== 0.3.1 This release has a lot of bugfixes! The test suite (based on Aruba) verifies that Cucumber-Rails now works with various combinations of: * Cucumber 0.6.x/0.7.2 * Rails2/Rails3 * RSpec1/RSpec2/Test-Unit/Mini-Uint * Webrat/CapyBara * MRI 1.8.6/1.8.7/1.9.1 This one requires a special mention: The handy (but error prone) rerun functionality has moved to a separate rerun profile, so all rerun.txt related issues should now be gone. == New features * New Capybara Step Definitions for Dates. (Rob Holland) * Steps now recognise "Given I am on the users page" etc. (Solomon White) * Relegate rerun to its own profile and rake task (Mike Sassak) * Added new Then /^(?:|I )should see JSON:$/ step definition to Capybara - useful for REST. (Aslak Hellesøy) * The #tableish method now understands tables with colspan and rowspan * Support RSpec 2 (Johan Kiviniemi, Aslak Hellesøy, Rolf Bjaanes) * Added @no-js-emulation, which turns off javascript emulation for delete links when not using browser testing. (Rob Holland, Aslak Hellesøy) * Korean translation (Shim Taewon) === Bugfixes * No longer need to install the test-unit gem on 1.9.1 (Aslak Hellesøy) * capybara rack-test field should contain step support for textarea (#28 Nicholas Rutherford) * "Rspec is not missing constant Matchers!" error. (#27 David Chelimsky, Aslak Hellesøy) * @culerity tag breaks Rails 3 RESTful helpers (#17 Aslak Hellesøy) == 0.3.0 This is a major release since we're now supporting both Rails 3 and RSpec 2. Older versions (Rails 2 and RSpec 1) are still supported. === New Features * Support for both Rails-2.x and Rails-3.x (#10 Kristian Mandrup, Aleksey Gureiev, Ashley Moran, Aslak Hellesøy) * Support for both RSpec-1.x and RSpec-2.x (Louis Rose, Aslak Hellesøy) * Features will default to Javascript emulation unless you turn it off with @culerity, (Aslak Hellesøy) * Japanese translation. (MOROHASHI Kyosuke) === Bugfixes * Support projects that don't use ActiveRecord (#14 Aslak Hellesøy) * Running test/unit tests when creating a skeleton (#12 Aleksey Gureiev) * Inform that config/database.yml is overwritten, be smarter about it and inform the user that it is forced. (#15 Aslak Hellesøy) * Reverts changes from issue #5 where verification of query string params was added to the step for being on a page. Adds step discussed in issue #11 for verification of query string. (#5, #11 Eric Milford) * Fixed typos in Capybara's web steps (has_not_xpath? => has_no_xpath?) (Thorbjørn Hermansen, Carlos Antonio da Silva) == 0.2.5 2010-02-07 === New Features * Added Danish translation (Kristian Mandrup) * Using Gemfile for Rails 3. Tidies it up and adds cucumber gems only if not already present! (Kristian Mandrup) * Added Generators wrapper module for Rails 3 generators so they are now all in Cucumber::Generators (Kristian Mandrup) === Bugfixes * Started to work on solutions for generating suitable support files depending on Rails version - see skeleton_base.rb#create_feature_support and templates/support == 0.2.4 2010-01-18 === New Features * Added Spanish translation (Gabriel) === Bugfixes * Fixed some broken Webrat/Test::Unit step definitions. (Aslak Hellesøy) * Better Javascript emulation with Capybara (#7 Thorbjørn Hermansen) * Removed stray quote in i18n web_steps.rb (Gabriel) * Update hooks to new boolean logic (#6 Jon Larkowski, Michael MacDonald) * Fixed incompatibility with Rails 3 (Mutwin Kraus) * Fixed broken "fill in the following" step for Capybara web_steps (Lenny Marks) * Capybara web_steps.rb with_scope didn't work in nested steps (Lenny Marks) * Fixed "should not see" steps in web_steps.rb to use the correct selector (Toni Tuominen) == 0.2.3 2010-01-03 === New Features * The #tableish Proc can return Strings as well as Nokogiri nodes now. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Bugfixes * Handle all types of URIs in "I should be on ..." steps. (#5 Andrew D. Smith) == 0.2.2 2009-12-21 === Bugfixes * Fix bad link in gemspec. (Aslak Hellesøy) * Unified file attaching step names. (Jiří Zajpt) * Fix typos in variable names in several step definitions. (Jiří Zajpt) * cucumber.rake finds the wrong vendored cucumber when a plugin name starts with "cucumber" (#4 James Herdman, Paco Benavent, Aslak Hellesøy) === New features * Czech translations. (Jiří Zajpt) == 0.2.1 2009-12-15 Small bugfix release === Bugfixes * Made sure database_cleaner is always set up as a dependency in config/environments/cucumber.rb. (Aslak Hellesøy) == 0.2.0 2009-12-14 This is the first release of cucumber-rails, which was factored out of cucumber. We're calling it 0.2.0 just because we did some prereleases in the 0.1 series, and to celebrate that cucumber-rails now supports Capybara as an alternative to Webrat. === UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS CUCUMBER SETUP 1) Remove your features/support/version_check.rb 2) Remove your features/step_definitions/webrat_steps.rb If you have added your own custom step definitions to this file, put them in a different file under features/step_definitions 3) run "ruby script/generate cucumber --help" to see what options you have. 4) run "ruby script/generate cucumber" - plus whatever options you think fit for you. Answer "n" (no) when asked to overwrite paths.rb. Answer "y" (yes) when asked to overwrite other files, but do "d" (diff) first. If you have edits in some of these files that you want to keep, store the diff in a temporary file and reapply after you have overwritten the file. ALso consider adding your custom code to another file that won't be overwritten the next time you upgrade. Many people have edits in their env.rb file. This is something you should try to avoid in the future. Instead, keep your custom setup in a different file under features/support - Cucumber loads all files under features/**/*.rb anyway. If you have a Spork setup, see the end of this thread: http://groups.google.com/group/cukes/browse_thread/thread/475385cc26377215 === New features * Added an @emulate_rails_javascript tag that will emulate onclick with Capybara (Aslak Hellesøy, Rob Holland) * Added a smart config/cucumber.yml file that will rerun previously failing scenarios (Aslak Hellesøy) * Support for Capybara. Run "script/generate --capybara" if you want that. (Rob Holland, Aslak Hellesøy) * New #tableish method to extract table-like data from a HTML page. Pure Nokogiri/CSS3/XPath. (Aslak Hellesøy) === Bugfixes * Webrat step "Then I should be on" should use request_uri instead of path for missing query string parameters (ZhangJinzhu) * Added MIME type parameter to attach file step definition (Felix Flores) * Added check when including ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown for older Rails versions (Jeremy Durham)