format :html do # Does two main things: # (1) gives CSS classes for styling and # (2) adds card data for javascript - including the "card-slot" class, # which in principle is not supposed to be in styles def wrap slot=true, &block method_wrap :wrap_with, slot, &block end def haml_wrap slot=true, &block method_wrap :haml_tag, slot, &block end def method_wrap method, slot, &block @slot_view = @current_view debug_slot do attribs = { id:, class: wrap_classes(slot), data: wrap_data } send method, :div, attribs, &block end end def wrap_data slot=true with_slot_data slot do { "card-id":, "card-name": h( } end end def with_slot_data slot hash = yield # rails helper convert slot hash to json # but haml joins nested keys with a dash hash[:slot] = slot_options_json if slot hash end def slot_options_json html_escape_except_quotes JSON(slot_options) end def slot_options options = voo ? voo.slot_options : {} name_context_slot_option options options end def name_context_slot_option opts return unless initial_context_names.present? opts[:name_context] = * "," end def debug_slot debug_slot? ? debug_slot_wrap { yield } : yield end def debug_slot? params[:debug] == "slot" && !tagged(@current_view, :no_wrap_comments) end def debug_slot_wrap pre = "" [pre, "BEGIN", post, yield, pre, "END", post].join end def wrap_classes slot list = slot ? ["card-slot"] : [] list += ["#{@current_view}-view", card.safe_set_keys] list << "STRUCTURE-#{voo.structure.to_name.key}" if voo&.structure classy list end def wrap_body css_classes = ["d0-card-body"] css_classes += ["d0-card-content", card.safe_set_keys] if @content_body wrap_with :div, class: classy(*css_classes) do yield end end def panel wrap_with :div, class: classy("d0-card-frame") do yield end end def related_frame :menu wrap do [ _render_menu, _render_subheader, frame_help, panel { wrap_body { yield } } ] end end def frame &block method = show_related_frame? ? :related_frame : :standard_frame send method, &block end def show_related_frame? parent && parent.voo.ok_view == :related end def standard_frame slot=true voo.hide :horizontal_menu, :help wrap slot do panel do [ _render_menu, _render_header, frame_help, _render(:flash), wrap_body { yield } ] end end end def frame_help # TODO: address these args with_class_up "help-text", "alert alert-info" do _render :help end end def frame_and_form action, form_opts={} form_opts ||= {} frame do card_form action, form_opts do output yield end end end # alert_types: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' def alert alert_type, dismissable=false, disappear=false, args={} classes = ["alert", "alert-#{alert_type}"] classes << "alert-dismissible " if dismissable classes << "_disappear" if disappear args.merge! role: "alert" add_class args, classy(classes) wrap_with :div, args do [(alert_close_button if dismissable), output(yield)] end end def alert_close_button wrap_with :button, type: "button", "data-dismiss" => "alert", class: "close", "aria-label" => "Close" do wrap_with :span, "×", "aria-hidden" => true end end def wrap_main return yield if Env.ajax? || params[:layout] == "none" wrap_with :div, yield, id: "main" end def wrap_with tag, content_or_args={}, html_args={} content = block_given? ? yield : content_or_args tag_args = block_given? ? content_or_args : html_args content_tag(tag, tag_args) { output(content).to_s.html_safe } end def wrap_each_with tag, content_or_args={}, args={} content = block_given? ? yield(args) : content_or_args args = block_given? ? content_or_args : args do |item| wrap_with(tag, args) { item } end.join "\n" end end