= Documentation for Remember Feature The remember feature allows for token-based autologin for users. Calling +rodauth.remember_login+ for an authenticated session will create a token for the current account and store it in a cookie. You can then add the following code to your routing block to automatically login users from that token if the session has expired: rodauth.load_memory By default, the remember feature just supports a form that the user can use to change their remember settings for the current browser. They can either enable remembering for the browser, forget it for the browser, or disable it completely so that any remembering for other browsers is removed as well. In some cases, you may want to automatically remember users and not require users to turn it on manually. If you want to automatically remember users on login: after_login do remember_login end The remember feature records which sessions were autologged in via the remember cookie. If you have sections where you want to add more security, you can use the confirm password feature to request password authentication for sessions autologged in via a remember token: rodauth.require_password_authentication == Auth Value Methods extend_remember_deadline? :: Whether to extend the remember token deadline when the user is autologged in via remember token. raw_remember_token_deadline :: A deadline before which to allow a raw remember token to be used. Allows for graceful transition for when +hmac_secret+ is first set. remember_additional_form_tags :: HTML fragment containing additional form tags to use on the change remember setting form. remember_button :: The text to use for the change remember settings button. remember_cookie_key :: The cookie name to use for the remember token. remember_cookie_options :: Any options to set for the remember cookie. By default, the `:path` cookie option is set to `/`, and `:httponly` is set to `true`. remember_deadline_column :: The column name in the +remember_table+ storing the deadline after which the token will be ignored. remember_deadline_interval :: The amount of time for which to remember accounts, 14 days by default. Only used if +set_deadline_values?+ is true. remember_disable_label :: The label for disabling remembering. remember_disable_param_value :: The parameter value for disabling remembering. remember_error_flash :: The flash error to show if there is an error changing a remember setting. remember_forget_label :: The label for turning off remembering. remember_forget_param_value :: The parameter value for turning off remembering. remember_id_column :: The id column in the +remember_table+, should be a foreign key referencing the accounts table. remember_key_column :: The remember key/token column in the +remember_table+. remember_notice_flash :: The flash notice to show after remember setting has been updated. remember_page_title :: The page title to use on the change remember settings form. remember_param :: The parameter name to use for the remember password settings choice. remember_period :: The additional time to extend the remember deadline if extending remember deadlines. remember_redirect :: Where to redirect after changing the remember settings. remember_remember_label :: The label for turning on remembering. remember_remember_param_value :: The parameter value for switching on remembering. remember_route :: The route to the change remember settings action. Defaults to +remember+. remember_table :: The name of the remember keys table. == Auth Methods add_remember_key :: Add a remember key for the current account to the remember keys table. after_load_memory :: Run arbitrary code after autologging in an account via a remember token. after_remember :: Run arbitrary code after changing the remember settings. before_load_memory :: Run arbitrary code before autologging in an account via a remember token. before_remember :: Run arbitrary code before changing the remember settings. before_remember_route :: Run arbitrary code before handling the remember route. disable_remember_login :: Disable the remember key token, clearing the token from the database so future connections with the token will not be recognized. forget_login :: Forget the current remember token, deleting the related cookie. Other browsers that have the cookie cached can still use it login. generate_remember_key_value :: A random string to use as the remember key. get_remember_key :: Retrieve the remember key from the database. load_memory :: If the remember key cookie is included in the request, and the user is not currently logged in, check the remember keys table and autologin the user if the remember key cookie matches the current remember key for the account. This method needs to be called manually inside the Roda route block to autologin users. logged_in_via_remember_key? :: Whether the current session was logged in via a remember key. remember_key_value :: The current value of the remember key/token. remember_login :: Set the cookie containing the remember token, so that future sessions will be autologged in. remember_view :: The HTML to use for the change remember settings form. remove_remember_key(id_value=account_id) :: Delete the related remember key from the database.