Gorgon ===================== About --------------------- Gorgon provides a method for distributing the workload of running ruby test suites. It relies on amqp for message passing, and rsync for the synchronization of source code. Installing Gorgon ----------------- 1. `sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server` 1. When you run gorgon, every listener will use rsync to pull the directory tree from origin; therefore, you need passwordless ssh login from every listener to origin (even if origin and listener are on the same host). Follow [these steps](http://linuxconfig.org/Passwordless_ssh). 1. cd to your project 1. `gem install gorgon` 1. if using rails, `gorgon init rails` will create initial files for a typical rails project. Otherwise, you can use `gorgon init` 1. check gorgon.json to see and modify any necessary setting 1. add the following lines to your _database.yml_ file ```yaml remote_test: &remote_test <<: *defaults database: <my-app>_remote_test_<%=ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']%> min_messages: warning ``` Where `<<: *defaults` are the default values used in _database.yml_, like for example, adapter, username, password, and host. Replace `<my-app>` with a name to identify this application's dbs Installing listener as a Daemon process (Ubuntu 9.10 or later) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. run `gorgon install_listener` from the directory where gorgon.json is 1. run `gorgon ping` to check if the listener is running Try it out! ----------- 1. run `gorgon` to run all the tests. **NOTE:** if you get `cannot load such file -- qrack/qrack (LoadError)`, just add `gem 'gorgon', '~> 0.4.1' , :group => :remote_test` to your Gemfile, and run tests using `bundle exec gorgon` Also note that these steps are **not** meant to work on every project, they will only give you initial settings. You will probably have to modify the following files: * gorgon.json * test/gorgon_callbacks/after\_sync.rb * test/gorgon_callbacks/before\_creating\_workers.rb * test/gorgon_callbacks/after\_creating\_workers.rb * test/gorgon_callbacks/before\_start.rb * test/gorgon_callbacks/after\_complete.rb * ~/.gorgon/gorgon_listener.json If you modify ~/.gorgon/gorgon_listener.json, make sure you restart the listener by running `sudo restart gorgon` Usage --------------------- To queue the current test suite, run `gorgon start`, or `gorgon`. _gorgon_ will read the application configuration out of _gorgon.json_, connect to the AMQP server, and publish the job. If you want to run the listener manually (didn't install Daemon process), you must run _gorgon job listeners_. To start a gorgon listener, run `gorgon listen`. This command will read the listener configuration out of _gorgon\_listener.json_, then start the listener process in the background. Configuration --------------------- ### gorgon.json This file contains project-specific settings for gorgon, such as: * The connection information for AMQP * Information about how clients can rsync the working directory (optional) * Files that can be excluded by rsync * Files containing Ruby code to be used as callbacks * A glob for generating the list of test files * The file used for Originator's logs See [gorgon.json example](/gorgon.json.sample) for more details. ### gorgon_listener.json This file contains the listener-specific settings, such as: * The connection information for AMQP * How many worker slots are provided by this listener * The file used for logs See [gorgon_listener.json example](/gorgon_listener.json.sample) for more details. ### Manually setting up gorgon listener as a daemon process (Ubuntu 9.10 or later) If `gorgon install_listener` didn't work for you, you can try [these steps](/daemon_with_upstart_and_rvm.md) Contributing --------------------- Read overview [architecture](/architecture.md) Credits --------------------- Gorgon is maintained by: * Justin Fitzsimmons * Arturo Pie * Sean Kirby * Clemens Park * Victor Savkin Gorgon is funded by [Nulogy Corp](http://www.nulogy.com/). Thank you to all the [contributors](https://github.com/Fitzsimmons/Gorgon/contributors).