# # ActiveFacts tests: Test the CQL parser by looking at its parse trees. # Copyright (c) 2008 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/cql' require 'activefacts/support' require 'activefacts/api/support' require 'spec_helper' require 'helpers/test_parser' describe "ASTs from Derived Fact Types with expressions" do it "should parse a simple comparison clause" do # Director is old: Company is directed by Person who is of Age > 60; %q{ Director is old: Person directs Company, Person is of Age, Age > 60; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Director} "is old"] where {Person} "directs" {Company} , {Person} "is of" {Age} , compare>({Age} 60)} end it "should parse a comparison clause with subscripts" do %q{ Director is old: Person directs Company, Person has Salary(2), Person is of Age(1), Age(1) > Salary(2); }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{ FactType: [{Director} "is old"] where {Person} "directs" {Company} , {Person} "has" {Salary(2)} , {Person} "is of" {Age(1)} , compare>({Age(1)} {Salary(2)}) } end it "should parse simple comparison clause having an unmarked adjective" do %q{ Person is independent: Person has taxable- Income and taxable Income >= 20000 dollars or Person has sugar-Daddy; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Person} "is independent"] where {Person} "has" {taxable- Income} and compare>=({taxable- Income} (20000 in dollars)) or {Person} "has" {sugar- Daddy}} end it "should parse a reading with a contracted comparison expression" do %q{ Director is old: Person directs company, Person is of Age > 20+2*20; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Director} "is old"] where {Person} "directs company" , {Person} "is of" {Age} > compare>({Age} sum(20 product(2 20)))} end it "should parse a right-contracted comparison clause after a right-contracted clause" do %q{ Director is old: Company is directed by Person who is of Age > 60; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Director} "is old"] where {Company} "is directed by" {Person} who {Person} "is of" {Age} > compare>({Age} 60)} end it "should parse a simple reading with qualifiers" do %q{ Person(1) is ancestor of Person(2): maybe Person(1) is parent of Person(2) [transitive]; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Person(1)} "is ancestor of" {Person(2)}] where ["maybe", "transitive"] {Person(1)} "is parent of" {Person(2)}} end it "should parse a contracted reading with qualifiers" do %q{ Person(1) provides lineage of Person(2): maybe Person(2) is child of Person(1) [transitive] who is male; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Person(1)} "provides lineage of" {Person(2)}] where ["maybe", "transitive"] {Person(2)} "is child of" {Person(1)} who {Person(1)} "is male"} end it "should parse a contracted readings and comparisons with qualifiers" do %q{ Person(1) is ancestor of adult Person(2): maybe Person(1) is parent of Person(2) [transitive] who maybe is of Age [static] definitely >= 21; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Person(1)} "is ancestor of adult" {Person(2)}] where ["maybe", "transitive"] {Person(1)} "is parent of" {Person(2)} who ["maybe", "static"] {Person(2)} "is of" {Age} >= compare>=({Age} 21, [definitely])} end it "should parse a comparison expression with a contracted reading" do %q{ Director is old: Person directs company, 3*30 >= Age that is of Person; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Director} "is old"] where {Person} "directs company" , compare>=(product(3 30) {Age}) that {Age} "is of" {Person}} end it "should parse a comparison expression with a contracted comparison" do %q{ Director is old: Person directs company, Person is of Age, maybe 20 <= Age definitely < 60; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{Director} "is old"] where {Person} "directs company" , {Person} "is of" {Age} , compare<=(20 {Age}, [maybe]) < compare<({Age} 60, [definitely])} end it "should parse a comparison expression with right-contracted then left-contracted comparisons" # Director is probably adult: Person directs company, Person is of Age maybe >= 21 and definitely < 60; # end it "should fail to parse a contracted comparison that doesn't follow a role" do %q{ Director is old: Person directs company, Person is of Age considerable > 3*20; }.should fail_to_parse /Expected (.|\n)* after (.|\n)* Age considerable $/ end it "should parse pre and post-qualifiers and leading and trailing adjectives with contracted comparisons" do %q{ A is a farce: maybe A has completely- B [transitive, acyclic] < 5, B -c = 2; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{A} "is a farce"] where ["acyclic", "maybe", "transitive"] {A} "has" {completely- B} < compare<({completely- B} 5) , compare=({B -c} 2)} end it "should parse multiple leading and trailing adjectives with contracted comparisons" do %q{ A is a farce: maybe A has completely- green B [transitive, acyclic] < 9, B c -d = 2; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{FactType: [{A} "is a farce"] where ["acyclic", "maybe", "transitive"] {A} "has" {completely- green B} < compare<({completely- green B} 9) , compare=({B c -d} 2)} end it "should parse a comparison clause containing units" do %q{ 254 mm converts to foot/feet; Width is written as Integer mm; Window requires toughening where Window has Width, Window has Height, Width * Height >= 10 feet^2; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{Unit(foot/feet) is 254/1+0 mm^1}, %q{ValueType: Width is written as Integer in [["mm", 1]];}, %q{FactType: [{Window} "requires toughening"] where {Window} "has" {Width} , {Window} "has" {Height} , compare>=(product({Width} {Height}) (10 in feet^2))} end it "should parse nested expressions" do %q{ A is written as B; A > B+3*(4+5)? }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{ValueType: A is written as B;}, %q{FactType: [] where compare>({A} sum({B} product(3 sum(4 5))))} end it "should parse a fact type containing an expression with subscripts" it "should parse a fact type containing objectification joins and contractions" do %q{ Driving was negligent where Driving (where maybe Driver drove in Incident [acyclic] that definitely is of Claim [intransitive]) followed Intoxication [static]; }.should parse_to_ast \ %q{ FactType: [{Driving} "was negligent"] where ["static"] {Driving} (where ["acyclic", "maybe"] {Driver} "drove in" {Incident} that ["definitely", "intransitive"] {Incident} "is of" {Claim}) "followed" {Intoxication} } end end