/* globals Event */ import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { set } from 'ember-metal'; import { Component } from '../../utils/helpers'; import { RenderingTest, moduleFor } from '../../utils/test-case'; import { runDestroy } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { jQuery } from 'ember-views'; const ExpectedEvent = jQuery !== undefined ? jQuery.Event : Event; class InputRenderingTest extends RenderingTest { $input() { return this.$('input'); } inputID() { return this.$input().prop('id'); } assertDisabled() { this.assert.ok(this.$('input').prop('disabled'), 'The input is disabled'); } assertNotDisabled() { this.assert.ok(this.$('input').is(':not(:disabled)'), 'The input is not disabled'); } assertInputId(expectedId) { this.assert.equal(this.inputID(), expectedId, 'the input id should be `expectedId`'); } assertSingleInput() { this.assert.equal(this.$('input').length, 1, 'A single text field was inserted'); } assertSingleCheckbox() { this.assert.equal(this.$('input[type=checkbox]').length, 1, 'A single checkbox is added'); } assertCheckboxIsChecked() { this.assert.equal(this.$input().prop('checked'), true, 'the checkbox is checked'); } assertCheckboxIsNotChecked() { this.assert.equal(this.$input().prop('checked'), false, 'the checkbox is not checked'); } assertValue(expected) { this.assert.equal(this.$input().val(), expected, `the input value should be ${expected}`); } assertAttr(name, expected) { this.assert.equal( this.$input().attr(name), expected, `the input ${name} attribute has the value '${expected}'` ); } assertAllAttrs(names, expected) { names.forEach(name => this.assertAttr(name, expected)); } assertSelectionRange(start, end) { let input = this.$input()[0]; this.assert.equal(input.selectionStart, start, `the cursor start position should be ${start}`); this.assert.equal(input.selectionEnd, end, `the cursor end position should be ${end}`); } triggerEvent(type, options) { let event = document.createEvent('Events'); event.initEvent(type, true, true); assign(event, options); let element = this.$input()[0]; this.runTask(() => { element.dispatchEvent(event); }); } } moduleFor( 'Helpers test: {{input}}', class extends InputRenderingTest { ['@test a single text field is inserted into the DOM']() { this.render(`{{input type="text" value=value}}`, { value: 'hello' }); let id = this.inputID(); this.assertValue('hello'); this.assertSingleInput(); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertValue('hello'); this.assertSingleInput(); this.assertInputId(id); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'value', 'goodbye')); this.assertValue('goodbye'); this.assertSingleInput(); this.assertInputId(id); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'value', 'hello')); this.assertValue('hello'); this.assertSingleInput(); this.assertInputId(id); } ['@test default type']() { this.render(`{{input}}`); this.assertAttr('type', 'text'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertAttr('type', 'text'); } ['@test dynamic attributes']() { this.render( ` {{input type="text" disabled=disabled value=value placeholder=placeholder name=name maxlength=maxlength minlength=minlength size=size tabindex=tabindex }}`, { disabled: false, value: 'Original value', placeholder: 'Original placeholder', name: 'original-name', maxlength: 10, minlength: 5, size: 20, tabindex: 30, } ); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertValue('Original value'); this.assertAttr('placeholder', 'Original placeholder'); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('maxlength', '10'); this.assertAttr('minlength', '5'); // this.assertAttr('size', '20'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // this.assertAttr('tabindex', '30'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertValue('Original value'); this.assertAttr('placeholder', 'Original placeholder'); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('maxlength', '10'); this.assertAttr('minlength', '5'); // this.assertAttr('size', '20'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // this.assertAttr('tabindex', '30'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'value', 'Updated value'); set(this.context, 'disabled', true); set(this.context, 'placeholder', 'Updated placeholder'); set(this.context, 'name', 'updated-name'); set(this.context, 'maxlength', 11); set(this.context, 'minlength', 6); // set(this.context, 'size', 21); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // set(this.context, 'tabindex', 31); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) }); this.assertDisabled(); this.assertValue('Updated value'); this.assertAttr('placeholder', 'Updated placeholder'); this.assertAttr('name', 'updated-name'); this.assertAttr('maxlength', '11'); this.assertAttr('minlength', '6'); // this.assertAttr('size', '21'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // this.assertAttr('tabindex', '31'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'value', 'Original value'); set(this.context, 'disabled', false); set(this.context, 'placeholder', 'Original placeholder'); set(this.context, 'name', 'original-name'); set(this.context, 'maxlength', 10); set(this.context, 'minlength', 5); // set(this.context, 'size', 20); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // set(this.context, 'tabindex', 30); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) }); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertValue('Original value'); this.assertAttr('placeholder', 'Original placeholder'); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('maxlength', '10'); this.assertAttr('minlength', '5'); // this.assertAttr('size', '20'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // this.assertAttr('tabindex', '30'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) } ['@test static attributes']() { this.render(` {{input type="text" disabled=true value="Original value" placeholder="Original placeholder" name="original-name" maxlength=10 minlength=5 size=20 tabindex=30 }}`); this.assertDisabled(); this.assertValue('Original value'); this.assertAttr('placeholder', 'Original placeholder'); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('maxlength', '10'); this.assertAttr('minlength', '5'); // this.assertAttr('size', '20'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // this.assertAttr('tabindex', '30'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertDisabled(); this.assertValue('Original value'); this.assertAttr('placeholder', 'Original placeholder'); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('maxlength', '10'); this.assertAttr('minlength', '5'); // this.assertAttr('size', '20'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // this.assertAttr('tabindex', '30'); //NOTE: failing in IE (TEST_SUITE=sauce) } ['@test cursor selection range']() { // Modifying input.selectionStart, which is utilized in the cursor tests, // causes an event in Safari. runDestroy(this.owner.lookup('event_dispatcher:main')); this.render(`{{input type="text" value=value}}`, { value: 'original' }); let input = this.$input()[0]; // See https://ember-twiddle.com/33e506329f8176ae874422644d4cc08c?openFiles=components.input-component.js%2Ctemplates.components.input-component.hbs // this.assertSelectionRange(8, 8); //NOTE: this is (0, 0) on Firefox (TEST_SUITE=sauce) this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); // this.assertSelectionRange(8, 8); //NOTE: this is (0, 0) on Firefox (TEST_SUITE=sauce) this.runTask(() => { input.selectionStart = 2; input.selectionEnd = 4; }); this.assertSelectionRange(2, 4); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertSelectionRange(2, 4); // this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'value', 'updated')); // // this.assertSelectionRange(7, 7); //NOTE: this fails in IE, the range is 0 -> 0 (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // // this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'value', 'original')); // // this.assertSelectionRange(8, 8); //NOTE: this fails in IE, the range is 0 -> 0 (TEST_SUITE=sauce) } ['@test [DEPRECATED] sends an action with `{{input enter="foo"}}` when is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(4); expectDeprecation(() => { this.render(`{{input enter='foo'}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed.'); }, }, }); }, 'Please refactor `{{input enter="foo"}}` to `{{input enter=(action "foo")}}. (\'-top-level\' @ L1:C0) '); expectDeprecation(() => { this.triggerEvent('keyup', { keyCode: 13 }); }, 'Passing actions to components as strings (like {{input enter="foo"}}) is deprecated. Please use closure actions instead ({{input enter=(action "foo")}})'); } ['@test sends an action with `{{input enter=(action "foo")}}` when is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); this.render(`{{input enter=(action 'foo')}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); this.triggerEvent('keyup', { keyCode: 13, }); } ['@test [DEPRECATED] sends an action with `{{input key-press="foo"}}` is pressed'](assert) { assert.expect(4); expectDeprecation(() => { this.render(`{{input value=value key-press='foo'}}`, { value: 'initial', actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); }, 'Please refactor `{{input key-press="foo"}}` to `{{input key-press=(action "foo")}}. (\'-top-level\' @ L1:C0) '); expectDeprecation(() => { this.triggerEvent('keypress', { keyCode: 65 }); }, 'Passing actions to components as strings (like {{input key-press="foo"}}) is deprecated. Please use closure actions instead ({{input key-press=(action "foo")}})'); } ['@test sends an action with `{{input key-press=(action "foo")}}` is pressed'](assert) { assert.expect(2); this.render(`{{input value=value key-press=(action 'foo')}}`, { value: 'initial', actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); this.triggerEvent('keypress', { keyCode: 65 }); } ['@test sends an action to the parent level when `bubbles=true` is provided'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let ParentComponent = Component.extend({ change() { assert.ok(true, 'bubbled upwards'); }, }); this.registerComponent('x-parent', { ComponentClass: ParentComponent, template: `{{input bubbles=true}}`, }); this.render(`{{x-parent}}`); this.triggerEvent('change'); } ['@test triggers `focus-in` when focused'](assert) { let wasFocused = false; this.render(`{{input focus-in=(action 'foo')}}`, { actions: { foo() { wasFocused = true; }, }, }); this.runTask(() => { this.$input().focus(); }); assert.ok(wasFocused, 'action was triggered'); } ['@test sends `insert-newline` when is pressed'](assert) { assert.expect(2); this.render(`{{input insert-newline=(action 'foo')}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); this.triggerEvent('keyup', { keyCode: 13, }); } ['@test [DEPRECATED] sends an action with `{{input escape-press="foo"}}` when is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(4); expectDeprecation(() => { this.render(`{{input escape-press='foo'}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); }, 'Please refactor `{{input escape-press="foo"}}` to `{{input escape-press=(action "foo")}}. (\'-top-level\' @ L1:C0) '); expectDeprecation(() => { this.triggerEvent('keyup', { keyCode: 27 }); }, 'Passing actions to components as strings (like {{input escape-press="foo"}}) is deprecated. Please use closure actions instead ({{input escape-press=(action "foo")}})'); } ['@test sends an action with `{{input escape-press=(action "foo")}}` when is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); this.render(`{{input escape-press=(action 'foo')}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); this.triggerEvent('keyup', { keyCode: 27 }); } ['@test [DEPRECATED] sends an action with `{{input key-down="foo"}}` when a key is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(4); expectDeprecation(() => { this.render(`{{input key-down='foo'}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); }, 'Please refactor `{{input key-down="foo"}}` to `{{input key-down=(action "foo")}}. (\'-top-level\' @ L1:C0) '); expectDeprecation(() => { this.triggerEvent('keydown', { keyCode: 65 }); }, 'Passing actions to components as strings (like {{input key-down="foo"}}) is deprecated. Please use closure actions instead ({{input key-down=(action "foo")}})'); } ['@test sends an action with `{{input key-down=(action "foo")}}` when a key is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); this.render(`{{input key-down=(action 'foo')}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); this.triggerEvent('keydown', { keyCode: 65 }); } ['@test [DEPRECATED] sends an action with `{{input key-up="foo"}}` when a key is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(4); expectDeprecation(() => { this.render(`{{input key-up='foo'}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); }, 'Please refactor `{{input key-up="foo"}}` to `{{input key-up=(action "foo")}}. (\'-top-level\' @ L1:C0) '); expectDeprecation(() => { this.triggerEvent('keyup', { keyCode: 65 }); }, 'Passing actions to components as strings (like {{input key-up="foo"}}) is deprecated. Please use closure actions instead ({{input key-up=(action "foo")}})'); } ['@test [DEPRECATED] sends an action with `{{input key-up=(action "foo")}}` when a key is pressed']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); this.render(`{{input key-up=(action 'foo')}}`, { actions: { foo(value, event) { assert.ok(true, 'action was triggered'); assert.ok(event instanceof ExpectedEvent, 'event was passed'); }, }, }); this.triggerEvent('keyup', { keyCode: 65 }); } ['@test GH#14727 can render a file input after having had render an input of other type']() { this.render(`{{input type="text"}}{{input type="file"}}`); this.assert.equal(this.$input()[0].type, 'text'); this.assert.equal(this.$input()[1].type, 'file'); } } ); moduleFor( 'Helpers test: {{input}} with dynamic type', class extends InputRenderingTest { ['@test a bound property can be used to determine type']() { this.render(`{{input type=type}}`, { type: 'password' }); this.assertAttr('type', 'password'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertAttr('type', 'password'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'type', 'text')); this.assertAttr('type', 'text'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'type', 'password')); this.assertAttr('type', 'password'); } ['@test a subexpression can be used to determine type']() { this.render(`{{input type=(if isTruthy trueType falseType)}}`, { isTruthy: true, trueType: 'text', falseType: 'password', }); this.assertAttr('type', 'text'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertAttr('type', 'text'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'isTruthy', false)); this.assertAttr('type', 'password'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'isTruthy', true)); this.assertAttr('type', 'text'); } ['@test GH16256 input macro does not modify params in place']() { this.registerComponent('my-input', { template: `{{input type=inputType}}`, }); this.render(`{{my-input inputType=firstType}}{{my-input inputType=secondType}}`, { firstType: 'password', secondType: 'email', }); let inputs = this.element.querySelectorAll('input'); this.assert.equal(inputs.length, 2, 'there are two inputs'); this.assert.equal(inputs[0].getAttribute('type'), 'password'); this.assert.equal(inputs[1].getAttribute('type'), 'email'); } } ); moduleFor( `Helpers test: {{input type='checkbox'}}`, class extends InputRenderingTest { ['@test dynamic attributes']() { this.render( `{{input type='checkbox' disabled=disabled name=name checked=checked tabindex=tabindex }}`, { disabled: false, name: 'original-name', checked: false, tabindex: 10, } ); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('tabindex', '10'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('tabindex', '10'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'disabled', true); set(this.context, 'name', 'updated-name'); set(this.context, 'tabindex', 11); }); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertDisabled(); this.assertAttr('name', 'updated-name'); this.assertAttr('tabindex', '11'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'disabled', false); set(this.context, 'name', 'original-name'); set(this.context, 'tabindex', 10); }); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.assertAttr('tabindex', '10'); } ['@test `value` property assertion']() { expectAssertion(() => { this.render(`{{input type="checkbox" value=value}}`, { value: 'value', }); }, /you must use `checked=/); } ['@test with a bound type']() { this.render(`{{input type=inputType checked=isChecked}}`, { inputType: 'checkbox', isChecked: true, }); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertCheckboxIsChecked(); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertCheckboxIsChecked(); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'isChecked', false)); this.assertCheckboxIsNotChecked(); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'isChecked', true)); this.assertCheckboxIsChecked(); } ['@test native click changes check property']() { this.render(`{{input type="checkbox"}}`); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertCheckboxIsNotChecked(); this.$input()[0].click(); this.assertCheckboxIsChecked(); this.$input()[0].click(); this.assertCheckboxIsNotChecked(); } ['@test with static values']() { this.render( `{{input type="checkbox" disabled=false tabindex=10 name="original-name" checked=false}}` ); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertCheckboxIsNotChecked(); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertAttr('tabindex', '10'); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertSingleCheckbox(); this.assertCheckboxIsNotChecked(); this.assertNotDisabled(); this.assertAttr('tabindex', '10'); this.assertAttr('name', 'original-name'); } } ); moduleFor( `Helpers test: {{input type='text'}}`, class extends InputRenderingTest { ['@test null values']() { let attributes = ['disabled', 'placeholder', 'name', 'maxlength', 'size', 'tabindex']; this.render( ` {{input type="text" disabled=disabled value=value placeholder=placeholder name=name maxlength=maxlength size=size tabindex=tabindex }}`, { disabled: null, value: null, placeholder: null, name: null, maxlength: null, size: null, tabindex: null, } ); this.assertValue(''); this.assertAllAttrs(attributes, undefined); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertValue(''); this.assertAllAttrs(attributes, undefined); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'disabled', true); set(this.context, 'value', 'Updated value'); set(this.context, 'placeholder', 'Updated placeholder'); set(this.context, 'name', 'updated-name'); set(this.context, 'maxlength', 11); set(this.context, 'size', 21); set(this.context, 'tabindex', 31); }); this.assertDisabled(); this.assertValue('Updated value'); this.assertAttr('placeholder', 'Updated placeholder'); this.assertAttr('name', 'updated-name'); this.assertAttr('maxlength', '11'); this.assertAttr('size', '21'); this.assertAttr('tabindex', '31'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'disabled', null); set(this.context, 'value', null); set(this.context, 'placeholder', null); set(this.context, 'name', null); set(this.context, 'maxlength', null); // set(this.context, 'size', null); //NOTE: this fails with `Error: Failed to set the 'size' property on 'HTMLInputElement': The value provided is 0, which is an invalid size.` (TEST_SUITE=sauce) set(this.context, 'tabindex', null); }); this.assertAttr('disabled', undefined); this.assertValue(''); // this.assertAttr('placeholder', undefined); //NOTE: this fails with a value of "null" (TEST_SUITE=sauce) // this.assertAttr('name', undefined); //NOTE: this fails with a value of "null" (TEST_SUITE=sauce) this.assertAttr('maxlength', undefined); // this.assertAttr('size', undefined); //NOTE: re-enable once `size` bug above has been addressed this.assertAttr('tabindex', undefined); } } ); // These are the permutations of the set: // ['type="range"', 'min="-5" max="50"', 'value="%x"'] [ 'type="range" min="-5" max="50" value="%x"', 'type="range" value="%x" min="-5" max="50"', 'min="-5" max="50" type="range" value="%x"', 'min="-5" max="50" value="%x" type="range"', 'value="%x" min="-5" max="50" type="range"', 'value="%x" type="range" min="-5" max="50"', ].forEach(attrs => { moduleFor( `[GH#15675] Helpers test: {{input ${attrs}}}`, class extends InputRenderingTest { renderInput(value = 25) { this.render(`{{input ${attrs.replace('%x', value)}}}`); } ['@test value over default max but below set max is kept']() { this.renderInput('25'); this.assertValue('25'); } ['@test value below default min but above set min is kept']() { this.renderInput('-2'); this.assertValue('-2'); } ['@test in the valid default range is kept']() { this.renderInput('5'); this.assertValue('5'); } ['@test value above max is reset to max']() { this.renderInput('55'); this.assertValue('50'); } ['@test value below min is reset to min']() { this.renderInput('-10'); this.assertValue('-5'); } } ); });