# encoding: utf-8
# = epubv3.rb -- EPUB version 3 producer.
# Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Kenshi Muto
# This program is free software.
# You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of
# the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
# For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING".
require 'epubmaker/epubv2'
module EPUBMaker
# EPUBv3 is EPUB version 3 producer.
class EPUBv3 < EPUBv2
def opf_guide
s = ""
s << %Q[ \n]
s << %Q[ \n]
s << %Q[ \n] unless @producer.params["titlepage"].nil?
s << %Q[ \n]
s << %Q[ \n] unless @producer.params["colophon"].nil?
s << %Q[ \n]
def ncx(indentarray)
s = common_header
s << <#{@producer.res.v("toctitle")}