module ActiveGraph module Node module Query # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength module QueryProxyMethods # rubocop:enable Metrics/ModuleLength FIRST = 'HEAD' LAST = 'LAST' def rels fail 'Cannot get rels without a relationship variable.' if !@rel_var pluck(@rel_var) end def rel rels.first end def as(node_var) new_link(node_var) end # Give ability to call `#find` on associations to get a scoped find # Doesn't pass through via `method_missing` because Enumerable has a `#find` method def find(*args) scoping { @model.find(*args) } end def first(target = nil) first_and_last(FIRST, target) end def last(target = nil) first_and_last(LAST, target) end def order_property # This should maybe be based on a setting in the association # rather than a hardcoded `nil` model ? model.id_property_name : nil end def distinct new_link.tap do |e| e.instance_variable_set(:@distinct, true) end end def propagate_context(query_proxy) [:@distinct, :@rel_var].each { |var| query_proxy.instance_variable_set(var, instance_variable_get(var)) } end # @return [Integer] number of nodes of this class def count(distinct = nil, target = nil) return 0 if unpersisted_start_object? fail(ActiveGraph::InvalidParameterError, ':count accepts the `:distinct` symbol or nil as a parameter') unless distinct.nil? || distinct == :distinct query_with_target(target) do |var| q = ensure_distinct(var, !distinct.nil?) limited_query = self.query.clause?(:limit) ? self.query.break.with(var) : self.query.reorder limited_query.pluck("count(#{q}) AS #{var}").first end end def size result_cache? ? result_cache_for.length : count end delegate :length, to: :to_a # TODO: update this with public API methods if/when they are exposed def limit_value return unless self.query.clause?(:limit) limit_clause = self.query.send(:clauses).find { |clause| clause.is_a?(ActiveGraph::Core::QueryClauses::LimitClause) } limit_clause.instance_variable_get(:@arg) end def empty?(target = nil) return true if unpersisted_start_object? query_with_target(target) { |var| !self.exists?(nil, var) } end alias blank? empty? # @param [ActiveGraph::Node, ActiveGraph::Node, String] other An instance of a Neo4j.rb model, a core node, or a string uuid # @param [String, Symbol] target An identifier of a link in the Cypher chain # @return [Boolean] def include?(other, target = nil) query_with_target(target) do |var| where_filter = if other.respond_to?(:neo_id) || association_id_key == :neo_id "elementId(#{var}) = $other_node_id" else "#{var}.#{association_id_key} = $other_node_id" end node_id = other.respond_to?(:neo_id) ? other.neo_id : other self.where(where_filter).params(other_node_id: node_id).query.reorder.return("count(#{var}) as count") .first[:count].positive? end end def exists?(node_condition = nil, target = nil) unless [String, Hash, NilClass].any? { |c| node_condition.is_a?(c) } fail(ActiveGraph::InvalidParameterError, ':exists? only accepts ids or conditions') end query_with_target(target) do |var| start_q = exists_query_start(node_condition, var) result = start_q.query.reorder.return("elementId(#{var}) AS proof_of_life LIMIT 1").first !!result end end # Shorthand for `MATCH (start)-[r]-(other_node) WHERE ID(other_node) = #{other_node.neo_id}` # The `node` param can be a persisted Node instance, any string or integer, or nil. # When it's a node, it'll use the object's neo_id, which is fastest. When not nil, it'll figure out the # primary key of that model. When nil, it uses `1 = 2` to prevent matching all records, which is the default # behavior when nil is passed to `where` in QueryProxy. # @param [#neo_id, String, Enumerable] node A node, a string representing a node's ID, or an enumerable of nodes or IDs. # @return [ActiveGraph::Node::Query::QueryProxy] A QueryProxy object upon which you can build. def match_to(node) first_node = node.is_a?(Array) ? node.first : node where_arg = if first_node.respond_to?(:neo_id) { neo_id: node.is_a?(Array) ? : node } elsif !node.nil? { association_id_key => node.is_a?(Array) ? ids_array(node) : node } else # support for null object pattern '1 = 2' end self.where(where_arg) end # Gives you the first relationship between the last link of a QueryProxy chain and a given node # Shorthand for `MATCH (start)-[r]-(other_node) WHERE ID(other_node) = #{other_node.neo_id} RETURN r` # @param [#neo_id, String, Enumerable] node An object to be sent to `match_to`. See params for that method. # @return A relationship (Relationship, CypherRelationship, EmbeddedRelationship) or nil. def first_rel_to(node) self.match_to(node).limit(1).pluck(rel_var).first end # Returns all relationships across a QueryProxy chain between a given node or array of nodes and the preceeding link. # @param [#neo_id, String, Enumerable] node An object to be sent to `match_to`. See params for that method. # @return An enumerable of relationship objects. def rels_to(node) self.match_to(node).pluck(rel_var) end alias all_rels_to rels_to # When called, this method returns a single node that satisfies the match specified in the params hash. # If no existing node is found to satisfy the match, one is created or associated as expected. def find_or_create_by(params) fail 'Method invalid when called on Class objects' unless source_object result = self.where(params).first return result unless result.nil? ActiveGraph::Base.transaction do node = model.create(params) self << node node end end def find_or_initialize_by(attributes, &block) find_by(attributes) || initialize_by_current_chain_params(attributes, &block) end def first_or_initialize(attributes = {}, &block) first || initialize_by_current_chain_params(attributes, &block) end # A shortcut for attaching a new, optional match to the end of a QueryProxy chain. def optional(association, node_var = nil, rel_var = nil) self.send(association, node_var, rel_var, optional: true) end # Takes an Array of Node models and applies the appropriate WHERE clause # So for a `Teacher` model inheriting from a `Person` model and an `Article` model # if you called .as_models([Teacher, Article]) # The where clause would look something like: # # .. code-block:: cypher # # WHERE (node_var:Teacher:Person OR node_var:Article) def as_models(models) where_clause = do |model| "`#{identity}`:" + do |mapped_label_name| "`#{mapped_label_name}`" end.join(':') end.join(' OR ') where("(#{where_clause})") end # Matches all nodes having at least a relation # # @example Load all people having a friend # Person.all.having_rel(:friends).to_a # => Returns a list of `Person` # # @example Load all people having a best friend # Person.all.having_rel(:friends, best: true).to_a # => Returns a list of `Person` # # @return [QueryProxy] A new QueryProxy def having_rel(association_name, rel_properties = {}) association = association_or_fail(association_name) where("(#{identity})#{association.arrow_cypher(nil, rel_properties)}()") end # Matches all nodes not having a certain relation # # @example Load all people not having friends # Person.all.not_having_rel(:friends).to_a # => Returns a list of `Person` # # @example Load all people not having best friends # Person.all.not_having_rel(:friends, best: true).to_a # => Returns a list of `Person` # # @return [QueryProxy] A new QueryProxy def not_having_rel(association_name, rel_properties = {}) association = association_or_fail(association_name) where_not("(#{identity})#{association.arrow_cypher(nil, rel_properties)}()") end private def association_or_fail(association_name) model.associations[association_name] || fail(ArgumentError, "No such association #{association_name}") end def find_inverse_association!(model, source, association) model.associations.values.find do |reverse_association| association.inverse_of?(reverse_association) || reverse_association.inverse_of?(association) || inverse_relation_of?(source, association, model, reverse_association) end || fail("Could not find reverse association for #{@context}") end def inverse_relation_of?(source, source_association, target, target_association) source_association.direction != target_association.direction && source == target_association.target_class && target == source_association.target_class && source_association.relationship_class_name == target_association.relationship_class_name end def initialize_by_current_chain_params(params = {}) result = new(where_clause_params.merge(params)) inverse_association = find_inverse_association!(model, source_object.class, association) if source_object result.tap do |m| yield(m) if block_given? m.public_send( << source_object if inverse_association end end def where_clause_params { |c| c.is_a?(ActiveGraph::Core::QueryClauses::WhereClause) && c.arg.is_a?(Hash) } .map! { |e| e.arg[identity] }.compact.inject { |a, b| a.merge(b) } || {} end def first_and_last(func, target) new_query, pluck_proc = if self.query.clause?(:order) [self.query.with(identity), proc { |var| "#{func}(COLLECT(#{var})) as #{var}" }] else ord_prop = (func == LAST ? { order_property => :DESC } : order_property) [self.order(ord_prop).limit(1), proc { |var| var }] end query_with_target(target) do |var| final_pluck = new_query.pluck(final_pluck) end.first end # @return [String] The primary key of a the current QueryProxy's model or target class def association_id_key self.association.nil? ? model.primary_key : self.association.target_class.primary_key end # @param [Enumerable] node An enumerable of nodes or ids. # @return [Array] An array after having `id` called on each object def ids_array(node) node.first.respond_to?(:id) ? : node end def query_with_target(target) yield(target || identity) end def exists_query_start(condition, target = nil) return self unless condition return exists_query_start(model.primary_key => condition) if condition.is_a?(String) if condition.key?(:neo_id) where("elementId(#{target}) = $neo_id").params(**condition.slice(:neo_id)) else where(**condition) end end end end end end