require 'spec_helper' describe Lita::Handlers::Statuspage, lita_handler: true do let(:incidents) do'spec/files/incidents.json') end let(:incidents_empty) do '[]' end let(:incidents_scheduled) do'spec/files/incidents_scheduled.json') end let(:incidents_unresolved) do'spec/files/incidents_unresolved.json') end let(:incidents_updated) do'spec/files/incidents_update.json') end let(:incident_new) do'spec/files/incident_new.json') end let(:incident_deleted) do'spec/files/incident_deleted.json') end let(:incident_updated) do'spec/files/incident_updated.json') end let(:components) do'spec/files/components.json') end let(:components_empty) do '[]' end let(:component_update) do'spec/files/component_update.json') end it { routes_command('statuspage incident new name:"foo"').to(:incident_new) } it { routes_command('statuspage incident update latest').to(:incident_update) } it { routes_command('statuspage incident list').to(:incident_list_all) } it { routes_command('statuspage incident list all').to(:incident_list_all) } it { routes_command('statuspage incident list scheduled').to(:incident_list_scheduled) } it { routes_command('statuspage incident list unresolved').to(:incident_list_unresolved) } it { routes_command('statuspage incident delete latest').to(:incident_delete_latest) } it { routes_command('statuspage incident delete id:omgwtfbbq').to(:incident_delete) } it { routes_command('statuspage component list').to(:component_list) } it { routes_command('statuspage component list all').to(:component_list) } it { routes_command('statuspage component update latest').to(:component_update) } describe '.default_config' do it 'sets api_key to nil' do expect(Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.api_key).to be_nil end it 'sets page_id to nil' do expect(Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.page_id).to be_nil end end describe 'without valid config' do it 'should error out on any command' do expect { send_command('statuspage incident list all') }.to raise_error('Missing config') end end describe 'with valid config' do before do Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.api_key = 'foo' Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.page_id = 'bar' end describe '#incident_new' do it 'shows an ack when the incident is created' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 201, body: incident_new) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:post).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident new name:"lp0 on fire"') expect(replies.last).to eq('Incident b0m7dz4tzpl3 created') end it 'shows a warning if the incident does not have a required name' do send_command('statuspage incident new status:investigating') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t create incident, missing incident name') end it 'shows a warning if the incident status is not valid' do send_command('statuspage incident new name:"It dun broke" status:ignoring') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t create incident, invalid incident state') end it 'shows a warning if the twitter status is not valid' do send_command('statuspage incident new name:"It dun broke" twitter:lavender') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t create incident, invalid twitter state') end it 'shows a warning if the impact value is not valid' do send_command('statuspage incident new name:"It dun broke" impact:apocalypse') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t create incident, invalid impact value') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue creating the incident' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident new name:"It dun broke"') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error creating incident') end end describe '#incident_update' do it 'shows an ack when the incident is updated' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_updated) patch_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incident_updated) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:patch).and_return(patch_response) send_command('statuspage incident update id:b0m7dz4tzpl3 message:"Howdy"') expect(replies.last).to eq('Incident b0m7dz4tzpl3 updated') end it 'shows a warning if the incident does not exist' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident update id:b0m7dz4tzpl3 message:"Howdy"') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t update incident, does not exist') end it 'shows a warning if there is nothing to update' do send_command('statuspage incident update id:b0m7dz4tzpl3') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t update incident, nothing to update') end it 'shows a warning if the incident does not have an id' do send_command('statuspage incident update status:investigating') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t update incident, missing incident ID') end it 'shows a warning if the incident status is not valid' do send_command('statuspage incident update id:b0m7dz4tzpl3 status:running_away') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t update incident, invalid incident state') end it 'shows a warning if the twitter status is not valid' do send_command('statuspage incident update id:b0m7dz4tzpl3 twitter:magenta') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t update incident, invalid twitter state') end it 'shows a warning if the impact value is not valid' do send_command('statuspage incident update id:b0m7dz4tzpl3 impact:ragnarok') expect(replies.last).to eq('Can\'t update incident, invalid impact value') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue updating the incident' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_updated) patch_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:patch).and_return(patch_response) send_command('statuspage incident update id:b0m7dz4tzpl3 message:"Howdy"') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error updating incident') end end describe '#incident_list_all' do it 'shows a list of incidents if there are any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list all') expect(replies.last).to eq('Test Incident (created: 2014-03-24, ' \ 'status: resolved, id:td9ftgzcyz4m)') end it 'shows a warning if there arent any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_empty) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list all') expect(replies.last).to eq('No incidents to list') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue fetching the incidents' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list all') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error fetching incidents') end end describe '#incident_list_scheduled' do it 'shows a list of incidents if there are any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_scheduled) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list scheduled') expect(replies.last).to eq('Test Maintenance (created: 2014-03-30, ' \ 'status: scheduled, id:3tzsm37ryws0)') end it 'shows a warning if there arent any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_empty) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list scheduled') expect(replies.last).to eq('No incidents to list') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue fetching the incidents' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list scheduled') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error fetching incidents') end end describe '#incident_list_unresolved' do it 'shows a list of incidents if there are any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_unresolved) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list unresolved') expect(replies.last).to eq('Unresolved incident (created: 2014-03-30, ' \ 'status: investigating, id:2ttv50n0n8zj)') end it 'shows a warning if there arent any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_empty) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list scheduled') expect(replies.last).to eq('No incidents to list') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue fetching the incidents' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident list scheduled') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error fetching incidents') end end describe '#incident_delete_latest' do it 'shows an ack if the incident was deleted' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_unresolved) delete_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incident_deleted) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:delete).and_return(delete_response) send_command('statuspage incident delete latest') expect(replies.last).to eq('Incident 2ttv50n0n8zj deleted') end it 'shows a warning if there wasnt an incident to delete' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 404, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident delete latest') expect(replies.last).to eq('No latest incident found') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue deleting the incident' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_unresolved) delete_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:delete).and_return(delete_response) send_command('statuspage incident delete latest') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error deleting incident') end end describe '#incident_delete' do it 'shows an ack if the incident was deleted' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_unresolved) delete_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incident_deleted) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:delete).and_return(delete_response) send_command('statuspage incident delete id:2ttv50n0n8zj') expect(replies.last).to eq('Incident 2ttv50n0n8zj deleted') end it 'shows a warning if there wasnt an incident to delete' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 404, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage incident delete id:2ttv50n0n8zj') expect(replies.last).to eq('Incident not found') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue deleting the incident' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: incidents_unresolved) delete_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:delete).and_return(delete_response) send_command('statuspage incident delete id:2ttv50n0n8zj') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error deleting incident') end end describe '#component_list' do it 'shows a list of components if there are any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: components) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage component list') expect(replies.last).to eq('Management Portal (example) (status: operational, id:v6z6tpldcw85)') end it 'shows a warning if there arent any' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: components_empty) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage component list') expect(replies.last).to eq('No components to list') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue fetching the components' do response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response) send_command('statuspage component list') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error fetching components') end end describe '#component_update' do it 'shows an ack if the component is updated via id' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: components) patch_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: component_update) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:patch).and_return(patch_response) send_command('statuspage component update id:v6z6tpldcw85 status:major_outage') expect(replies.last).to eq('Component v6z6tpldcw85 updated') end it 'shows an ack if the component is updated via name' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: components) patch_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: component_update) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:patch).and_return(patch_response) send_command('statuspage component update name:"Management Portal (example)" status:major_outage') expect(replies.last).to eq('Component v6z6tpldcw85 updated') end it 'shows a warning if there is no identifier to the component' do send_command('statuspage component update status:major_outage') expect(replies.last).to eq('Need an identifier for the component') end it 'shows a warning if the status is invalid' do send_command('statuspage component update id:v6z6tpldcw85 status:big_problem') expect(replies.last).to eq('Invalid status to use in updates') end it 'shows an error if there was an issue updating the component' do get_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 200, body: components) patch_response = double('Faraday::Response', status: 500, body: '') allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(get_response) allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:patch).and_return(patch_response) send_command('statuspage component update id:v6z6tpldcw85 status:major_outage') expect(replies.last).to eq('Error updating component') end end end end