require "spec_helper" module LicenseFinder module CLI describe Dependencies do describe "add" do it "adds a dependency" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:manually_add).with("MIT", "js_dep", "1.2.3") silence_stdout do subject.add("MIT", "js_dep", "1.2.3") end end it "does not require a version" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:manually_add).with("MIT", "js_dep", nil) silence_stdout do subject.add("MIT", "js_dep") end end it "has an --approve option to approve the added dependency" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:manually_add).with("MIT", "js_dep", "1.2.3") DependencyManager.should_receive(:approve!).with("js_dep", "Julian", "We really need this") silence_stdout do Main.start(["dependencies", "add", "--approve", "--approver", "Julian", "--message", "We really need this", "MIT", "js_dep", "1.2.3"]) end end end describe "remove" do it "removes a dependency" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:manually_remove).with("js_dep") silence_stdout do subject.remove("js_dep") end end end end describe Whitelist do let(:config) { LicenseFinder.config } describe "list" do it "shows the whitelist of licenses" do config.should_receive(:whitelist).and_return([]) silence_stdout do subject.list end end end describe "add" do it "adds the specified license to the whitelist" do config.whitelist.should_receive(:push).with("test") config.should_receive(:save) expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.add("test") end end it "adds multiple licenses to the whitelist" do config.whitelist.should_receive(:push).with("test") config.whitelist.should_receive(:push).with("rest") config.should_receive(:save) expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.add("test", "rest") end end end describe "remove" do it "removes the specified license from the whitelist" do config.should_receive(:save) config.whitelist.should_receive(:delete).with("test") expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.remove("test") end end it "removes multiple licenses from the whitelist" do config.should_receive(:save) config.whitelist.should_receive(:delete).with("test") config.whitelist.should_receive(:delete).with("rest") expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.remove("test", "rest") end end end end describe ProjectName do let(:config) { LicenseFinder.config } describe "set" do it "sets the project name" do config.should_receive(:save) config.project_name.should_not eq("new_project_name") expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.set("new_project_name") end config.project_name.should eq("new_project_name") end end end describe IgnoredBundlerGroups do let(:config) { LicenseFinder.config } describe "list" do it "shows the ignored groups in the standard output" do config.should_receive(:ignore_groups).and_return(['development']) expect(capture_stdout { subject.list }).to match /development/ end end describe "add" do it "adds the specified group to the ignored groups list" do config.ignore_groups.should_receive(:push).with("test") config.should_receive(:save) expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.add("test") end end end describe "remove" do it "removes the specified group from the ignored groups list" do config.ignore_groups.should_receive(:delete).with("test") config.should_receive(:save) expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.remove("test") end end end end describe IgnoredDependencies do let(:config) { LicenseFinder.config } describe "list" do context "when there is at least one ignored dependency" do it "shows the ignored dependencies" do expect(config).to receive(:ignore_dependencies).and_return(['bundler']) expect(capture_stdout { subject.list }).to match /bundler/ end end context "when there are no ignored dependencies" do it "prints '(none)'" do expect(config).to receive(:ignore_dependencies).and_return([]) expect(capture_stdout { subject.list }).to match /\(none\)/ end end end describe "add" do it "adds the specified group to the ignored groups list" do config.ignore_dependencies.should_receive(:push).with("test") config.should_receive(:save) expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.add("test") end end end describe "remove" do it "removes the specified group from the ignored groups list" do config.ignore_dependencies.should_receive(:delete).with("test") config.should_receive(:save) expect(DependencyManager).to receive(:sync_with_package_managers) silence_stdout do subject.remove("test") end end end end describe Main do describe "default" do it "checks for action items" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:sync_with_package_managers) Dependency.stub(:unapproved) { [] } silence_stdout do described_class.start([]) end end end describe "#rescan" do it "resyncs with Gemfile" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:sync_with_package_managers) Dependency.stub(:unapproved) { [] } silence_stdout do subject.rescan end end end describe "#license" do it "updates the license on the requested gem" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:license!).with("foo_gem", "foo") silence_stdout do subject.license 'foo', 'foo_gem' end end end describe "#approve" do it "approves the requested gem" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:approve!).with("foo", nil, nil) silence_stdout do subject.approve 'foo' end end it "approves multiple gem" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:approve!).with("foo", nil, nil) DependencyManager.should_receive(:approve!).with("bar", nil, nil) silence_stdout do subject.approve 'foo', 'bar' end end it "raises a warning if no gem was specified" do DependencyManager.should_not_receive(:approve!) silence_stdout do expect { subject.approve }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "sets approver and approval message" do DependencyManager.should_receive(:approve!).with("foo", "Julian", "We really need this") silence_stdout do Main.start(["approve", "--approver", "Julian", "--message", "We really need this", "foo"]) end end end describe "#action_items" do it "reports unapproved dependencies" do Dependency.stub(:unapproved) { ['one dependency'] } TextReport.stub(:new) { double(:report, to_s: "a report!") } silence_stdout do subject.stub(:say) subject.should_receive(:say).with(/dependencies/i, :red) expect { subject.action_items }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end it "reports that all dependencies are approved" do Dependency.stub(:unapproved) { [] } silence_stdout do subject.should_receive(:say).with(/approved/i, :green) expect { subject.action_items }.to_not raise_error end end end end end end