# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'time' require 'handsoap/xml_mason' require 'handsoap/xml_query_front' module Handsoap def self.http_driver @http_driver || (self.http_driver = :curb) end def self.http_driver=(driver) @http_driver = driver require 'httpclient' if driver == :httpclient require 'curb' if driver == :curb return driver end def self.xml_query_driver @xml_query_driver || (self.xml_query_driver = :nokogiri) end def self.xml_query_driver=(driver) @xml_query_driver = Handsoap::XmlQueryFront.load_driver!(driver) end SOAP_NAMESPACE = { 1 => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/', 2 => 'http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-encoding' } class Response def initialize(http_body, soap_namespace) @http_body = http_body @soap_namespace = soap_namespace @document = :lazy @fault = :lazy end def document? !! document end def document if @document == :lazy begin @document = Handsoap::XmlQueryFront.parse_string(@http_body, Handsoap.xml_query_driver) rescue Handsoap::XmlQueryFront::ParseError => ex @document = nil end end return @document end def fault? !! fault end def fault if @fault == :lazy nodes = document? ? document.xpath('/env:Envelope/env:Body/descendant-or-self::env:Fault', { 'env' => @soap_namespace }) : [] @fault = nodes.any? ? Fault.from_xml(nodes.first, :namespace => @soap_namespace) : nil end return @fault end end class Fault < Exception attr_reader :code, :reason, :details def initialize(code, reason, details) @code = code @reason = reason @details = details end def to_s "Handsoap::Fault { :code => '#{@code}', :reason => '#{@reason}' }" end def self.from_xml(node, options = { :namespace => nil }) if not options[:namespace] raise "Missing option :namespace" end ns = { 'env' => options[:namespace] } fault_code = node.xpath('./env:Code/env:Value/text()', ns).to_s if fault_code == "" fault_code = node.xpath('./faultcode/text()', ns).to_s end reason = node.xpath('./env:Reason/env:Text[1]/text()', ns).to_s if reason == "" reason = node.xpath('./faultstring/text()', ns).to_s end details = node.xpath('./detail/*', ns) self.new(fault_code, reason, details) end end class Service @@logger = nil def self.logger=(io) @@logger = io end def self.endpoint(args = {}) @protocol_version = args[:version] || raise("Missing option :version") @uri = args[:uri] || raise("Missing option :uri") end def self.envelope_namespace if SOAP_NAMESPACE[@protocol_version].nil? raise "Unknown protocol version '#{@protocol_version.inspect}'" end SOAP_NAMESPACE[@protocol_version] end def self.request_content_type @protocol_version == 1 ? "text/xml" : "application/soap+xml" end def self.map_method(mapping) if @mapping.nil? @mapping = {} end @mapping.merge! mapping end def self.on_create_document(&block) @create_document_callback = block end def self.fire_on_create_document(doc) if @create_document_callback @create_document_callback.call doc end end def self.uri @uri end def self.get_mapping(name) @mapping[name] if @mapping end @@instance = {} def self.instance @@instance[self.to_s] ||= self.new end def self.method_missing(method, *args) if instance.respond_to?(method) instance.__send__ method, *args else super end end def method_missing(method, *args) action = self.class.get_mapping(method) if action invoke(action, *args) else super end end # Creates an XML document and sends it over HTTP. # # +action+ is the QName of the rootnode of the envelope. # # +options+ currently takes one option +:soap_action+, which can be one of: # # :auto sends a SOAPAction http header, deduced from the action name. (This is the default) # # +String+ sends a SOAPAction http header. # # +nil+ sends no SOAPAction http header. def invoke(action, options = { :soap_action => :auto }, &block) # :yields: Handsoap::XmlMason::Element if action if options.kind_of? String options = { :soap_action => options } end if options[:soap_action] == :auto options[:soap_action] = action.gsub(/^.+:/, "") elsif options[:soap_action] == :none options[:soap_action] = nil end doc = make_envelope do |body| body.add action end if block_given? yield doc.find(action) end dispatch(doc, options[:soap_action]) end end # Hook that is called before the message is dispatched. # # You can override this to provide filtering and logging. def on_before_dispatch end # Hook that is called if the dispatch returns a +Fault+. # # Default behaviour is to raise the Fault, but you can override this to provide logging and more fine-grained handling faults. def on_fault(fault) raise fault end private # Helper to serialize a node into a ruby string # # *deprecated*. Use Handsoap::XmlQueryFront::BaseDriver#to_s def xml_to_str(node, xquery = nil) n = xquery ? node.xpath(xquery, ns).first : node return if n.nil? n.to_utf8 end alias_method :xml_to_s, :xml_to_str # Helper to serialize a node into a ruby integer # # *deprecated*. Use Handsoap::XmlQueryFront::BaseDriver#to_i def xml_to_int(node, xquery = nil) n = xquery ? node.xpath(xquery, ns).first : node return if n.nil? n.to_s.to_i end alias_method :xml_to_i, :xml_to_int # Helper to serialize a node into a ruby float # # *deprecated*. Use Handsoap::XmlQueryFront::BaseDriver#to_f def xml_to_float(node, xquery = nil) n = xquery ? node.xpath(xquery, ns).first : node return if n.nil? n.to_s.to_f end alias_method :xml_to_f, :xml_to_float # Helper to serialize a node into a ruby boolean # # *deprecated*. Use Handsoap::XmlQueryFront::BaseDriver#to_boolean def xml_to_bool(node, xquery = nil) n = xquery ? node.xpath(xquery, ns).first : node return if n.nil? n.to_s == "true" end # Helper to serialize a node into a ruby Time object # # *deprecated*. Use Handsoap::XmlQueryFront::BaseDriver#to_date def xml_to_date(node, xquery = nil) n = xquery ? node.xpath(xquery, ns).first : node return if n.nil? Time.iso8601(n.to_s) end def debug(message = nil) #:nodoc: if @@logger if message @@logger.puts(message) end if block_given? yield @@logger end end end # Takes care of the HTTP level dispatch. def dispatch(doc, action) on_before_dispatch headers = { "Content-Type" => "#{self.class.request_content_type};charset=UTF-8" } headers["SOAPAction"] = action unless action.nil? body = doc.to_s debug do |logger| logger.puts "===============" logger.puts "--- Request ---" logger.puts "URI: %s" % [self.class.uri] logger.puts headers.map { |key,value| key + ": " + value }.join("\n") logger.puts "---" logger.puts body end if Handsoap.http_driver == :curb http_client = Curl::Easy.new(self.class.uri) http_client.headers = headers http_client.http_post body debug do |logger| logger.puts "--- Response ---" logger.puts "HTTP Status: %s" % [http_client.response_code] logger.puts "Content-Type: %s" % [http_client.content_type] logger.puts "---" logger.puts Handsoap.pretty_format_envelope(http_client.body_str) end soap_response = Response.new(http_client.body_str, self.class.envelope_namespace) elsif Handsoap.http_driver == :httpclient response = HTTPClient.new.post(self.class.uri, body, headers) debug do |logger| logger.puts "--- Response ---" logger.puts "HTTP Status: %s" % [response.status] logger.puts "Content-Type: %s" % [response.contenttype] logger.puts "---" logger.puts Handsoap.pretty_format_envelope(response.content) end soap_response = Response.new(response.content, self.class.envelope_namespace) else raise "Unknown http driver #{Handsoap.http_driver}" end if soap_response.fault? return self.on_fault(soap_response.fault) end return soap_response end # Creates a standard SOAP envelope and yields the +Body+ element. def make_envelope # :yields: Handsoap::XmlMason::Element doc = XmlMason::Document.new do |doc| doc.alias 'env', self.class.envelope_namespace doc.add "env:Envelope" do |env| env.add "*:Header" env.add "*:Body" end end self.class.fire_on_create_document doc if block_given? yield doc.find("Body") end return doc end end def self.pretty_format_envelope(xml_string) if /^<.*:Envelope/.match(xml_string) begin doc = Handsoap::XmlQueryFront.parse_string(xml_string, Handsoap.xml_query_driver) rescue Exception => ex return "Formatting failed: " + ex.to_s end return doc.to_xml # return "\n\e[1;33m" + doc.to_s + "\e[0m" end return xml_string end end