#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'rubygems' require 'git' require 'fileutils' require 'require_relative' require_relative 'yaml_parse.rb' include YamlParse #require_relative 'log.rb' #include Logging # # Repositories module # # Current version of the infra. Compatible with forj version or higher. INFRA_VERSION = "37" module Repositories def clone_repo(maestro_url) current_dir = Dir.pwd home = File.expand_path('~') path = home + '/.forj/' begin if File.directory?(path) if File.directory?(path + 'maestro') FileUtils.rm_r path + 'maestro' end Git.clone(maestro_url, 'maestro', :path => path) end rescue => e Logging.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) puts 'Error while cloning the repo from %s' % [maestro_url] puts 'If this error persist you could clone the repo manually in ~/.forj/' end Dir.chdir(current_dir) end def create_infra(maestro_repo) # Build our own infra from maestro infra templates. infra = File.join($FORJ_DATA_PATH, 'infra') dest_cloud_init = File.join(infra, 'cloud-init') template = File.join(maestro_repo, 'templates', 'infra') cloud_init = File.join(template, 'cloud-init') if File.directory?(infra) Logging.debug("Cleaning up '%s'" % [infra]) FileUtils.rm_r(infra) end Helpers.ensure_dir_exists(dest_cloud_init) Logging.debug("Copying recursively '%s' to '%s'" % [cloud_init, infra]) FileUtils.copy_entry(cloud_init, dest_cloud_init) build_env = File.join(template,'maestro.box.master.env') Logging.debug("Copying '%s' to '%s'" % [build_env, infra]) FileUtils.copy(build_env, infra) file_ver = File.join(infra, 'forj-cli.ver') File.write(file_ver, $INFRA_VERSION) end def infra_rebuild_required?(oConfig, infra_dir) # This function check if the current infra is compatible with current gem version. # prior 0.0.37 - Use a template file of build env file. # 0.0.37 - Using a generic version of build env file, fully managed by forj cli. return false if not File.exists?(infra_dir) if infra_dir != File.join($FORJ_DATA_PATH, 'infra') # Do not take care. We do not manage it, ourself. return false end file_ver = File.join(infra_dir, 'forj-cli.ver') forj_infra_version = nil forj_infra_version = File.read(file_ver) if File.exist?(file_ver) if forj_infra_version case forj_infra_version when $INFRA_VERSION return false else old_infra_data_update(oConfig, forj_infra_version, infra_dir) end else # Prior version 37 old_infra_data_update(oConfig, 36, infra_dir) end true end def old_infra_data_update(oConfig, version, infra_dir) Logging.info("Migrating your local infra repo to the latest version.") # Supporting old version. case version when 36 # Moving from 0.0.36 or less to 0.0.37 or higher. # SET_COMPUTE="{SET_COMPUTE!}" => Setting for Compute. ignored. Coming from HPC # SET_TENANT_NAME="{SET_TENANT_NAME!}" => Setting for Compute. ignored. Need to query HPC from current Tenant ID # SET_DNS_TENANTID="{SET_DNS_TENANTID!}" => Setting for DNS. meta = dns_tenantid # ==> :forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, :tenant_id # SET_DNS_ZONE="{SET_DNS_ZONE!}" => Setting for DNS. meta = dns_zone # ==> :forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, :service # SET_DOMAIN="{SET_DOMAIN!}" => Setting for Maestro (required) and DNS if enabled. # ==> :forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, :domain_name sAccountName = oConfig.get(:account_name) yDns = {} yDns = oConfig.ExtraGet(:forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns) if oConfig.ExtraExist?(:forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns) build_env = File.join(infra_dir, 'maestro.box.master.env') Logging.debug("Reading data from '%s'" % build_env) tags = {'SET_DNS_TENANTID' => :tenant_id, 'SET_DNS_ZONE' => :service, 'SET_DOMAIN' => :domain_name } begin bUpdate = nil File.open(build_env) do |f| f.each_line do |line| mObj = line.match(/^(SET_[A-Z_]+)=["'](.*)["'].*$/) if mObj Logging.debug("Reviewing detected '%s' tag" % [mObj[1]]) tag = (tags[mObj[1]]? tags[mObj[1]] : nil) if tag and mObj[2] if bUpdate == nil and rhGet(yDns, tag) and rhGet(yDns, tag) != mObj[2] Logging.message("Your account setup is different than build env.") Logging.message("We suggest you to update your account setup with data from your build env.") bUpdate = agree("Do you want to update your setup with those build environment data?") end if bUpdate != nil and bUpdate Logging.debug("Saved: '%s' = '%s'" % [mObj[1],mObj[2]]) rhSet(yDns, mObj[2], tag) end end end end end rescue => e Logging.fatal(1, "Unable to open the build environment file to migrate it", e) end oConfig.ExtraSet(:forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, yDns) oConfig.ExtraSave(File.join($FORJ_ACCOUNTS_PATH, sAccountName), :forj_accounts, sAccountName) end end end