# I18n translation metadata is useful when you want to access information # about how a translation was looked up, pluralized or interpolated in # your application. # # msg = I18n.t(:message, :default => 'Hi!', :scope => :foo) # msg.translation_metadata # # => { :key => :message, :scope => :foo, :default => 'Hi!' } # # If a :count option was passed to #translate it will be set to the metadata. # Likewise, if any interpolation variables were passed they will also be set. # # To enable translation metadata you can simply include the Metadata module # into the Simple backend class - or whatever other backend you are using: # # I18n::Backend::Simple.include(I18n::Backend::Metadata) # module I18n module Backend module Metadata class << self def included(base) Object.class_eval do def translation_metadata unless self.frozen? @translation_metadata ||= {} else {} end end def translation_metadata=(translation_metadata) @translation_metadata = translation_metadata unless self.frozen? end end unless Object.method_defined?(:translation_metadata) end end def translate(locale, key, options = {}) metadata = { :locale => locale, :key => key, :scope => options[:scope], :default => options[:default], :separator => options[:separator], :values => options.reject { |name, value| RESERVED_KEYS.include?(name) } } with_metadata(metadata) { super } end def interpolate(locale, entry, values = {}) metadata = entry.translation_metadata.merge(:original => entry) with_metadata(metadata) { super } end def pluralize(locale, entry, count) with_metadata(:count => count) { super } end protected def with_metadata(metadata, &block) result = yield result.translation_metadata = result.translation_metadata.merge(metadata) if result result end end end end