import Migration from '@watermarkchurch/contentful-migration'; export = function(migration: Migration, { makeRequest, spaceId, accessToken }) { var menu = migration.createContentType('menu', { displayField: 'internalTitle', name: 'Menu', description: 'A Menu contains a number of Menu Buttons or other Menus, which will be rendered as drop-downs.' }); menu.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: true }); menu.createField('name', { name: 'Menu Name', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false }); menu.createField('items', { name: 'Items', type: 'Array', localized: false, required: false, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false, items: { type: 'Link', validations: [ { linkContentType: ['dropdownMenu', 'menuButton'], message: 'The items must be either buttons or drop-down menus.' } ], linkType: 'Entry' } }); menu.changeEditorInterface('name', 'singleLine'); menu.changeEditorInterface('items', 'entryLinksEditor'); menu.changeEditorInterface('internalTitle', 'singleLine'); var menubutton = migration.createContentType('menuButton', { displayField: 'internalTitle', name: 'Menu Button', description: 'A Menu Button is a clickable button that goes on a Menu. It has a link to a Page or a URL.' }); menubutton.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: true }); menubutton.createField('text', { name: 'Text', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { size: { min: 1, max: 60 }, message: 'A Menu Button should have a very short text field - ideally a single word. Please limit the text to 60 characters.' } ], disabled: false, omitted: false }); menubutton.createField('icon', { name: 'Icon', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { linkMimetypeGroup: ['image'] } ], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Asset' }); menubutton.createField('materialIcon', { name: 'Material Icon', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { regexp: { pattern: '^\\w+$', flags: null }, message: "The icon name must be one of the icons in Google's Material Design library:" } ], disabled: false, omitted: false }); menubutton.createField('externalLink', { name: 'External Link', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { regexp: { pattern: '^([^\\s\\:]+):(\\/\\/)?(\\w+:{0,1}\\w*@)?(([^\\s\\/#]+\\.)+[^\\s\\/#]+)(:[0-9]+)?(\\/|(\\/|\\#)([\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\\/]+))?$|^(\\/|(\\/|\\#)([\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\\/]+))$' }, message: "The external link must be a URL like '', a mailto url like '', or a relative URL like '#location-on-page'" } ], disabled: false, omitted: false }); menubutton.createField('link', { name: 'Page Link', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { linkContentType: ['page'], message: 'The Page Link must be a link to a Page which has a slug.' } ], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }); menubutton.createField('sectionLink', { name: 'Section Link', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { linkContentType: [ 'section-conference-speakers', 'section-email-signup', 'section-event-schedule', 'section-faq', 'section-hero', 'section-hotels', 'section-pricing', 'section-social-links', 'section-video-about' ] } ], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }); menubutton.createField('style', { name: 'Style', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { in: ['default', 'white-border'] } ], disabled: false, omitted: false }); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('text', 'singleLine'); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('icon', 'assetLinkEditor'); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('externalLink', 'singleLine', { helpText: 'Provide a URL to something on another website, a `mailto:` link to an email address, or a deep link into an app.' }); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('link', 'entryLinkEditor'); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('internalTitle', 'singleLine'); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('style', 'dropdown'); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('sectionLink', 'entryLinkEditor', { helpText: 'If provided, this will link the user to the specific section on a page. You must use this in combination with Page Link.' }); menubutton.changeEditorInterface('materialIcon', 'singleLine', { helpText: 'As an alternative to the Media icon, you can select an icon from here:' }); var dropdownmenu = migration.createContentType('dropdownMenu', { displayField: 'internalTitle', name: 'Dropdown Menu', description: 'A Dropdown Menu can be attached to a main menu to show additional menu items on click.' }); dropdownmenu.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: true }); dropdownmenu.createField('name', { name: 'Menu Name', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false }); dropdownmenu.createField('label', { name: 'Menu Label', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [ { linkContentType: ['menuButton'] } ], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }); dropdownmenu.createField('items', { name: 'Items', type: 'Array', localized: false, required: false, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false, items: { type: 'Link', validations: [ { linkContentType: ['menuButton'] } ], linkType: 'Entry' } }); dropdownmenu.changeEditorInterface('name', 'singleLine', { helpText: "If you don't set a menu label, this is the text that will appear on the button that opens the dropdown menu. If you do set a menu label, that will control the text." }); dropdownmenu.changeEditorInterface('label', 'entryLinkEditor'); dropdownmenu.changeEditorInterface('items', 'entryLinksEditor'); dropdownmenu.changeEditorInterface('internalTitle', 'singleLine'); };