8O(BI_ q}-**(*GrF!)04b965>Pc //1 "> !a S M !F h ! !  ! 4> 0s  L S ` t *      /#P t>. 5?VF<%>M]d}''9STL,Hc '# % #*0/5!6 &+' (12 7"4$,-38 .)ActionCreate SnapshotCreate Snapshot for %sCreate a snapshotCreated %{snapshots} for %{num} %{hosts}DeleteDelete Snapshot "%s"?Delete a snapshotDescriptionDescription of this snapshotError occurred while creating Snapshot for:%sError occurred while creating Snapshot: %sError occurred while removing Snapshot: %sError occurred while rolling back VM: %sError occurred while updating Snapshot: %sFailed to load snapshot listFailed to update Snapshot: %sForeman-plugin to manage snapshots in a virtual-hardware environments.List all snapshotsLoading Snapshots information ...MemoryN/ANameName must contain at least 2 characters starting with alphabet. Valid characters are A-Z a-z 0-9 _Name of this snapshotNo capable hosts found.No capable hosts selectedNo hosts were found with that id, name or query filterRevert Host to a snapshotRollbackRollback to "%s"?SnapshotSnapshotsSnapshot name cannot be changedSnapshot successfully created!SnapshotsSomething went wrong while selecting hosts - %sSuccessfully removed Snapshot "%s" from host %sSuccessfully rolled back Snapshot "%s" on host %sSuccessfully updated Snapshot "%s"Unable to create Proxmox SnapshotUnable to create VMWare SnapshotUnable to create VMWare Snapshot with Quiesce. Check Power and VMWare Tools status.Unable to create VMWare Snapshot. Cannot set both Memory and Quiesce options.Unable to remove Proxmox SnapshotUnable to remove VMWare SnapshotUnable to revert Proxmox SnapshotUnable to revert VMWare SnapshotUnable to update Proxmox SnapshotUnable to update VMWare SnapshotUpdate a snapshotVM successfully rolled back.Whether to include the Quiesce state in the snapshotWhether to include the RAM state in the snapshotedit entryhosthostsProject-Id-Version: foreman_snapshot_management 3.0.1 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-22 11:54+0000 Last-Translator: Amit Upadhye , 2022 Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/zh_CN/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_CN Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; 操作创建快照为 %s 创建快照创建快照为 %{num} %{hosts} 创建的 %{snapshots}刪除删除快照 "%s"?删除快照描述此快照的描述创建产品时发生错误:%s创建快照时出现错误:%s删除快照时发生错误:%s回滚虚拟机时出现错误:%s更新快照时发生错误:%s加载快照列表失败更新快照失败:%sForeman-plugin,用于在虚拟硬件环境中管理快照。列出所有快照加载快照信息...内存不适用名称名称必须至少包含以字面开头的 2 个字符。有效字符为 A-Z a-z 0-9 _此快照的名称未找到可用的主机。没有选择可用的主机未找到符合此 id、名称或者查询过滤器的主机将主机恢复到快照回滚rollback回滚到 "%s"?快照无法更改快照名称成功创建快照!快照选择主机时出错 - %s成功从主机 %s 中删除快照 "%s"在主机 %s 上成功回滚快照 "%s"成功更新快照 "%s"无法创建 Proxmox 快照无法创建 VMWare 快照无法使用 Quiesce 创建 VMWare 快照。检查 Power 和 VMWare 工具状态。无法创建 VMWare 快照。无法同时设置 Memory 和 Quiesce 选项。无法删除 Proxmox 快照无法删除 VMWare 快照无法恢复 Proxmox 快照无法恢复 VMWare 快照无法更新 Proxmox 快照无法更新 VMWare 快照更新快照虚拟机成功回滚。是否在快照中包含 Quiesce 状态是否在快照中包含 RAM 状态编辑条目主机