# SmoochApi::IntegrationCreate ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **type** | **String** | The integration type. | **page_access_token** | **String** | Facebook Page Access Token. Required for *messenger* integrations. | [optional] **app_id** | **String** | Facebook App ID OR WeChat App ID. Required for *messenger* and *wechat* integrations. | [optional] **app_secret** | **String** | Facebook Page App Secret OR WeChat App Secret. Required for *messenger* and *wechat* integrations. | [optional] **account_sid** | **String** | Twilio Account SID. Required for *twilio* integrations. | [optional] **auth_token** | **String** | Twilio Auth Token. Required for *twilio* integrations. | [optional] **phone_number_sid** | **String** | SID for specific phone number. Required for *twilio* integrations. | [optional] **token** | **String** | Telegram Bot Token OR Viber Public Account token. Required for *twilio* and *viber* integrations. | [optional] **channel_access_token** | **String** | LINE Channel Access Token. Required for *line* integrations. | [optional] **encoding_aes_key** | **String** | AES Encoding Key. (Optional) Used for *wechat* integrations. | [optional] **from_address** | **String** | Email will display as coming from this address. (Optional) Used for *frontendEmail* integrations. | [optional] **certificate** | **String** | The binary of your APN certificate base64 encoded. Required for *apn* integrations. | [optional] **password** | **String** | The password for your APN certificate. (Optional) Used for *apn* integrations. | [optional] **auto_update_badge** | **BOOLEAN** | Use the unread count of the conversation as the application badge. (Optional) Used for *apn* integrations. | [optional] **server_key** | **String** | Your server key from the fcm console. Required for *fcm* integrations. | [optional] **sender_id** | **String** | Your sender id from the fcm console. Required for *fcm* integrations. | [optional]