# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module ActiveMerchant module Shipping class UPS < Carrier self.retry_safe = true cattr_accessor :default_options cattr_reader :name @@name = "UPS" TEST_URL = 'https://wwwcie.ups.com' LIVE_URL = 'https://onlinetools.ups.com' RESOURCES = { :rates => 'ups.app/xml/Rate', :track => 'ups.app/xml/Track' } PICKUP_CODES = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ :daily_pickup => "01", :customer_counter => "03", :one_time_pickup => "06", :on_call_air => "07", :suggested_retail_rates => "11", :letter_center => "19", :air_service_center => "20" }) CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ :wholesale => "01", :occasional => "03", :retail => "04" }) # these are the defaults described in the UPS API docs, # but they don't seem to apply them under all circumstances, # so we need to take matters into our own hands DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS = Hash.new do |hash,key| hash[key] = case key.to_sym when :daily_pickup then :wholesale when :customer_counter then :retail else :occasional end end DEFAULT_SERVICES = { "01" => "UPS Next Day Air", "02" => "UPS Second Day Air", "03" => "UPS Ground", "07" => "UPS Worldwide Express", "08" => "UPS Worldwide Expedited", "11" => "UPS Standard", "12" => "UPS Three-Day Select", "13" => "UPS Next Day Air Saver", "14" => "UPS Next Day Air Early A.M.", "54" => "UPS Worldwide Express Plus", "59" => "UPS Second Day Air A.M.", "65" => "UPS Saver", "82" => "UPS Today Standard", "83" => "UPS Today Dedicated Courier", "84" => "UPS Today Intercity", "85" => "UPS Today Express", "86" => "UPS Today Express Saver" } CANADA_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "01" => "UPS Express", "02" => "UPS Expedited", "14" => "UPS Express Early A.M." } MEXICO_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "07" => "UPS Express", "08" => "UPS Expedited", "54" => "UPS Express Plus" } EU_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "07" => "UPS Express", "08" => "UPS Expedited" } OTHER_NON_US_ORIGIN_SERVICES = { "07" => "UPS Express" } TRACKING_STATUS_CODES = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ 'I' => :in_transit, 'D' => :delivered, 'X' => :exception, 'P' => :pickup, 'M' => :manifest_pickup }) # From http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=European_Union&oldid=174718707 (Current as of November 30, 2007) EU_COUNTRY_CODES = ["GB", "AT", "BE", "BG", "CY", "CZ", "DK", "EE", "FI", "FR", "DE", "GR", "HU", "IE", "IT", "LV", "LT", "LU", "MT", "NL", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SK", "SI", "ES", "SE"] US_TERRITORIES_TREATED_AS_COUNTRIES = ["AS", "FM", "GU", "MH", "MP", "PW", "PR", "VI"] def requirements [:key, :login, :password] end def find_rates(origin, destination, packages, options={}) origin, destination = upsified_location(origin), upsified_location(destination) options = @options.merge(options) packages = Array(packages) access_request = build_access_request rate_request = build_rate_request(origin, destination, packages, options) response = commit(:rates, save_request(access_request + rate_request), (options[:test] || false)) parse_rate_response(origin, destination, packages, response, options) end def find_tracking_info(tracking_number, options={}) options = @options.update(options) access_request = build_access_request tracking_request = build_tracking_request(tracking_number, options) response = commit(:track, save_request(access_request + tracking_request), (options[:test] || false)) parse_tracking_response(response, options) end protected def upsified_location(location) if location.country_code == 'US' && US_TERRITORIES_TREATED_AS_COUNTRIES.include?(location.state) atts = {:country => location.state} [:zip, :city, :address1, :address2, :address3, :phone, :fax, :address_type].each do |att| atts[att] = location.send(att) end Location.new(atts) else location end end def build_access_request xml_request = XmlNode.new('AccessRequest') do |access_request| access_request << XmlNode.new('AccessLicenseNumber', @options[:key]) access_request << XmlNode.new('UserId', @options[:login]) access_request << XmlNode.new('Password', @options[:password]) end xml_request.to_s end def build_rate_request(origin, destination, packages, options={}) packages = Array(packages) xml_request = XmlNode.new('RatingServiceSelectionRequest') do |root_node| root_node << XmlNode.new('Request') do |request| request << XmlNode.new('RequestAction', 'Rate') request << XmlNode.new('RequestOption', 'Shop') # not implemented: 'Rate' RequestOption to specify a single service query # request << XmlNode.new('RequestOption', ((options[:service].nil? or options[:service] == :all) ? 'Shop' : 'Rate')) end pickup_type = options[:pickup_type] || :daily_pickup root_node << XmlNode.new('PickupType') do |pickup_type_node| pickup_type_node << XmlNode.new('Code', PICKUP_CODES[pickup_type]) # not implemented: PickupType/PickupDetails element end cc = options[:customer_classification] || DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS[pickup_type] root_node << XmlNode.new('CustomerClassification') do |cc_node| cc_node << XmlNode.new('Code', CUSTOMER_CLASSIFICATIONS[cc]) end root_node << XmlNode.new('Shipment') do |shipment| # not implemented: Shipment/Description element shipment << build_location_node('Shipper', (options[:shipper] || origin), options) shipment << build_location_node('ShipTo', destination, options) if options[:shipper] and options[:shipper] != origin shipment << build_location_node('ShipFrom', origin, options) end # not implemented: * Shipment/ShipmentWeight element # * Shipment/ReferenceNumber element # * Shipment/Service element # * Shipment/PickupDate element # * Shipment/ScheduledDeliveryDate element # * Shipment/ScheduledDeliveryTime element # * Shipment/AlternateDeliveryTime element # * Shipment/DocumentsOnly element packages.each do |package| imperial = ['US','LR','MM'].include?(origin.country_code(:alpha2)) shipment << XmlNode.new("Package") do |package_node| # not implemented: * Shipment/Package/PackagingType element # * Shipment/Package/Description element package_node << XmlNode.new("PackagingType") do |packaging_type| packaging_type << XmlNode.new("Code", '02') end package_node << XmlNode.new("Dimensions") do |dimensions| dimensions << XmlNode.new("UnitOfMeasurement") do |units| units << XmlNode.new("Code", imperial ? 'IN' : 'CM') end [:length,:width,:height].each do |axis| value = ((imperial ? package.inches(axis) : package.cm(axis)).to_f*1000).round/1000.0 # 3 decimals dimensions << XmlNode.new(axis.to_s.capitalize, [value,0.1].max) end end package_node << XmlNode.new("PackageWeight") do |package_weight| package_weight << XmlNode.new("UnitOfMeasurement") do |units| units << XmlNode.new("Code", imperial ? 'LBS' : 'KGS') end if package.value.present? && package.currency.present? add_insured_node( package_node, currency:package.currency, value:(package.value.to_i/100) ) end value = ((imperial ? package.lbs : package.kgs).to_f*1000).round/1000.0 # 3 decimals package_weight << XmlNode.new("Weight", [value,0.1].max) end # not implemented: * Shipment/Package/LargePackageIndicator element # * Shipment/Package/ReferenceNumber element # * Shipment/Package/PackageServiceOptions element # * Shipment/Package/AdditionalHandling element end end # not implemented: * Shipment/ShipmentServiceOptions element if options[:origin_account] shipment << XmlNode.new("RateInformation") do |rate_info_node| rate_info_node << XmlNode.new("NegotiatedRatesIndicator") end end end end xml_request.to_s end def build_tracking_request(tracking_number, options={}) xml_request = XmlNode.new('TrackRequest') do |root_node| root_node << XmlNode.new('Request') do |request| request << XmlNode.new('RequestAction', 'Track') request << XmlNode.new('RequestOption', '1') end root_node << XmlNode.new('TrackingNumber', tracking_number.to_s) end xml_request.to_s end def build_location_node(name,location,options={}) # not implemented: * Shipment/Shipper/Name element # * Shipment/(ShipTo|ShipFrom)/CompanyName element # * Shipment/(Shipper|ShipTo|ShipFrom)/AttentionName element # * Shipment/(Shipper|ShipTo|ShipFrom)/TaxIdentificationNumber element location_node = XmlNode.new(name) do |location_node| location_node << XmlNode.new('PhoneNumber', location.phone.gsub(/[^\d]/,'')) unless location.phone.blank? location_node << XmlNode.new('FaxNumber', location.fax.gsub(/[^\d]/,'')) unless location.fax.blank? if name == 'Shipper' and (origin_account = @options[:origin_account] || options[:origin_account]) location_node << XmlNode.new('ShipperNumber', origin_account) elsif name == 'ShipTo' and (destination_account = @options[:destination_account] || options[:destination_account]) location_node << XmlNode.new('ShipperAssignedIdentificationNumber', destination_account) end location_node << XmlNode.new('Address') do |address| address << XmlNode.new("AddressLine1", location.address1) unless location.address1.blank? address << XmlNode.new("AddressLine2", location.address2) unless location.address2.blank? address << XmlNode.new("AddressLine3", location.address3) unless location.address3.blank? address << XmlNode.new("City", location.city) unless location.city.blank? address << XmlNode.new("StateProvinceCode", location.province) unless location.province.blank? # StateProvinceCode required for negotiated rates but not otherwise, for some reason address << XmlNode.new("PostalCode", location.postal_code) unless location.postal_code.blank? address << XmlNode.new("CountryCode", location.country_code(:alpha2)) unless location.country_code(:alpha2).blank? address << XmlNode.new("ResidentialAddressIndicator", true) unless location.commercial? # the default should be that UPS returns residential rates for destinations that it doesn't know about # not implemented: Shipment/(Shipper|ShipTo|ShipFrom)/Address/ResidentialAddressIndicator element end end end def add_insured_node(*args) params, package_node = args.extract_options!, args[0] currency, value = params[:currency], params[:value].to_i package_node << XmlNode.new("PackageServiceOptions") do |package_service_options| package_service_options << XmlNode.new("DeclaredValue") do |declared_value| declared_value << XmlNode.new("CurrencyCode", currency) declared_value << XmlNode.new("MonetaryValue", (value.to_i)) end package_service_options << XmlNode.new("InsuredValue") do |declared_value| declared_value << XmlNode.new("CurrencyCode", currency) declared_value << XmlNode.new("MonetaryValue", (value.to_i)) end end end def parse_rate_response(origin, destination, packages, response, options={}) rates = [] xml = REXML::Document.new(response) success = response_success?(xml) message = response_message(xml) if success rate_estimates = [] xml.elements.each('/*/RatedShipment') do |rated_shipment| service_code = rated_shipment.get_text('Service/Code').to_s days_to_delivery = rated_shipment.get_text('GuaranteedDaysToDelivery').to_s.to_i days_to_delivery = nil if days_to_delivery == 0 rate_estimates << RateEstimate.new(origin, destination, @@name, service_name_for(origin, service_code), :total_price => rated_shipment.get_text('TotalCharges/MonetaryValue').to_s.to_f, :insurance_price => rated_shipment.get_text('ServiceOptionsCharges/MonetaryValue').to_s.to_f, :currency => rated_shipment.get_text('TotalCharges/CurrencyCode').to_s, :service_code => service_code, :packages => packages, :delivery_range => [timestamp_from_business_day(days_to_delivery)], :negotiated_rate => rated_shipment.get_text('NegotiatedRates/NetSummaryCharges/GrandTotal/MonetaryValue').to_s.to_f) end end RateResponse.new(success, message, Hash.from_xml(response).values.first, :rates => rate_estimates, :xml => response, :request => last_request) end def parse_tracking_response(response, options={}) xml = REXML::Document.new(response) success = response_success?(xml) message = response_message(xml) if success tracking_number, origin, destination, status_code, status_description, delivery_signature = nil delivered, exception = false exception_event = nil shipment_events = [] status = {} scheduled_delivery_date = nil first_shipment = xml.elements['/*/Shipment'] first_package = first_shipment.elements['Package'] tracking_number = first_shipment.get_text('ShipmentIdentificationNumber | Package/TrackingNumber').to_s # Build status hash status_node = first_package.elements['Activity/Status/StatusType'] status_code = status_node.get_text('Code').to_s status_description = status_node.get_text('Description').to_s status = TRACKING_STATUS_CODES[status_code] if status_description =~ /out.*delivery/i status = :out_for_delivery end origin, destination = %w{Shipper ShipTo}.map do |location| location_from_address_node(first_shipment.elements["#{location}/Address"]) end # Get scheduled delivery date unless status == :delivered scheduled_delivery_date = parse_ups_datetime({ :date => first_shipment.get_text('ScheduledDeliveryDate'), :time => nil }) end activities = first_package.get_elements('Activity') unless activities.empty? shipment_events = activities.map do |activity| description = activity.get_text('Status/StatusType/Description').to_s zoneless_time = if (time = activity.get_text('Time')) && (date = activity.get_text('Date')) time, date = time.to_s, date.to_s hour, minute, second = time.scan(/\d{2}/) year, month, day = date[0..3], date[4..5], date[6..7] Time.utc(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) end location = location_from_address_node(activity.elements['ActivityLocation/Address']) ShipmentEvent.new(description, zoneless_time, location) end shipment_events = shipment_events.sort_by(&:time) # UPS will sometimes archive a shipment, stripping all shipment activity except for the delivery # event (see test/fixtures/xml/delivered_shipment_without_events_tracking_response.xml for an example). # This adds an origin event to the shipment activity in such cases. if origin && !(shipment_events.count == 1 && status == :delivered) first_event = shipment_events[0] same_country = origin.country_code(:alpha2) == first_event.location.country_code(:alpha2) same_or_blank_city = first_event.location.city.blank? or first_event.location.city == origin.city origin_event = ShipmentEvent.new(first_event.name, first_event.time, origin) if same_country and same_or_blank_city shipment_events[0] = origin_event else shipment_events.unshift(origin_event) end end # Has the shipment been delivered? if status == :delivered delivery_signature = activities.first.get_text('ActivityLocation/SignedForByName').to_s if !destination destination = shipment_events[-1].location end shipment_events[-1] = ShipmentEvent.new(shipment_events.last.name, shipment_events.last.time, destination) end end end TrackingResponse.new(success, message, Hash.from_xml(response).values.first, :carrier => @@name, :xml => response, :request => last_request, :status => status, :status_code => status_code, :status_description => status_description, :delivery_signature => delivery_signature, :scheduled_delivery_date => scheduled_delivery_date, :shipment_events => shipment_events, :delivered => delivered, :exception => exception, :exception_event => exception_event, :origin => origin, :destination => destination, :tracking_number => tracking_number) end def location_from_address_node(address) return nil unless address Location.new( :country => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['CountryCode']), :postal_code => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['PostalCode']), :province => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['StateProvinceCode']), :city => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['City']), :address1 => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['AddressLine1']), :address2 => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['AddressLine2']), :address3 => node_text_or_nil(address.elements['AddressLine3']) ) end def parse_ups_datetime(options = {}) time, date = options[:time].to_s, options[:date].to_s if time.nil? hour, minute, second = 0 else hour, minute, second = time.scan(/\d{2}/) end year, month, day = date[0..3], date[4..5], date[6..7] Time.utc(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) end def response_success?(xml) xml.get_text('/*/Response/ResponseStatusCode').to_s == '1' end def response_message(xml) xml.get_text('/*/Response/Error/ErrorDescription | /*/Response/ResponseStatusDescription').to_s end def commit(action, request, test = false) ssl_post("#{test ? TEST_URL : LIVE_URL}/#{RESOURCES[action]}", request) end def service_name_for(origin, code) origin = origin.country_code(:alpha2) name = case origin when "CA" then CANADA_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] when "MX" then MEXICO_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] when *EU_COUNTRY_CODES then EU_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] end name ||= OTHER_NON_US_ORIGIN_SERVICES[code] unless name == 'US' name ||= DEFAULT_SERVICES[code] end end end end