describe Elasticity::AwsRequest do before do Time.stub(:now).and_return( end subject do'access', 'secret') end its(:access_key) { should == 'access' } its(:secret_key) { should == 'secret' } describe '#host' do context 'when the region is not specified' do its(:host) { should == '' } end context 'when the region is specified' do let(:request_with_region) do'_', '_', {:region => 'us-west-1'}) end it 'should incorporate the region into the hostname' do == '' end end end describe '#protocol' do context 'when :secure is not specified' do let(:default_request) {'_', '_') } it 'should be https by default' do default_request.protocol.should == 'https' end end context 'when :secure is specified' do context 'when :secure is truthy' do let(:secure_request) {'_', '_', {:secure => true}) } it 'should be https' do secure_request.protocol.should == 'https' end end context 'when :secure is falsey' do let(:insecure_request) {'_', '_', {:secure => false}) } it 'should be http' do insecure_request.protocol.should == 'http' end end end end describe '#sign_params' do it 'should sign according to AWS rules' do signed_params = subject.send(:sign_params, {}) signed_params.should == 'AWSAccessKeyId=access&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&SignatureVersion=2&Timestamp=2011-04-10T18%3A44%3A56.000Z&Signature=QwQIiizWrfvWuLNnzmCMfaeXFfh9IQTvOix5MNVTh2s%3D' end end describe '#submit' do let(:request) do'_', '_').tap do |r| r.instance_variable_set(:@host, 'HOSTNAME') r.instance_variable_set(:@protocol, 'PROTOCOL') end end it 'should POST a properly assembled request' do ruby_params = {} aws_params = {} Elasticity::AwsRequest.should_receive(:convert_ruby_to_aws).with(ruby_params).and_return(ruby_params) request.should_receive(:sign_params).with(aws_params).and_return('SIGNED_PARAMS') RestClient.should_receive(:post).with('PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME', 'SIGNED_PARAMS', :content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8') request.submit(ruby_params) end context 'when there is an EMR error with the request' do let(:error_message) { 'ERROR_MESSAGE' } let(:error_xml) do <<-ERROR #{error_message} ERROR end let(:error) do do |error| error.stub(:http_body => error_xml) end end it 'should raise an Argument error with the body of the error' do RestClient.should_receive(:post).and_raise(error) expect { request.submit({}) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, error_message) end end end describe '#==' do let(:same_object) { subject } let(:same_values) {'access', 'secret', {}) } let(:diff_type) { } it { should == same_object } it { should == same_values } it { should_not == diff_type } it 'should be false on deep comparison' do { :@access_key => '_', :@secret_key => '_', :@options => {:foo => :bar} }.each do |variable, value| other ='aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', {}) other.instance_variable_set(variable, value) subject.should_not == other end end end describe '.convert_ruby_to_aws' do it 'should convert the params' do add_jobflow_steps_params = { :job_flow_id => 'j-1', :steps => [ { :action_on_failure => 'CONTINUE', :name => 'First New Job Step', :hadoop_jar_step => { :args => ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3',], :jar => 'first_step.jar', :main_class => 'first_class.jar' } }, { :action_on_failure => 'CANCEL_AND_WAIT', :name => 'Second New Job Step', :hadoop_jar_step => { :args => ['arg4', 'arg5', 'arg6',], :jar => 'second_step.jar', :main_class => 'second_class.jar' } } ] } expected_result = { 'JobFlowId' => 'j-1', 'Steps.member.1.Name' => 'First New Job Step', 'Steps.member.1.ActionOnFailure' => 'CONTINUE', 'Steps.member.1.HadoopJarStep.Jar' => 'first_step.jar', 'Steps.member.1.HadoopJarStep.MainClass' => 'first_class.jar', 'Steps.member.1.HadoopJarStep.Args.member.1' => 'arg1', 'Steps.member.1.HadoopJarStep.Args.member.2' => 'arg2', 'Steps.member.1.HadoopJarStep.Args.member.3' => 'arg3', 'Steps.member.2.Name' => 'Second New Job Step', 'Steps.member.2.ActionOnFailure' => 'CANCEL_AND_WAIT', 'Steps.member.2.HadoopJarStep.Jar' => 'second_step.jar', 'Steps.member.2.HadoopJarStep.MainClass' => 'second_class.jar', 'Steps.member.2.HadoopJarStep.Args.member.1' => 'arg4', 'Steps.member.2.HadoopJarStep.Args.member.2' => 'arg5', 'Steps.member.2.HadoopJarStep.Args.member.3' => 'arg6' } Elasticity::AwsRequest.send(:convert_ruby_to_aws, add_jobflow_steps_params).should == expected_result end end end