/* * jQuery EasyTabs plugin 3.1.1 * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Steve Schwartz (JangoSteve) * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Date: Tue Jan 26 16:30:00 2012 -0500 */ ( function($) { $.easytabs = function(container, options) { // Attach to plugin anything that should be available via // the $container.data('easytabs') object var plugin = this, $container = $(container), defaults = { animate: true, panelActiveClass: "active", tabActiveClass: "active", defaultTab: "li:first-child", animationSpeed: "normal", tabs: "> ul > li", updateHash: true, cycle: false, collapsible: false, collapsedClass: "collapsed", collapsedByDefault: true, uiTabs: false, transitionIn: 'fadeIn', transitionOut: 'fadeOut', transitionInEasing: 'swing', transitionOutEasing: 'swing', transitionCollapse: 'slideUp', transitionUncollapse: 'slideDown', transitionCollapseEasing: 'swing', transitionUncollapseEasing: 'swing', containerClass: "", tabsClass: "", tabClass: "", panelClass: "", cache: true, panelContext: $container }, // Internal instance variables // (not available via easytabs object) $defaultTab, $defaultTabLink, transitions, lastHash, skipUpdateToHash, animationSpeeds = { fast: 200, normal: 400, slow: 600 }, // Shorthand variable so that we don't need to call // plugin.settings throughout the plugin code settings; // ============================================================= // Functions available via easytabs object // ============================================================= plugin.init = function() { plugin.settings = settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Add jQuery UI's crazy class names to markup, // so that markup will match theme CSS if ( settings.uiTabs ) { settings.tabActiveClass = 'ui-tabs-selected'; settings.containerClass = 'ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'; settings.tabsClass = 'ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all'; settings.tabClass = 'ui-state-default ui-corner-top'; settings.panelClass = 'ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom'; } // If collapsible is true and defaultTab specified, assume user wants defaultTab showing (not collapsed) if ( settings.collapsible && options.defaultTab !== undefined && options.collpasedByDefault === undefined ) { settings.collapsedByDefault = false; } // Convert 'normal', 'fast', and 'slow' animation speed settings to their respective speed in milliseconds if ( typeof(settings.animationSpeed) === 'string' ) { settings.animationSpeed = animationSpeeds[settings.animationSpeed]; } $('a.anchor').remove().prependTo('body'); // Store easytabs object on container so we can easily set // properties throughout $container.data('easytabs', {}); plugin.setTransitions(); plugin.getTabs(); addClasses(); setDefaultTab(); bindToTabClicks(); initHashChange(); initCycle(); // Append data-easytabs HTML attribute to make easy to query for // easytabs instances via CSS pseudo-selector $container.attr('data-easytabs', true); }; // Set transitions for switching between tabs based on options. // Could be used to update transitions if settings are changes. plugin.setTransitions = function() { transitions = ( settings.animate ) ? { show: settings.transitionIn, hide: settings.transitionOut, speed: settings.animationSpeed, collapse: settings.transitionCollapse, uncollapse: settings.transitionUncollapse, halfSpeed: settings.animationSpeed / 2 } : { show: "show", hide: "hide", speed: 0, collapse: "hide", uncollapse: "show", halfSpeed: 0 }; }; // Find and instantiate tabs and panels. // Could be used to reset tab and panel collection if markup is // modified. plugin.getTabs = function() { var $matchingPanel; // Find the initial set of elements matching the setting.tabs // CSS selector within the container plugin.tabs = $container.find(settings.tabs), // Instantiate panels as empty jquery object plugin.panels = $(), plugin.tabs.each(function(){ var $tab = $(this), $a = $tab.children('a'), // targetId is the ID of the panel, which is either the // `href` attribute for non-ajax tabs, or in the // `data-target` attribute for ajax tabs since the `href` is // the ajax URL targetId = $tab.children('a').data('target'); $tab.data('easytabs', {}); // If the tab has a `data-target` attribute, and is thus an ajax tab if ( targetId !== undefined && targetId !== null ) { $tab.data('easytabs').ajax = $a.attr('href'); } else { targetId = $a.attr('href'); } targetId = targetId.match(/#([^\?]+)/)[0].substr(1); $matchingPanel = settings.panelContext.find("#" + targetId); // If tab has a matching panel, add it to panels if ( $matchingPanel.length ) { // Store panel height before hiding $matchingPanel.data('easytabs', { position: $matchingPanel.css('position'), visibility: $matchingPanel.css('visibility') }); // Don't hide panel if it's active (allows `getTabs` to be called manually to re-instantiate tab collection) $matchingPanel.not(settings.panelActiveClass).hide(); plugin.panels = plugin.panels.add($matchingPanel); $tab.data('easytabs').panel = $matchingPanel; // Otherwise, remove tab from tabs collection } else { plugin.tabs = plugin.tabs.not($tab); } }); }; // Select tab and fire callback plugin.selectTab = function($clicked, callback) { var url = window.location, hash = url.hash.match(/^[^\?]*/)[0], $targetPanel = $clicked.parent().data('easytabs').panel, ajaxUrl = $clicked.parent().data('easytabs').ajax; // Tab is collapsible and active => toggle collapsed state if( settings.collapsible && ! skipUpdateToHash && ($clicked.hasClass(settings.tabActiveClass) || $clicked.hasClass(settings.collapsedClass)) ) { plugin.toggleTabCollapse($clicked, $targetPanel, ajaxUrl, callback); // Tab is not active and panel is not active => select tab } else if( ! $clicked.hasClass(settings.tabActiveClass) || ! $targetPanel.hasClass(settings.panelActiveClass) ){ activateTab($clicked, $targetPanel, ajaxUrl, callback); // Cache is disabled => reload (e.g reload an ajax tab). } else if ( ! settings.cache ){ activateTab($clicked, $targetPanel, ajaxUrl, callback); } }; // Toggle tab collapsed state and fire callback plugin.toggleTabCollapse = function($clicked, $targetPanel, ajaxUrl, callback) { plugin.panels.stop(true,true); if( fire($container,"easytabs:before", [$clicked, $targetPanel, settings]) ){ plugin.tabs.filter("." + settings.tabActiveClass).removeClass(settings.tabActiveClass).children().removeClass(settings.tabActiveClass); // If panel is collapsed, uncollapse it if( $clicked.hasClass(settings.collapsedClass) ){ // If ajax panel and not already cached if( ajaxUrl && (!settings.cache || !$clicked.parent().data('easytabs').cached) ) { $container.trigger('easytabs:ajax:beforeSend', [$clicked, $targetPanel]); $targetPanel.load(ajaxUrl, function(response, status, xhr){ $clicked.parent().data('easytabs').cached = true; $container.trigger('easytabs:ajax:complete', [$clicked, $targetPanel, response, status, xhr]); }); } // Update CSS classes of tab and panel $clicked.parent() .removeClass(settings.collapsedClass) .addClass(settings.tabActiveClass) .children() .removeClass(settings.collapsedClass) .addClass(settings.tabActiveClass); $targetPanel .addClass(settings.panelActiveClass) [transitions.uncollapse](transitions.speed, settings.transitionUncollapseEasing, function(){ $container.trigger('easytabs:midTransition', [$clicked, $targetPanel, settings]); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(); }); // Otherwise, collapse it } else { // Update CSS classes of tab and panel $clicked.addClass(settings.collapsedClass) .parent() .addClass(settings.collapsedClass); $targetPanel .removeClass(settings.panelActiveClass) [transitions.collapse](transitions.speed, settings.transitionCollapseEasing, function(){ $container.trigger("easytabs:midTransition", [$clicked, $targetPanel, settings]); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(); }); } } }; // Find tab with target panel matching value plugin.matchTab = function(hash) { return plugin.tabs.find("[href='" + hash + "'],[data-target='" + hash + "']").first(); }; // Find panel with `id` matching value plugin.matchInPanel = function(hash) { return ( hash ? plugin.panels.filter(':has(' + hash + ')').first() : [] ); }; // Select matching tab when URL hash changes plugin.selectTabFromHashChange = function() { var hash = window.location.hash.match(/^[^\?]*/)[0], $tab = plugin.matchTab(hash), $panel; if ( settings.updateHash ) { // If hash directly matches tab if( $tab.length ){ skipUpdateToHash = true; plugin.selectTab( $tab ); } else { $panel = plugin.matchInPanel(hash); // If panel contains element matching hash if ( $panel.length ) { hash = '#' + $panel.attr('id'); $tab = plugin.matchTab(hash); skipUpdateToHash = true; plugin.selectTab( $tab ); // If default tab is not active... } else if ( ! $defaultTab.hasClass(settings.tabActiveClass) && ! settings.cycle ) { // ...and hash is blank or matches a parent of the tab container or // if the last tab (before the hash updated) was one of the other tabs in this container. if ( hash === '' || plugin.matchTab(lastHash).length || $container.closest(hash).length ) { skipUpdateToHash = true; plugin.selectTab( $defaultTabLink ); } } } } }; // Cycle through tabs plugin.cycleTabs = function(tabNumber){ if(settings.cycle){ tabNumber = tabNumber % plugin.tabs.length; $tab = $( plugin.tabs[tabNumber] ).children("a").first(); skipUpdateToHash = true; plugin.selectTab( $tab, function() { setTimeout(function(){ plugin.cycleTabs(tabNumber + 1); }, settings.cycle); }); } }; // Convenient public methods plugin.publicMethods = { select: function(tabSelector){ var $tab; // Find tab container that matches selector (like 'li#tab-one' which contains tab link) if ( ($tab = plugin.tabs.filter(tabSelector)).length === 0 ) { // Find direct tab link that matches href (like 'a[href="#panel-1"]') if ( ($tab = plugin.tabs.find("a[href='" + tabSelector + "']")).length === 0 ) { // Find direct tab link that matches selector (like 'a#tab-1') if ( ($tab = plugin.tabs.find("a" + tabSelector)).length === 0 ) { // Find direct tab link that matches data-target (like 'a[data-target="#panel-1"]') if ( ($tab = plugin.tabs.find("[data-target='" + tabSelector + "']")).length === 0 ) { // Find direct tab link that ends in the matching href (like 'a[href$="#panel-1"]', which would also match http://example.com/currentpage/#panel-1) if ( ($tab = plugin.tabs.find("a[href$='" + tabSelector + "']")).length === 0 ) { $.error('Tab \'' + tabSelector + '\' does not exist in tab set'); } } } } } else { // Select the child tab link, since the first option finds the tab container (like