:patch_id) do desc <<-EOT The patchId of the OPatch. EOT end newparam(:os_user) do desc <<-EOT The weblogic operating system user. EOT end newparam(:oracle_product_home_dir) do desc <<-EOT The oracle product home folder. EOT end newparam(:orainst_dir) do desc <<-EOT The orainst folder. EOT end newparam(:extracted_patch_dir) do desc <<-EOT The extracted patch folder. EOT end newparam(:ocmrf_file) do desc <<-EOT The ocmrf file. EOT end newparam(:opatch_auto) do desc <<-EOT opatch auto bundle patch EOT end newparam(:bundle_sub_patch_id) do desc <<-EOT One of the Sub patch number of the bundle patch EOT end end