# require only 'concurrent/atom' once this issue is resolved: # https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/pull/377 require 'concurrent' # encoding: utf-8 module Dynamoid # Adapter's value-add: # 1) For the rest of Dynamoid, the gateway to DynamoDB. # 2) Allows switching `config.adapter` to ease development of a new adapter. # 3) Caches the list of tables Dynamoid knows about. class Adapter def initialize @adapter_ = Concurrent::Atom.new(nil) @tables_ = Concurrent::Atom.new(nil) end def tables if !@tables_.value @tables_.swap{|value, args| benchmark('Cache Tables') { list_tables || [] } } end @tables_.value end # The actual adapter currently in use. # # @since 0.2.0 def adapter if !@adapter_.value adapter = self.class.adapter_plugin_class.new adapter.connect! if adapter.respond_to?(:connect!) @adapter_.compare_and_set(nil, adapter) clear_cache! end @adapter_.value end def clear_cache! @tables_.swap{|value, args| nil} end # Shows how long it takes a method to run on the adapter. Useful for generating logged output. # # @param [Symbol] method the name of the method to appear in the log # @param [Array] args the arguments to the method to appear in the log # @yield the actual code to benchmark # # @return the result of the yield # # @since 0.2.0 def benchmark(method, *args) start = Time.now result = yield Dynamoid.logger.info "(#{((Time.now - start) * 1000.0).round(2)} ms) #{method.to_s.split('_').collect(&:upcase).join(' ')}#{ " - #{args.inspect}" unless args.nil? || args.empty? }" return result end # Write an object to the adapter. # # @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to # @param [Object] object the object itself # @param [Hash] options Options that are passed to the put_item call # # @return [Object] the persisted object # # @since 0.2.0 def write(table, object, options = nil) put_item(table, object, options) end # Read one or many keys from the selected table. # This method intelligently calls batch_get or get on the underlying adapter # depending on whether ids is a range or a single key. # If a range key is present, it will also interpolate that into the ids so # that the batch get will acquire the correct record. # # @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to # @param [Array] ids to fetch, can also be a string of just one id # @param [Hash] options: Passed to the underlying query. The :range_key option is required whenever the table has a range key, # unless multiple ids are passed in. # # @since 0.2.0 def read(table, ids, options = {}) range_key = options.delete(:range_key) if ids.respond_to?(:each) ids = ids.collect{|id| range_key ? [id, range_key] : id} batch_get_item({table => ids}, options) else options[:range_key] = range_key if range_key get_item(table, ids, options) end end # Delete an item from a table. # # @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to # @param [Array] ids to delete, can also be a string of just one id # @param [Array] range_key of the record to delete, can also be a string of just one range_key # def delete(table, ids, options = {}) range_key = options[:range_key] # array of range keys that matches the ids passed in if ids.respond_to?(:each) if range_key.respond_to?(:each) # turn ids into array of arrays each element being hash_key, range_key ids = ids.each_with_index.map{|id, i| [id, range_key[i]]} else ids = range_key ? ids.map { |id| [id, range_key] } : ids end batch_delete_item(table => ids) else delete_item(table, ids, options) end end # Scans a table. Generally quite slow; try to avoid using scan if at all possible. # # @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to # @param [Hash] scan_hash a hash of attributes: matching records will be returned by the scan # # @since 0.2.0 def scan(table, query = {}, opts = {}) benchmark('Scan', table, query) {adapter.scan(table, query, opts)} end def create_table(table_name, key, options = {}) if !tables.include?(table_name) benchmark('Create Table') { adapter.create_table(table_name, key, options) } tables << table_name end end # @since 0.2.0 def delete_table(table_name, options = {}) if tables.include?(table_name) benchmark('Delete Table') { adapter.delete_table(table_name, options) } idx = tables.index(table_name) tables.delete_at(idx) end end [:batch_get_item, :delete_item, :get_item, :list_tables, :put_item, :truncate, :batch_write_item, :batch_delete_item].each do |m| # Method delegation with benchmark to the underlying adapter. Faster than relying on method_missing. # # @since 0.2.0 define_method(m) do |*args| benchmark("#{m.to_s}", *args) {adapter.send(m, *args)} end end # Delegate all methods that aren't defind here to the underlying adapter. # # @since 0.2.0 def method_missing(method, *args, &block) return benchmark(method, *args) {adapter.send(method, *args, &block)} if adapter.respond_to?(method) super end # Query the DynamoDB table. This employs DynamoDB's indexes so is generally faster than scanning, but is # only really useful for range queries, since it can only find by one hash key at once. Only provide # one range key to the hash. # # @param [String] table_name the name of the table # @param [Hash] opts the options to query the table with # @option opts [String] :hash_value the value of the hash key to find # @option opts [Range] :range_value find the range key within this range # @option opts [Number] :range_greater_than find range keys greater than this # @option opts [Number] :range_less_than find range keys less than this # @option opts [Number] :range_gte find range keys greater than or equal to this # @option opts [Number] :range_lte find range keys less than or equal to this # # @return [Array] an array of all matching items # def query(table_name, opts = {}) adapter.query(table_name, opts) end private def self.adapter_plugin_class unless Dynamoid.const_defined?(:AdapterPlugin) && Dynamoid::AdapterPlugin.const_defined?(Dynamoid::Config.adapter.camelcase) require "dynamoid/adapter_plugin/#{Dynamoid::Config.adapter}" end Dynamoid::AdapterPlugin.const_get(Dynamoid::Config.adapter.camelcase) end end end