# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" require 'webmock/minitest' describe Lolcommits::Plugin::Flowdock do include Lolcommits::TestHelpers::GitRepo include Lolcommits::TestHelpers::FakeIO describe "with a runner" do def runner # a simple lolcommits runner with an empty configuration Hash @runner ||= Lolcommits::Runner.new( lolcommit_path: Tempfile.new('lolcommit.jpg') ) end def plugin @plugin ||= Lolcommits::Plugin::Flowdock.new(runner: runner) end def plugin_config { enabled: true, access_token: "f4f6aa86fd747a00e75238810412x543", organization: "myorg", flow: "myflow" } end describe "#enabled?" do it "is not enabled by default" do plugin.enabled?.must_equal false end it "is true when configured" do plugin.configuration = plugin_config plugin.enabled?.must_equal true end end describe "run_capture_ready" do before { commit_repo_with_message("first commit!") } after { teardown_repo } it "posts lolcommit as a new file message to Flowdock" do in_repo do plugin.configuration = plugin_config message_url = "https://api.flowdock.com/flows/#{plugin_config[:organization]}/#{plugin_config[:flow]}/messages" valid_response = { id: "123", event: "file", tags: ["lolcommits"]} stub_request(:post, message_url).to_return(status: 200, body: valid_response.to_json) output = fake_io_capture do plugin.run_capture_ready end output.must_equal "Posting to Flowdock ... done!\n" assert_requested :post, message_url, times: 1, headers: { 'Content-Type' => /multipart\/form-data/, 'Host' => Lolcommits::Flowdock::Client::API_HOST } do |req| req.body.must_match(/Content-Disposition: form-data;.+name="content"; filename="lolcommit.jpg.+"/) req.body.must_match(/Content-Disposition: form-data;.+name="tags\[\]"/) end end end end describe "configuration" do it "allows plugin options to be configured" do # enabled, access token, organization and flow access_token = "mytoken" configured_plugin_options = {} stub_request(:get, "https://api.flowdock.com/organizations").to_return( status: 200, body: [ { name: "My Org", parameterized_name: "myorgparam" }, { name: "Another", parameterized_name: "anotherorg" } ].to_json ) stub_request(:get, "https://api.flowdock.com/flows").to_return( status: 200, body: [ { name: "Flowtwo", parameterized_name: "anotherflow" }, { name: "My Flow", parameterized_name: "myflowparam" } ].to_json ) # fake readline input and redirect output to a file Readline.input = File.new("./test/readline/config_input.txt", "r") Readline.output = File.new("./test/readline/config_output.txt", "w+") output = fake_io_capture(inputs: ["true", access_token]) do configured_plugin_options = plugin.configure_options! end output.must_match(/Enter your Flowdock organization name \(tab to autocomplete, Ctrl\+c cancels\)/) output.must_match(/e.g. Another, My Org/) output.must_match(/Enter your Flowdock flow name \(tab to autocomplete, Ctrl\+c cancels\)/) output.must_match(/e.g. Flowtwo, My Flow/) configured_plugin_options.must_equal({ enabled: true, access_token: access_token, organization: "myorgparam", flow: "myflowparam" }) end end end end