// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple, Inc. and contributors. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module ok equals same test MyApp */ var MyFoo = null, callInfo ; module("SC.Record#destroy", { setup: function() { MyApp = SC.Object.create({ store: SC.Store.create() }) ; MyApp.Foo = SC.Record.extend(); MyApp.json = { foo: "bar", number: 123, bool: YES, array: [1,2,3] }; MyApp.foo = MyApp.store.createRecord(MyApp.Foo, MyApp.json); // modify store so that everytime refreshRecords() is called it updates // callInfo callInfo = null ; MyApp.store.__orig = MyApp.store.destroyRecord; MyApp.store.destroyRecord = function(records) { callInfo = SC.A(arguments) ; // save method call MyApp.store.__orig.apply(MyApp.store, arguments); }; } }); test("calling destroy on a newRecord will mark the record as destroyed and calls destroyRecords on the store", function() { equals(MyApp.foo.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_NEW, 'precond - status is READY_NEW'); MyApp.foo.destroy(); same(callInfo, [null, null, MyApp.foo.storeKey], 'destroyRecords() should not be called'); equals(MyApp.foo.get('status'), SC.Record.DESTROYED_CLEAN, 'status should be SC.Record.DESTROYED_CLEAN'); }); test("calling destroy on existing record should call destroyRecord() on store", function() { // Fake it till you make it... MyApp.store.writeStatus(MyApp.foo.storeKey, SC.Record.READY_CLEAN) .dataHashDidChange(MyApp.foo.storeKey, null, YES); equals(MyApp.foo.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'precond - status is READY CLEAN'); MyApp.foo.destroy(); same(callInfo, [null, null, MyApp.foo.storeKey], 'destroyRecord() should not be called'); equals(MyApp.foo.get('status'), SC.Record.DESTROYED_DIRTY, 'status should be SC.Record.DESTROYED_DIRTY'); }); test("calling destroy on a record that is already destroyed should do nothing", function() { // destroy once MyApp.foo.destroy(); equals(MyApp.foo.get('status'), SC.Record.DESTROYED_CLEAN, 'status should be DESTROYED_CLEAN'); MyApp.foo.destroy(); equals(MyApp.foo.get('status'), SC.Record.DESTROYED_CLEAN, 'status should be DESTROYED_CLEAN'); }); test("should return receiver", function() { equals(MyApp.foo.destroy(), MyApp.foo, 'should return receiver'); });