module Spree class Address < Spree::Base require 'twitter_cldr' NO_ZIPCODE_ISO_CODES ||= [ 'AO', 'AG', 'AW', 'BS', 'BZ', 'BJ', 'BM', 'BO', 'BW', 'BF', 'BI', 'CM', 'CF', 'KM', 'CG', 'CD', 'CK', 'CUW', 'CI', 'DJ', 'DM', 'GQ', 'ER', 'FJ', 'TF', 'GAB', 'GM', 'GH', 'GD', 'GN', 'GY', 'HK', 'IE', 'KI', 'KP', 'LY', 'MO', 'MW', 'ML', 'MR', 'NR', 'AN', 'NU', 'KP', 'PA', 'QA', 'RW', 'KN', 'LC', 'ST', 'SC', 'SL', 'SB', 'SO', 'SR', 'SY', 'TZ', 'TL', 'TK', 'TG', 'TO', 'TV', 'UG', 'AE', 'VU', 'YE', 'ZW' ].freeze belongs_to :country, class_name: "Spree::Country" belongs_to :state, class_name: "Spree::State", optional: true has_many :shipments, inverse_of: :address before_validation :clear_invalid_state_entities, if: -> { country.present? }, on: :update with_options presence: true do validates :firstname, :lastname, :address1, :city, :country validates :zipcode, if: :require_zipcode? validates :phone, if: :require_phone? end validate :state_validate, :postal_code_validate alias_attribute :first_name, :firstname alias_attribute :last_name, :lastname self.whitelisted_ransackable_attributes = %w[firstname lastname company] def self.build_default country = Spree::Country.find(Spree::Config[:default_country_id]) rescue Spree::Country.first new(country: country) end def self.default(user = nil, kind = "bill") if user && user_address = user.public_send(:"#{kind}_address") user_address.clone else build_default end end # Can modify an address if it's not been used in an order (but checkouts controller has finer control) # def editable? # new_record? || (shipments.empty? && checkouts.empty?) # end def full_name "#{firstname} #{lastname}".strip end def state_text state.try(:abbr) || state.try(:name) || state_name end def same_as?(other) return false if other.nil? attributes.except('id', 'updated_at', 'created_at') == other.attributes.except('id', 'updated_at', 'created_at') end alias same_as same_as? def to_s "#{full_name}: #{address1}" end def clone'id', 'updated_at', 'created_at')) end def ==(other_address) self_attrs = self.attributes other_attrs = other_address.respond_to?(:attributes) ? other_address.attributes : {} [self_attrs, other_attrs].each { |attrs| attrs.except!('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at') } self_attrs == other_attrs end def empty? attributes.except('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'country_id').all? { |_, v| v.nil? } end # Generates an ActiveMerchant compatible address hash def active_merchant_hash { name: full_name, address1: address1, address2: address2, city: city, state: state_text, zip: zipcode, country: country.try(:iso), phone: phone } end def require_phone? true end def require_zipcode? country ? country.zipcode_required? : true end private def clear_state_entities clear_state clear_state_name end def clear_state self.state = nil end def clear_state_name self.state_name = nil end def clear_invalid_state_entities if state.present? && ( != country) clear_state elsif state_name.present? && !country.states_required? && country.states.empty? clear_state_name end end def state_validate # Skip state validation without country (also required) # or when disabled by preference return if country.blank? || !Spree::Config[:address_requires_state] return unless country.states_required # ensure associated state belongs to country if state.present? if == country clear_state_name # not required as we have a valid state and country combo elsif state_name.present? clear_state else errors.add(:state, :invalid) end end # ensure state_name belongs to country without states, or that it matches a predefined state name/abbr if state_name.present? if country.states.present? states = country.states.find_all_by_name_or_abbr(state_name) if states.size == 1 self.state = states.first clear_state_name else errors.add(:state, :invalid) end end end # ensure at least one state field is populated errors.add :state, :blank if state.blank? && state_name.blank? end def postal_code_validate return if country.blank? || country.iso.blank? || !require_zipcode? return if !TwitterCldr::Shared::PostalCodes.territories.include?(country.iso.downcase.to_sym) postal_code = TwitterCldr::Shared::PostalCodes.for_territory(country.iso) errors.add(:zipcode, :invalid) if !postal_code.valid?(zipcode.to_s.strip) end end end