# Change Log ## 1.0.1 - Fix issue with deleting `pd` options from a `Hash` if it was the only argument breaking the guarantee that `pd` never modifies the printed object, which could cause bugs. - Fix issue with attempting to modify a frozen `Hash` when passing a frozen `Hash` as the only argument for `pd` method ## 1.0.0 - Support including class/method after file/line in every `pd` printout ## 0.13.5 - Fix not printing source line in Rails app w/ Pry - Note that Pry's compatibility (inside Pry) is experimental and fragile because Pry's API is not reliable ## 0.13.4 - Reverted change to default `printer` behavior from 0.13.3 to avoid causing a double-print to stdout as it turns out `puts` is not always needed since Rails redirects to standard out by default in `Rails.logger.debug` calls ## 0.13.3 - Update default `printer` behavior for Rails to always output via `puts` (not just in tests) in addition to `Rails.logger.debug` - Update custom implementation of `caller` for Opal to accept args (optional `start` and `length` or alternatively `range`) just like the Ruby API ## 0.13.2 - Fix issue caused by MiniTest Rails having `IRB` constant declared despite being outside of IRB ## 0.13.1 - Support `a: '[PD]'` shortcut to passing `announcer: '[PD]'` - Support `c: :t` shortcut to passing `caller: true` ## 0.13.0 - Support `h: :t` shortcut to passing `header: true` - Support `f: :t` shortcut to passing `footer: true` - Support `w: :t` shortcut to passing `wrapper: true` ## 0.12.0 - Upgrade `awesome_print` to `~> 1.9.2` - Support passing pd options as part of a printed hash instead of requiring a separate hash (e.g. `pd(path: path, header: true)` instead of `pd({path: path}, header: true)` ) - Support empty use of pd statement + options (e.g. `pd` or `pd header: true`) ## 0.11.0 - Pry support - In Opal, print exceptions as errors in the web console using an alternative to full_message since it's not implemented in Opal yet - Fix `pd_inspect` and `pdi` in IRB ## 0.10.2 - Improve Opal Ruby compatibility by displaying source file/line ## 0.10.1 - Remove the need for specifying `require 'ap'` before `require 'pd'` ## 0.10.0 - Support `require 'pd`' as a shorter alternative to `require 'puts_debuggerer'` - Support `printer` as a Logger object or Logging::Logger (from "logging" gem). Basically any object that responds to :debug method. - Support `printer: false` option to return rendered String instead of printing and returning object - Set logger formatter to PutsDebuggerer::LOGGER_FORMATTER_DECORATOR when passing as printer (keeping format the same, but decorating msg with pd) - Add pd_inspect (and pdi alias) Kernel core extension methods - Made awesome_print gem require happen only if printer is set to :ap or :awesome_print - Support logging gem logger and Decorate logger layout with PutsDebuggerer::LOGGING_LAYOUT_DECORATOR for logging gem ## 0.9.0 - Provide partial support for Opal Ruby (missing display of file name, line number, and source code) - `source_line_count` option - `wraper` option for including both `header` and `footer` - Special handling of exceptions (prints using full_message) - Change :ap printer default to :p when unavailable - Support varargs printing (example: `pd arg1, arg2, arg3`) - Display `run_at` run number in printout ## 0.8.2 - require 'stringio' for projects that don't require automatically via other gems ## 0.8.1 - `printer` option support for Rails test environment ## 0.8.0 - `printer` option support ## 0.7.1 - default print engine to :ap (AwesomePrint) ## 0.7.0 - `run_at` option, global and piecemeal. ## 0.6.1 - updated README and broke apart specs ## 0.6.0 - unofficial erb support, returning evaluated object/expression, removed static syntax support (replaced with header support) ## 0.5.1 - support for print engine lambdas and smart defaults for leveraging Rails and AwesomePrint debuggers in Rails ## 0.5.0 - custom formatter, caller backtrace, per-puts piecemeal options, and multi-line support ## 0.4.0 - custom print engine (e.g. ap), custom announcer, and IRB support ## 0.3.0 - header/footer support, multi-line printout, improved format ## 0.2.0 - App path exclusion support, Rails root support, improved format ## 0.1.0 - File/line/expression print out