require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") model_class = proc do |klass, &block| c = c.plugin :hook_class_methods c.class_eval(&block) if block c end describe Sequel::Model, "hook_class_methods plugin" do before do MODEL_DB.reset end specify "should be definable using a block" do adds = [] c = Sequel::Model do before_save{adds << 'hi'} end adds.should == ['hi'] end specify "should be definable using a method name" do adds = [] c = Sequel::Model do define_method(:bye){adds << 'bye'} before_save :bye end adds.should == ['bye'] end specify "should be additive" do adds = [] c = Sequel::Model do after_save{adds << 'hyiyie'} after_save{adds << 'byiyie'} end adds.should == ['hyiyie', 'byiyie'] end specify "before hooks should run in reverse order" do adds = [] c = Sequel::Model do before_save{adds << 'hyiyie'} before_save{adds << 'byiyie'} end adds.should == ['byiyie', 'hyiyie'] end specify "should not be additive if the method or tag already exists" do adds = [] c = Sequel::Model do define_method(:bye){adds << 'bye'} before_save :bye before_save :bye end adds.should == ['bye'] adds = [] d = Sequel::Model do before_save(:bye){adds << 'hyiyie'} before_save(:bye){adds << 'byiyie'} end adds.should == ['byiyie'] adds = [] e = Sequel::Model do define_method(:bye){adds << 'bye'} before_save :bye before_save(:bye){adds << 'byiyie'} end adds.should == ['byiyie'] adds = [] e = Sequel::Model do define_method(:bye){adds << 'bye'} before_save(:bye){adds << 'byiyie'} before_save :bye end adds.should == ['bye'] end specify "should be inheritable" do adds = [] a = Sequel::Model do after_save{adds << '123'} end b = b.class_eval do after_save{adds << '456'} after_save{adds << '789'} end adds.should == ['123', '456', '789'] end specify "should be overridable in descendant classes" do adds = [] a = Sequel::Model do before_save{adds << '123'} end b = b.class_eval do define_method(:before_save){adds << '456'} end adds.should == ['123'] adds = [] adds.should == ['456'] end specify "should stop processing if a before hook returns false" do flag = true adds = [] a = Sequel::Model do before_save{adds << 'cruel'; flag} before_save{adds << 'blah'; flag} end adds.should == ['blah', 'cruel'] # chain should not break on nil adds = [] flag = nil adds.should == ['blah', 'cruel'] adds = [] flag = false adds.should == ['blah'] b = b.class_eval do before_save{adds << 'mau'} end adds = [] adds.should == ['mau', 'blah'] end end describe "Model#after_initialize" do qspecify "should be called after initialization" do values1 = nil reached_after_initialized = false a = Sequel::Model do columns :x, :y after_initialize do values1 = @values.clone reached_after_initialized = true end end => 1, :y => 2) values1.should == {:x => 1, :y => 2} reached_after_initialized.should == true end end describe "Model#before_create && Model#after_create" do before do MODEL_DB.reset @c = Sequel::Model(:items) do columns :x no_primary_key after_create {MODEL_DB << "BLAH after"} end end specify "should be called around new record creation" do @c.before_create {MODEL_DB << "BLAH before"} @c.create(:x => 2) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (2)', 'BLAH after'] end specify ".create should cancel the save and raise an error if before_create returns false and raise_on_save_failure is true" do @c.before_create{false} proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).save}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::ValidationFailed) proc{@c.create(:x => 2)}.should raise_error(Sequel::BeforeHookFailed) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end specify ".create should cancel the save and return nil if before_create returns false and raise_on_save_failure is false" do @c.before_create{false} @c.raise_on_save_failure = false @c.create(:x => 2).should == nil MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end end describe "Model#before_update && Model#after_update" do before do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do after_update {MODEL_DB << "BLAH after"} end end specify "should be called around record update" do @c.before_update {MODEL_DB << "BLAH before"} m = @c.load(:id => 2233, :x=>123) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'UPDATE items SET x = 123 WHERE (id = 2233)', 'BLAH after'] end specify "#save should cancel the save and raise an error if before_update returns false and raise_on_save_failure is true" do @c.before_update{false} proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).save}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::ValidationFailed) proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).save}.should raise_error(Sequel::BeforeHookFailed) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end specify "#save should cancel the save and return nil if before_update returns false and raise_on_save_failure is false" do @c.before_update{false} @c.raise_on_save_failure = false @c.load(:id => 2233).save.should == nil MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end end describe "Model#before_save && Model#after_save" do before do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :x after_save {MODEL_DB << "BLAH after"} end end specify "should be called around record update" do @c.before_save {MODEL_DB << "BLAH before"} m = @c.load(:id => 2233, :x=>123) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'UPDATE items SET x = 123 WHERE (id = 2233)', 'BLAH after'] end specify "should be called around record creation" do @c.before_save {MODEL_DB << "BLAH before"} @c.no_primary_key @c.create(:x => 2) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (2)', 'BLAH after'] end specify "#save should cancel the save and raise an error if before_save returns false and raise_on_save_failure is true" do @c.before_save{false} proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).save}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::ValidationFailed) proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).save}.should raise_error(Sequel::BeforeHookFailed) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end specify "#save should cancel the save and return nil if before_save returns false and raise_on_save_failure is false" do @c.before_save{false} @c.raise_on_save_failure = false @c.load(:id => 2233).save.should == nil MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end end describe "Model#before_destroy && Model#after_destroy" do before do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do after_destroy {MODEL_DB << "BLAH after"} end end specify "should be called around record destruction" do @c.before_destroy {MODEL_DB << "BLAH before"} m = @c.load(:id => 2233) m.destroy MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', "DELETE FROM items WHERE id = 2233", 'BLAH after'] end specify "#destroy should cancel the destroy and raise an error if before_destroy returns false and raise_on_save_failure is true" do @c.before_destroy{false} proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).destroy}.should raise_error(Sequel::BeforeHookFailed) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end specify "#destroy should cancel the destroy and return nil if before_destroy returns false and raise_on_save_failure is false" do @c.before_destroy{false} @c.raise_on_save_failure = false @c.load(:id => 2233).destroy.should == nil MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end end describe "Model#before_validation && Model#after_validation" do before do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do plugin :validation_class_methods after_validation{MODEL_DB << "BLAH after"} def self.validate(o) o.errors.add(:id, 'not valid') unless o[:id] == 2233 end columns :id end end specify "should be called around validation" do @c.before_validation{MODEL_DB << "BLAH before"} m = @c.load(:id => 2233) m.should be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'BLAH after'] MODEL_DB.sqls.clear m = @c.load(:id => 22) m.should_not be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'BLAH after'] end specify "should be called when calling save" do @c.before_validation{MODEL_DB << "BLAH before"} m = @c.load(:id => 2233, :x=>123) == m MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'BLAH after', 'UPDATE items SET x = 123 WHERE (id = 2233)'] MODEL_DB.sqls.clear m = @c.load(:id => 22) m.raise_on_save_failure = false == nil MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['BLAH before', 'BLAH after'] end specify "#save should cancel the save and raise an error if before_validation returns false and raise_on_save_failure is true" do @c.before_validation{false} proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).save}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::ValidationFailed) proc{@c.load(:id => 2233).save}.should raise_error(Sequel::BeforeHookFailed) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end specify "#save should cancel the save and return nil if before_validation returns false and raise_on_save_failure is false" do @c.before_validation{false} @c.raise_on_save_failure = false @c.load(:id => 2233).save.should == nil MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end end describe "Model.has_hooks?" do before do @c = end specify "should return false if no hooks are defined" do @c.has_hooks?(:before_save).should be_false end specify "should return true if hooks are defined" do @c.before_save {'blah'} @c.has_hooks?(:before_save).should be_true end specify "should return true if hooks are inherited" do @d = @d.has_hooks?(:before_save).should be_false end end describe "Model#add_hook_type" do before do class ::Foo < Sequel::Model(:items) plugin :hook_class_methods add_hook_type :before_bar, :after_bar def bar return :b if before_bar == false return :a if after_bar == false true end end @f = end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Foo) end specify "should have before_bar and after_bar class methods" do @f.should respond_to(:before_bar) @f.should respond_to(:before_bar) end specify "should have before_bar and after_bar instance methods" do respond_to(:before_bar) respond_to(:before_bar) end specify "it should return true for bar when before_bar and after_bar hooks are returing true" do a = 1 @f.before_bar { a += 1} be_true a.should == 2 @f.after_bar { a *= 2} be_true a.should == 6 end specify "it should return nil for bar when before_bar and after_bar hooks are returing false" do be_true @f.after_bar { false } == :a @f.before_bar { false } == :b end end