/* * $Id: json_object.c,v 1.17 2006/07/25 03:24:50 mclark Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Metaparadigm Pte. Ltd. * Michael Clark * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for details. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "printbuf.h" #include "linkhash.h" #include "arraylist.h" #include "json_object.h" #include "json_object_private.h" #if !HAVE_STRNDUP char* strndup(const char* str, size_t n); #endif /* !HAVE_STRNDUP */ /* #define REFCOUNT_DEBUG 1 */ const char *json_number_chars = "0123456789.+-eE"; const char *json_hex_chars = "0123456789abcdef"; #ifdef REFCOUNT_DEBUG static const char* json_type_name[] = { "null", "boolean", "double", "int", "object", "array", "string", }; #endif /* REFCOUNT_DEBUG */ static void json_object_generic_delete(struct json_object* jso); static struct json_object* json_object_new(enum json_type o_type); /* ref count debugging */ #ifdef REFCOUNT_DEBUG static struct lh_table *json_object_table; static void json_object_init(void) __attribute__ ((constructor)); static void json_object_init(void) { MC_DEBUG("json_object_init: creating object table\n"); json_object_table = lh_kptr_table_new(128, "json_object_table", NULL); } static void json_object_fini(void) __attribute__ ((destructor)); static void json_object_fini(void) { struct lh_entry *ent; if(MC_GET_DEBUG()) { if (json_object_table->count) { MC_DEBUG("json_object_fini: %d referenced objects at exit\n", json_object_table->count); lh_foreach(json_object_table, ent) { struct json_object* obj = (struct json_object*)ent->v; MC_DEBUG("\t%s:%p\n", json_type_name[obj->o_type], obj); } } } MC_DEBUG("json_object_fini: freeing object table\n"); lh_table_free(json_object_table); } #endif /* REFCOUNT_DEBUG */ /* string escaping */ static int json_escape_str(struct printbuf *pb, char *str) { int pos = 0, start_offset = 0; unsigned char c; do { c = str[pos]; switch(c) { case '\0': break; case '\b': case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': case '"': case '\\': case '/': if(pos - start_offset > 0) printbuf_memappend(pb, str + start_offset, pos - start_offset); if(c == '\b') printbuf_memappend(pb, "\\b", 2); else if(c == '\n') printbuf_memappend(pb, "\\n", 2); else if(c == '\r') printbuf_memappend(pb, "\\r", 2); else if(c == '\t') printbuf_memappend(pb, "\\t", 2); else if(c == '"') printbuf_memappend(pb, "\\\"", 2); else if(c == '\\') printbuf_memappend(pb, "\\\\", 2); else if(c == '/') printbuf_memappend(pb, "\\/", 2); start_offset = ++pos; break; default: if(c < ' ') { if(pos - start_offset > 0) printbuf_memappend(pb, str + start_offset, pos - start_offset); sprintbuf(pb, "\\u00%c%c", json_hex_chars[c >> 4], json_hex_chars[c & 0xf]); start_offset = ++pos; } else pos++; } } while(c); if(pos - start_offset > 0) printbuf_memappend(pb, str + start_offset, pos - start_offset); return 0; } /* reference counting */ extern struct json_object* json_object_get(struct json_object *jso) { if(jso) { jso->_ref_count++; } return jso; } extern void json_object_put(struct json_object *jso) { if(jso) { jso->_ref_count--; if(!jso->_ref_count) jso->_delete(jso); } } /* generic object construction and destruction parts */ static void json_object_generic_delete(struct json_object* jso) { #ifdef REFCOUNT_DEBUG MC_DEBUG("json_object_delete_%s: %p\n", json_type_name[jso->o_type], jso); lh_table_delete(json_object_table, jso); #endif /* REFCOUNT_DEBUG */ printbuf_free(jso->_pb); free(jso); } static struct json_object* json_object_new(enum json_type o_type) { struct json_object *jso; jso = (struct json_object*)calloc(sizeof(struct json_object), 1); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->o_type = o_type; jso->_ref_count = 1; jso->_delete = &json_object_generic_delete; #ifdef REFCOUNT_DEBUG lh_table_insert(json_object_table, jso, jso); MC_DEBUG("json_object_new_%s: %p\n", json_type_name[jso->o_type], jso); #endif /* REFCOUNT_DEBUG */ return jso; } /* type checking functions */ int json_object_is_type(struct json_object *jso, enum json_type type) { return (jso->o_type == type); } enum json_type json_object_get_type(struct json_object *jso) { return jso->o_type; } /* json_object_to_json_string */ const char* json_object_to_json_string(struct json_object *jso) { if(!jso) return "null"; if(!jso->_pb) { if(!(jso->_pb = printbuf_new())) return NULL; } else { printbuf_reset(jso->_pb); } if(jso->_to_json_string(jso, jso->_pb) < 0) return NULL; return jso->_pb->buf; } /* json_object_object */ static int json_object_object_to_json_string(struct json_object* jso, struct printbuf *pb) { int i=0; struct json_object_iter iter; sprintbuf(pb, "{"); /* CAW: scope operator to make ANSI correctness */ /* CAW: switched to json_object_object_foreachC which uses an iterator struct */ json_object_object_foreachC(jso, iter) { if(i) sprintbuf(pb, ","); sprintbuf(pb, " \""); json_escape_str(pb, iter.key); sprintbuf(pb, "\": "); if(iter.val == NULL) sprintbuf(pb, "null"); else iter.val->_to_json_string(iter.val, pb); i++; } return sprintbuf(pb, " }"); } static void json_object_lh_entry_free(struct lh_entry *ent) { free(ent->k); json_object_put((struct json_object*)ent->v); } static void json_object_object_delete(struct json_object* jso) { lh_table_free(jso->o.c_object); json_object_generic_delete(jso); } struct json_object* json_object_new_object(void) { struct json_object *jso = json_object_new(json_type_object); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->_delete = &json_object_object_delete; jso->_to_json_string = &json_object_object_to_json_string; jso->o.c_object = lh_kchar_table_new(JSON_OBJECT_DEF_HASH_ENTRIES, NULL, &json_object_lh_entry_free); return jso; } struct lh_table* json_object_get_object(struct json_object *jso) { if(!jso) return NULL; switch(jso->o_type) { case json_type_object: return jso->o.c_object; default: return NULL; } } void json_object_object_add(struct json_object* jso, const char *key, struct json_object *val) { lh_table_delete(jso->o.c_object, key); lh_table_insert(jso->o.c_object, strdup(key), val); } struct json_object* json_object_object_get(struct json_object* jso, const char *key) { return (struct json_object*) lh_table_lookup(jso->o.c_object, key); } void json_object_object_del(struct json_object* jso, const char *key) { lh_table_delete(jso->o.c_object, key); } /* json_object_boolean */ static int json_object_boolean_to_json_string(struct json_object* jso, struct printbuf *pb) { if(jso->o.c_boolean) return sprintbuf(pb, "true"); else return sprintbuf(pb, "false"); } struct json_object* json_object_new_boolean(boolean b) { struct json_object *jso = json_object_new(json_type_boolean); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->_to_json_string = &json_object_boolean_to_json_string; jso->o.c_boolean = b; return jso; } boolean json_object_get_boolean(struct json_object *jso) { if(!jso) return FALSE; switch(jso->o_type) { case json_type_boolean: return jso->o.c_boolean; case json_type_int: return (jso->o.c_int != 0); case json_type_double: return (jso->o.c_double != 0); case json_type_string: return (strlen(jso->o.c_string) != 0); default: return FALSE; } } /* json_object_int */ static int json_object_int_to_json_string(struct json_object* jso, struct printbuf *pb) { return sprintbuf(pb, "%d", jso->o.c_int); } struct json_object* json_object_new_int(int i) { struct json_object *jso = json_object_new(json_type_int); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->_to_json_string = &json_object_int_to_json_string; jso->o.c_int = i; return jso; } int json_object_get_int(struct json_object *jso) { int cint; if(!jso) return 0; switch(jso->o_type) { case json_type_int: return jso->o.c_int; case json_type_double: return (int)jso->o.c_double; case json_type_boolean: return jso->o.c_boolean; case json_type_string: if(sscanf(jso->o.c_string, "%d", &cint) == 1) return cint; default: return 0; } } /* json_object_double */ static int json_object_double_to_json_string(struct json_object* jso, struct printbuf *pb) { return sprintbuf(pb, "%lf", jso->o.c_double); } struct json_object* json_object_new_double(double d) { struct json_object *jso = json_object_new(json_type_double); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->_to_json_string = &json_object_double_to_json_string; jso->o.c_double = d; return jso; } double json_object_get_double(struct json_object *jso) { double cdouble; if(!jso) return 0.0; switch(jso->o_type) { case json_type_double: return jso->o.c_double; case json_type_int: return jso->o.c_int; case json_type_boolean: return jso->o.c_boolean; case json_type_string: if(sscanf(jso->o.c_string, "%lf", &cdouble) == 1) return cdouble; default: return 0.0; } } /* json_object_string */ static int json_object_string_to_json_string(struct json_object* jso, struct printbuf *pb) { sprintbuf(pb, "\""); json_escape_str(pb, jso->o.c_string); sprintbuf(pb, "\""); return 0; } static void json_object_string_delete(struct json_object* jso) { free(jso->o.c_string); json_object_generic_delete(jso); } struct json_object* json_object_new_string(const char *s) { struct json_object *jso = json_object_new(json_type_string); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->_delete = &json_object_string_delete; jso->_to_json_string = &json_object_string_to_json_string; jso->o.c_string = strdup(s); return jso; } struct json_object* json_object_new_string_len(const char *s, int len) { struct json_object *jso = json_object_new(json_type_string); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->_delete = &json_object_string_delete; jso->_to_json_string = &json_object_string_to_json_string; jso->o.c_string = strndup(s, len); return jso; } const char* json_object_get_string(struct json_object *jso) { if(!jso) return NULL; switch(jso->o_type) { case json_type_string: return jso->o.c_string; default: return json_object_to_json_string(jso); } } /* json_object_array */ static int json_object_array_to_json_string(struct json_object* jso, struct printbuf *pb) { int i; sprintbuf(pb, "["); for(i=0; i < json_object_array_length(jso); i++) { struct json_object *val; if(i) { sprintbuf(pb, ", "); } else { sprintbuf(pb, " "); } val = json_object_array_get_idx(jso, i); if(val == NULL) { sprintbuf(pb, "null"); } else { val->_to_json_string(val, pb); } } return sprintbuf(pb, " ]"); } static void json_object_array_entry_free(void *data) { json_object_put((struct json_object*)data); } static void json_object_array_delete(struct json_object* jso) { array_list_free(jso->o.c_array); json_object_generic_delete(jso); } struct json_object* json_object_new_array(void) { struct json_object *jso = json_object_new(json_type_array); if(!jso) return NULL; jso->_delete = &json_object_array_delete; jso->_to_json_string = &json_object_array_to_json_string; jso->o.c_array = array_list_new(&json_object_array_entry_free); return jso; } struct array_list* json_object_get_array(struct json_object *jso) { if(!jso) return NULL; switch(jso->o_type) { case json_type_array: return jso->o.c_array; default: return NULL; } } int json_object_array_length(struct json_object *jso) { return array_list_length(jso->o.c_array); } int json_object_array_add(struct json_object *jso,struct json_object *val) { return array_list_add(jso->o.c_array, val); } int json_object_array_put_idx(struct json_object *jso, int idx, struct json_object *val) { return array_list_put_idx(jso->o.c_array, idx, val); } struct json_object* json_object_array_get_idx(struct json_object *jso, int idx) { return (struct json_object*)array_list_get_idx(jso->o.c_array, idx); }