require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../bonethug") namespace :bonethug do desc "build the gem + increment build num if pkg exists for v" + Bonethug::VERSION task :build do # handle paths ver_path = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../bonethug/version.rb' pkg_path = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../pkg/bonethug-' + Bonethug::VERSION + '.gem' # handle version if File.exists? pkg_path version = Bonethug::VERSION.split('.') version[version.length-1] = (version.last.to_i + 1).to_s version = version.join('.') Bonethug::update_version version puts "Building version " + Bonethug::VERSION + '...' end # generate content for version file content = ' module Bonethug VERSION = "' + Bonethug::VERSION + '" BUILD_DATE = "' + + '" end ' # write data,'w') do |file| file.puts content end # invoke the build script Rake::Task["build"].invoke end desc "pushes v" + Bonethug::VERSION + " (runs bonethug:build if no pkg exists for v" + Bonethug::VERSION + " )" task :push do # handle path path = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../pkg/bonethug-' + Bonethug::VERSION + '.gem' # check if there's a build with the current version unless File.exists? path Rake::Task["bonethug:build"].invoke end # push the current version # we redefine the path because the version constant may have changed # -> the reason being that the parent build script uses that constant to name the gem package exec 'gem push ' + 'pkg/bonethug-' + Bonethug::VERSION + '.gem' end desc "runs bonethug:build then bonethug:push" task :build_and_push do # invoke the build script Rake::Task["bonethug:build"].invoke Rake::Task["bonethug:push"].invoke end desc "alias for build + push the gem" task :bp do Rake::Task["bonethug:build_and_push"].invoke end end