## 1.25.0 API additions and some fixes... check the git log! :) ## 1.24.0 API additions ## 1.23.0 API additions ## 1.22.1 Bugfixes and minor API additions. ## 1.22.1 Bugfixes ## 1.22.0 Maintenance release, lots of cleanups. New modules contributed. ## 1.21.0 NameFR Skill Unit UnitEnglish UnitMetric ## 1.20.0 JobFR LoremFR ## 1.19.0 More APIs ## 1.16.2 Small bug fix and updated docs. ## 1.16.1 Fixes for ruby 1.8.x ## 1.16.0 Many module additions from different contributors! ## 1.15.0 NameKR (https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/47) and PhoneNumbersSG (https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/46). ## 1.14.0 AddressSN (thanks PapePathe), and a bugfix on Faker::Product.model (thanks finarfin). ## 1.13.0 Education bug fix, Faker::Job (thanks Piotr Usewicz) ## 1.12.0 Faker::AddressAU and FakkerAddressPhoneAU modules (thanks Ben Wiseley). ## 1.11.0 Extraction of AddressUK and AddressUS classes. (Thanks doctorbh). ## 1.10.1 Faker::AddressCA (Thanks doctorbh, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/27) ## 1.9.1 Faker::NameSN, Faker::PhoneNumberSN (Thanks SENE, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/26) Added Faker::NameJA (Thanks kichiro, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/21) ## 1.8.1 Remove a warning. ## 1.8.0 Faker::HTMLIpsum module inspired in http://html-ipsum.com/ (Thanks Chris Bloom, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/18) ## 1.7.0 Faker::LoremCN (Thanks Shane Weng, Shane Weng, https://github.com/swcool, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/16/files) ## 1.6.0 Faker::NameDE (thanks David Noelte, https://github.com/marvin, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/17) Added Faker::Internet#disposable_email (Thanks Port 80 Labs, https://github.com/port80labs, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/15) ## 1.5.0 Faker::NameRU (Thanks Vsevolod Romashov, https://github.com/7even, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/14) ## 1.4.0 Faker::Product and Faker::Education (thanks Rico Sta. Cruz, https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker/pull/12 ) ## 1.3.0 Faker::Lorem.word as a convenience method, instead of Faker::Lorem.words(1).first. ## 1.2.0 New Faker::NameCN module (contributions by qichunren) Faker::NameCN.first_name # => 鑫洋 Faker::NameCN.last_name # => 禹 Faker::NameCN.name # => 俊伶漫 ## 1.1.0 Api additions (contributions by Robert Berry) Faker::Internet.uri(protocol) Faker::Internet.http_url Faker::Internet.ip_v4_address ## 0.4.0 Api additions by Rafael Souza Faker::Geolocation.lat # => 40.6609944585817 Faker::Geolocation.lng # => -73.8454648940358 Faker::Address.neighborhood # => "Renton West" ## 0.3.3 2010-01-14 * removed library file and directory "faker". now you only can load the gem using require 'ffaker' ## 0.3.2 2010-01-14 * Several Optimizations, renamed gem packege to ffaker. ## 0.3.1 2008-04-03 1 minor enhancement: * Added city to Address ## 0.3.0 2008-01-01 3 major enhancements: * Added Lorem to generate fake Latin * Added secondary_address to Address, and made inclusion of secondary address in street_address optional (false by default). * Added UK address methods [Caius Durling] ## 0.2.1 2007-12-05 1 major enhancement: * Dropped facets to avoid conflict with ActiveSupport 2 minor enhancements: * Changed the output of user_name to randomly separate with a . or _ * Added a few tests ## 0.1.0 2007-11-22 * Initial release