module Griddler module Mailgun class Adapter attr_reader :params def initialize(params) @params = params end def self.normalize_params(params) adapter = new(params) adapter.normalize_params end def normalize_params { to: to_recipients, cc: cc_recipients, bcc: Array.wrap(param_or_header(:Bcc)), from: determine_sender, subject: params[:subject], text: params['body-plain'], html: params['body-html'], attachments: attachment_files, headers: serialized_headers, vendor_specific: { stripped_text: params["stripped-text"], stripped_signature: params["stripped-signature"], stripped_html: params["stripped-html"] } } end private def determine_sender sender = param_or_header(:From) sender ||= params[:sender] end def to_recipients to_emails = param_or_header(:To) to_emails ||= params[:recipient] to_emails.split(',').map(&:strip) end def cc_recipients cc = param_or_header(:Cc) || '' cc.split(',').map(&:strip) end def headers @headers ||= extract_headers end def extract_headers extracted_headers = {} if params['message-headers'] parsed_headers = JSON.parse(params['message-headers']) parsed_headers.each{ |h| extracted_headers[h[0]] = h[1] } end end def serialized_headers # Griddler expects unparsed headers to pass to ActionMailer, which will manually # unfold, split on line-endings, and parse into individual fields. # # Mailgun already provides fully-parsed headers in JSON -- so we're reconstructing # fake headers here for now, until we can find a better way to pass the parsed # headers directly to Griddler headers.to_a.collect { |header| "#{header[0]}: #{header[1]}" }.join("\n") end def param_or_header(key) if params[key].present? params[key] elsif headers[key].present? headers[key] else nil end end def attachment_files if params["attachment-count"].present? attachment_count = params["attachment-count"].to_i do |index| params.delete("attachment-#{index+1}") end else params["attachments"] || [] end end end end end