module Zookeeper module Exceptions include Constants class ZookeeperException < StandardError unless defined?(CONST_MISSING_WARNING) CONST_MISSING_WARNING = <<-EOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING! THE ZOOKEEPER NAMESPACE HAS CHNAGED AS OF 1.0! Please update your code to use the new heirarchy! The constant that got you this was ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::%s stacktrace: %s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOS end # NOTE(slyphon): Since 0.4 all of the ZookeeperException subclasses were # defined inside of ZookeeperException, which always seemed well, icky. # if someone references one of these we'll print out a warning and # then give them the constant # def self.const_missing(const) if Zookeeper::Exceptions.const_defined?(const) stacktrace = caller[0..-2].reject {|n| n =~ %r%/rspec/% }.map { |n| "\t#{n}" }.join("\n") Zookeeper.deprecation_warning(CONST_MISSING_WARNING % [const.to_s, stacktrace]) Zookeeper::Exceptions.const_get(const).tap do |const_val| self.const_set(const, const_val) end else super end end end class EverythingOk < ZookeeperException; end class SystemError < ZookeeperException; end class RunTimeInconsistency < ZookeeperException; end class DataInconsistency < ZookeeperException; end class ConnectionLoss < ZookeeperException; end class MarshallingError < ZookeeperException; end class Unimplemented < ZookeeperException; end class OperationTimeOut < ZookeeperException; end class BadArguments < ZookeeperException; end class InvalidState < ZookeeperException; end class ApiError < ZookeeperException; end class NoNode < ZookeeperException; end class NoAuth < ZookeeperException; end class BadVersion < ZookeeperException; end class NoChildrenForEphemerals < ZookeeperException; end class NodeExists < ZookeeperException; end class NotEmpty < ZookeeperException; end class SessionExpired < ZookeeperException; end class InvalidCallback < ZookeeperException; end class InvalidACL < ZookeeperException; end class AuthFailed < ZookeeperException; end class Closing < ZookeeperException; end class Nothing < ZookeeperException; end class SessionMoved < ZookeeperException; end # these are Ruby client exceptions class ConnectionClosed < ZookeeperException; end class NotConnected < ZookeeperException; end class ShuttingDownException < ZookeeperException; end class DataTooLargeException < ZookeeperException; end # raised when the user tries to use a connection after a fork() # without calling reopen() in the C client # # (h/t: @pletern class InheritedConnectionError < ZookeeperException; end # yes, make an alias, this is the way zookeeper refers to it ExpiredSession = SessionExpired unless defined?(ExpiredSession) def self.by_code(code) case code when ZOK then EverythingOk when ZSYSTEMERROR then SystemError when ZRUNTIMEINCONSISTENCY then RunTimeInconsistency when ZDATAINCONSISTENCY then DataInconsistency when ZCONNECTIONLOSS then ConnectionLoss when ZMARSHALLINGERROR then MarshallingError when ZUNIMPLEMENTED then Unimplemented when ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT then OperationTimeOut when ZBADARGUMENTS then BadArguments when ZINVALIDSTATE then InvalidState when ZAPIERROR then ApiError when ZNONODE then NoNode when ZNOAUTH then NoAuth when ZBADVERSION then BadVersion when ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS then NoChildrenForEphemerals when ZNODEEXISTS then NodeExists when ZNOTEMPTY then NotEmpty when ZSESSIONEXPIRED then SessionExpired when ZINVALIDCALLBACK then InvalidCallback when ZINVALIDACL then InvalidACL when ZAUTHFAILED then AuthFailed when ZCLOSING then Closing when ZNOTHING then Nothing when ZSESSIONMOVED then SessionMoved else"no exception defined for code #{code}") end end def self.raise_on_error(code) exc = self.by_code(code) raise exc unless exc == EverythingOk end end # Exceptions end # Zookeeper