C0 code coverage information

Generated on Wed Dec 24 11:03:27 -0600 2008 with rcov

Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...
and this: this line is also marked as covered.
Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,
and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).
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Name Total lines Lines of code Total coverage Code coverage
lib/context/context.rb 59 23
 1 class Test::Unit::TestCase
 2   class << self
 3     # Test::Unit uses ObjectSpace to figure out what Test::Unit:TestCase instances are running
 4     # Contexts are not named and therefore sometimes get garbage collected.
 5     # Think of #context_list as the shelter for nameless contexts
 6     attr_accessor :context_list
 8     def context_name #:nodoc:
 9       @context_name ||= ""
10       if superclass.respond_to?(:context_name)
11         return "#{superclass.context_name} #{@context_name}".gsub(/^\s+/, "")
12       end
13     end
15     def context_name=(val) #:nodoc:
16       @context_name = val
17     end
19     # Add a context to a set of tests.
20     # 
21     #   context "A new account" do
22     #     it "should not have users"
23     #       assert Account.new.users.empty?
24     #     end
25     #   end
26     # 
27     # The context name is prepended to the test name, so failures look like this:
28     # 
29     #   1) Failure:
30     #   test_a_new_account_should_not_have_users() [./test/test_accounts.rb:4]:
31     #   <false> is not true.
32     # 
33     # Contexts can also be nested like so:
34     # 
35     #   context "A new account" do
36     #     context "created by the web application" do
37     #       it "should have web as its vendor" do
38     #         assert_equal "web", users(:web_user).vendor
39     #       end
40     #     end
41     #   end
42     # 
43     # Since contexts create a singleton instance of a class, each one must have its own before/after blocks.  This
44     # will be tweaked in future releases to allow you to chain these blocks from its parent contexts.
45     #
46     def context(name, &block)
47       cls = Class.new(self)
48       cls.context_name = name
49       # puts "Creating context #{cls.context_name}"
50       cls.class_eval(&block)
51       (self.context_list ||= []) << cls
53       const_set("Test#{name.to_class_name}#{cls.object_id.abs}", cls)
54       cls
55     end
57     %w(contexts describe describes group specify specifies).each {|m| alias_method m, :context}
58   end
59 end

Generated using the rcov code coverage analysis tool for Ruby version

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