require File.expand_path("../../test_helper", __FILE__) class MediumTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do @klass = VirtualBox::Medium @imedium = mock("IMedium") @interface = @imedium @imedium.stubs(:refresh_state) end context "class methods" do context "device type" do should "be all on the medium" do assert_equal :all, @klass.device_type end end context "populating relationships" do setup do @caller = mock("caller") end should "call populate_array_relationship for arrays" do @klass.expects(:populate_array_relationship).with(@caller, []).once @klass.populate_relationship(@caller, []) end should "call populate_single_relationship for non-arrays" do @klass.expects(:populate_single_relationship).with(@caller, nil).once @klass.populate_relationship(@caller, nil) end end context "populating array relationship" do setup do @instance = mock("instance") @klass.stubs(:device_type).returns(:all) @klass.stubs(:new).returns(@instance) end def mock_medium(device_type) medium = mock("medium") medium.stubs(:device_type).returns(device_type) medium end should "return a proxied collection" do result = @klass.populate_array_relationship(nil, []) assert result.is_a?(VirtualBox::Proxies::Collection) end should "call new for every medium if device type is all" do media = [] 5.times { |i| media << mock_medium("m#{i}") } expected_result = [] new_seq = sequence("new_seq") media.each do |medium| expected_value = "instance-#{medium.inspect}" @klass.expects(:new).with(medium).in_sequence(new_seq).returns(expected_value) expected_result << expected_value end assert_equal expected_result, @klass.populate_array_relationship(nil, media) end should "ignore non-matching devices if device_type is not :all" do @klass.stubs(:device_type).returns(:foo) media = [mock_medium(:foo), mock_medium(:bar)] result = @klass.populate_array_relationship(nil, media) assert_equal 1, result.length end end context "populating a single relationship" do setup do @subclasses = [] @klass.stubs(:subclasses).returns(@subclasses) @imedium.stubs(:get_device_type).returns(nil) end def mock_subclass(device_type) subclass = mock("subclass") subclass.stubs(:device_type).returns(device_type) subclass end should "instantiate the matching subclass" do type = :foo result = mock("result") matching = mock_subclass(type) matching.expects(:new).with(@imedium).once.returns(result) @subclasses << matching @imedium.stubs(:device_type).returns(type) assert_equal result, @klass.populate_single_relationship(nil, @imedium) end should "return a Medium if nothing matches" do result = mock("result") @klass.expects(:new).with(@imedium).returns(result) assert_equal result, @klass.populate_single_relationship(nil, @imedium) end should "return nil if medium given is nil" do @klass.expects(:new).never assert_nil @klass.populate_single_relationship(nil, nil) end end end context "initializing" do should "load attributes from the machine" do @klass.any_instance.expects(:initialize_attributes).with(@interface).once end should "set the interface as the interface attribute" do @klass.any_instance.stubs(:initialize_attributes) instance = assert_equal @interface, instance.interface end end context "initializing attributes" do setup do @interface.stubs(:refresh_state) @klass.any_instance.stubs(:load_interface_attributes) end should "refresh state then load interface attribtues" do init_seq = sequence("init_seq") @interface.expects(:refresh_state).in_sequence(init_seq) @klass.any_instance.expects(:load_interface_attributes).with(@interface).once.in_sequence(init_seq) end should "not be dirty" do @instance = assert !@instance.changed? end should "be existing record" do @instance = assert !@instance.new_record? end end context "with an instance" do setup do @klass.any_instance.stubs(:initialize_attributes) @instance = end context "filename" do setup do @location = "/foo/bar/baz.rb" @instance.stubs(:location).returns(@location) end should "return the basename of the location" do assert_equal File.basename(@location), @instance.filename end end context "destroy storage" do should "delete the storage then wait for it to complete" do progress = mock("progress") @imedium.expects(:delete_storage).once.returns(progress) progress.expects(:wait_for_completion).with(-1).once @instance.destroy_storage end end context "destroying" do should "just close the medium if first argument is not specified" do @instance.expects(:destroy_storage).never @imedium.expects(:close).once @instance.destroy end should "destroy the storage if first argument is true" do @instance.expects(:destroy_storage).once @instance.destroy(true) end end end end