module Danger class LocalSetup attr_reader :dm, :cork def initialize(dangerfile, cork) @dm = dangerfile @cork = cork end def setup(verbose: false) source = dm.env.ci_source if source.nil? or source.repo_slug.empty? cork.puts "danger local failed because it only works with GitHub and Bitbucket server projects at the moment. Sorry.".red exit 0 end gh = dm.env.request_source # We can use tokenless here, as it's running on someone's computer # and is IP locked, as opposed to on the CI. Only for Github PRs if gh.instance_of? Danger::RequestSources::GitHub gh.support_tokenless_auth = true end if gh.instance_of? Danger::RequestSources::BitbucketServer cork.puts "Running your Dangerfile against this PR - #{}/projects/#{source.repo_slug.split('/').first}/repos/#{source.repo_slug.split('/').last}/pull-requests/#{source.pull_request_id}" elsif gh.instance_of? Danger::RequestSources::VSTS cork.puts "Running your Dangerfile against this PR - #{gh.client.pr_api_endpoint}" else cork.puts "Running your Dangerfile against this PR - https://#{}/#{source.repo_slug}/pull/#{source.pull_request_id}" end unless verbose cork.puts "Turning on --verbose" dm.verbose = true end cork.puts begin gh.fetch_details rescue Octokit::NotFound cork.puts "Local repository was not found on GitHub. If you're trying to test a private repository please provide a valid API token through " + "DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN".yellow + " environment variable." return end yield end end end